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Ra’a’zani space – Fifty years later

Tig’r’an, Elder of the clan Ooruvan leaned against a broken wall on the ground. His limbs were shattered, his gut pierced. He knew that he would soon die. He wondered how it came to this. How did the Ra’a’zani fall this low. They had waged a losing war against an unknown race for fifty years. Tig’r’an cursed the name of the clan that found them and tried to enslave them. The devils had destroyed that clan first, and then started attacking the rest of the Ra’a’zani territory. At first the war seemed to be at a stalemate. The Ra’a’zani and the enemy ships matched closely in technology. And then the war changed. The cursed enemy wasn’t fighting with their full strength up until then. Their true warships arrived, and shattered the Ra’a’zani fleets. Laying waste to Ra’a’zani worlds. And now there were only a few clans left. And Tig’r’an would die here, on a world far away from his own clan. He was visiting for a war summit, trying to convince the other clans that uniting was their only chance at survival. But the demons attacked.

Tig’r’an heard someone coming, so he used as much strength as he could to raise his head and look. He saw a tall bipedal alien, almost as tall as a Ra’a’zani. It wore a strange pure black smooth armor. No Ra’a’zani had ever seen what their enemy truly looked like and lived to tell the tale. The alien pointed its hand at Tig’r’an, and then as if it was made out of liquid the armor on its hand moved and formed into a weapon. Tig’r’an made an effort and opened his mouth, “Let me see what you look like.” Tig’r’an rasped out. The alien hesitated, then the weapon melted back into the hand. It stepped closer, and the armor on its face started moving back revealing a an obsidian colored face, with black eyes that had several pure white pupils that shifted constantly.

Tig’r’an looked at the alien and his eyes widened in disbelief, “You…” He coughed up blood, and gazed at the alien, “Impossible… You are human…” Tig’r’an said, and spit out more blood. The alien angled its head at Tig’r’an and then its melodic female voice responded in perfect Ra’a’zani.

“I know not of whom you speak. We are the Shara Daim.” The human looking alien raised her empty hand and closed it in a fist, an invisible force crushed Tig’r’an’s skull. Then the alien turned around, her armor reforming around her bald head. She walked over to one of her subordinates.

“Report.” She said over their armors link.

“The planet is ours, Dai Sha.” Do Sun reported.

“Good, anything else?”

“We have found a lot of slaves. They are some kind of amphibian race, Dai Sha. They are thanking us for rescuing them.”

“They are insignificant. Kill them.” Dai Sha said.

“As you wish Dai Sha.” Do Sun said, bowing, “Blood and death.” He added.

“Blood and death.” Dai Sha responded.

*** END ***

Book 4 of the “Rise of the Empire” series coming Fall 2015

Contact the author: ivankalrote@gmail.com

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Copyright © 2014 by Ivan Kal

All rights reserved.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.