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"The spooks think the North Koreans are shipping missile technology to Iran." This from Shah.

Tanner nodded. "The North Koreans have tried smuggling missiles through the Panama Canal before, but they got caught. They need the cash, and the Iranians have that in spades. Those two have been trading partners with each other for years, even with the UN embargoes against each of them."

"But something has both the North Koreans and the Iranians in a panic," Danielle interjected. "NSA intercepts between the two countries have been intense in the last twelve hours."

"More than missiles then," Dante said.

"That's the best thinking at the moment," Tanner agreed. "It's possible that the cargo is nuclear material."

"Shit," Stephen breathed.

"Yeah," Tanner said. "That's why we're going in low, and under the radar. Our objective is to locate the ship, board it, and determine the cargo container's contents. If it is in fact weaponized nuclear material, we call in the Navy."

"So where are we going?" Naomi asked.

"Capetown first, where SeaStar Ventures has their headquarters and main warehouses. Myself, Nay and Dante will be going to the shipping offices to talk to the President and CEO, Horst Aswegen. Danielle, please post Aswegen's picture on the screen."

The picture of the ship was replaced the in image of a blond-hair Afrikaner with a craggy face and pale gray eyes.

"Intel has Aswegen pegged as a major conduit of illegal cargo to Iran, so he has to know what's onboard the Northstar. But he's slick and has avoided all attempts to pin anything on him."

"Won’t this be splashed all over the news?" Dante wanted to know.

Tanner shook his head. "SeaStar is playing this close — only a dozen people inside the company know about the hijacking, and maybe another dozen or so outside of the company, all in the Iranian, North Korean, and U.S. intel communities."

"So what are Danielle, Stephen and I going to do?" Liam asked.

"You three are going to go down to SeaStar's main warehouse, access their computer systems and download the company's shipping records. There are over a thousand containers on the Northstar, and we need to narrow down that list before we board the ship."

"Why not do it remotely?" Naomi asked.

"Internal network only," Danielle replied. "Basically a local network not connected to the web. It can only be accessed it from the SeaStar offices or warehouse."

"Aswegen hasn't stayed out of prison by being complacent," Tanner said. "I doubt there's more than a half-dozen people inside the company involved with the smuggling."

He glanced at his watch. "Time to go to work. Danielle, see if you can scrounge up some floor plans for both the SeaStar offices and warehouse. We'll be in Capetown in ten hours.”


Somali Coast

The sun was just cresting the horizon when Riyad walked onto the Northstar Venture's bridge. Narsai was there, directing Musa as he guided the ship into position. Less than a kilometer away, the brown and gray dusty land of Somalia rose out of the blue-green ocean. Within the shades of brown and gray, a few green hues were scattered across the view, speckled with color from the buildings near the beach. To Riyad, it looked like a foreboding place.

Narsai turned and snapped to attention, while Musa spun and snapped a quick salute before returning to his task of bringing the Northstar as close to the beach as he could.

Riyad returned the salutes, then stood and watched the new captain finish directing the anchoring of the Northstar. As soon as Faisal, who was manning the anchor, radioed that it was secured, Musa shut the engines down, leaving the ship floating three-quarters of a kilometer off the coast.

"Excellent work," Riyad said.

"Thank you sir," Narsai replied. He looked tired, his face drawn.

"You and your team should get some sleep. Captain Kashgari can supervise the transfer of the missiles from the Saad el Melik to this ship."

"I'm fine sir.”

"None of you have slept in thirty hours," Riyad said gently. "I need you and your team to get some rest."

Narsai nodded. "All right, we'll do so, sir."

The port-side door on the bridge opened and General Yabaal stormed in. He was tall for a Somali, and unlike most of his men, he wasn't thin. He was also dressed better than his men, though not to the level of Riyad's own troops. The general's head was shaved, and combined with a break of a nose, reminded Riyad of an overweight vulture. Behind him, two of his men followed, both armed with AK-47s, and both looking at the ICA commander like dogs sizing up a potential meal.

"Colonel!" Yabaal said in accented Arabic. "When can we inspect the cargo?"

"When we are finished," Riyad replied in as respectful a tone he could muster, given the words. "If everything goes well, the cargo, with the exception of those listed containers, will be yours to inspect in a few hours."

Yabaal's face scrunched up as if he smelled something rancid. "How do we know you're not taking the best for you and your men before we have a look?"

"I am only interested in the contents of a few containers," Riyad said steadily. "The rest hold nothing of value to me or my men, and will be all yours."

The two stared at each other for a few seconds, but Yabaal was the first to break the confrontation, by shifting his glare to Narsai. "All right," he said in a menacing tone. "But do not take me for a fool. I will know if you try and cheat me and my men, and you will pay!"

"I have no reason to cheat you," Riyad said with a smile. "The most valuable stuff is in the center hold, while the containers I'm interested are above deck. Once we are done, you will see that I am right."

Yabaal's face contorted in thought, then broke out into a big grin. "I believe you!" he said in a booming voice. He held up two meaty hands in a giving gesture. "We are allies, are we not? If we can't trust each other, who else can we?"

Riyad smiled, showing even white teeth. "I assure you my friend, you and your men will find everything you are looking for once we are done."

"Of course. You will keep me informed?"

"I assure you that we will."

"Good. I am going ashore to inspect my men."

"I have to go ashore too," Riyad said. "I am needed elsewhere for a couple of days. Captain Narsai will let you know when our part of the operation is done."

"Of course!" Yabaal said agreeably. "Any idea on how long that will be?"

"If everything goes right, this evening," Narsai said.

The Somali warlord's grin widened even more, showing khat-stained teeth. "That is more excellent news! I must tell my followers at once!"

"If I may have a few moments with my man," Riyad said, "I will join you on your trip to Eyl."

"I will be waiting!" Yabaal said. He turned and left the bridge, closing the door behind him.

Narsai went over to the window and watched the general and his men descend the stair case to the deck. "The man's a muti," he snarled.

"True, but he makes an excellent shield to hide behind while we work in the shadows. Besides, we still need what we don't have — manpower."

"I do not trust him."

"He can be controlled, as long as you give him scraps and tell him it's the finest steak."

"Do you think the Iranians will try to assault the ship?"