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“Holy crap. What’d I miss?” Amy asked. She, Joy and Melissa stood stock-still just inside the dining room, glued to the byplay outside the front door.

“Just like I was telling you,” Miles said to them, disdain clear in his frosty tone. “Grady Chastell is as lowborn as they come.” He raised his voice to amend, “No offense Burke.”

“None taken,” Burke yelled back before lowering his voice. “Stubborn bastard, quit swinging.”

Gabby could hear the muffled swearing and grunting outside. A pinprick of guilt pierced her heart before she recalled how sweet Grady had been to her that night she’d tried to protect him from Joy and Dean. How she’d given him her sympathy…and an orgasm. The sexy liar.

She hardened her resolve to teach the tomcat a lesson and swung her gaze to another guilty party. Joy. “I’m sorry you had to see that,” she said gently, then blinked, wide-eyed, feigning innocence. “I mean, I’m sorry all of you had to see that. Grady’s usually very nice.”

Miles played his part to a T. “Why’d you direct that at Joy?”

When she didn’t answer, he turned her cheek to face him. “Gabby, what’s going on?”

Aware of her fascinated audience, she lowered her gaze. “I’m sorry. It’s not my place to say anything… But true love should never be denied. Miles, Dean is in love with Joy. You should know you can’t keep them apart.”

What?” He swung accusing eyes to his sister, who looked like she’d rather be anywhere else. “Joy? You and Dean—Chastell—intend to mate?”

“What the fuck? Dean?” Burke’s voice could be heard from three counties away.

Rachel and Stacey entered from the back door and froze at the sight of Miles and Gabby, nearly arm in arm.

“What’s going on? What’s all the yelling about?” Rachel asked, then added, “What did Dean do now?”

Gabby sighed. “You should know, Rachel. It’s not a secret any longer, though they shouldn’t have had to hide their feelings for so long. Joy and Dean plan to mate. They’re in love.” Gabby knew she’d nailed it when Joy stammered and turned red, trying to answer.

Dean raced into the house with Burke hard on his heels. “Wait, it’s not like that…” He faltered when he saw Gabby sitting with Miles so close. “What the hell is going on?”

“That’s what I’d like to know. Joy Bermin?” Burke shook his head. “Nothing against you, Joy. But I always thought you and the boys were close, like kin. Brother and sister.” He looked baffled. “You’re in love? With Dean?” He took a whiff of his brother.

Her only weak spot in their charade. Joy and Dean didn’t smell mated.

Not like I do.

Joy was flustered, no two ways about it. The fox in Gabby snickered with delight when Joy obviously wanted to deny it but couldn’t in front of Gabby. “Ah, yes. Totally, utterly in love.”

Dean couldn’t take his gaze from Miles’s arm around her shoulder.

Burke frowned. “That true, Dean?”

“Huh? What? Uh-huh.” He blinked up at Burke then let his gaze meet the other astonished faces in the house. “Shit. Yeah. True love. All the way.” He turned back to Gabby, his expression suddenly inscrutable. “You know what they say. Love conquers all.”

She nodded at him. “I’m so glad you came out with the truth, Dean.”

His gaze narrowed. Maybe she shouldn’t have emphasized truth so hard.

Rachel intervened, thankfully. “But if Dean and Joy are an item, why is Grady freaking out outside?”

Gabby sighed and wondered if she’d made a mistake not majoring in theater. “Grady loved Joy before Dean stole her away from him. But Dean’s in love. It’s not his fault.” She drummed up a tear, encouraged when Miles squeezed her shoulder.

“Dear God. This sounds like something the raptors deal with on a daily basis. All the drama. It’s like a soap opera gone bad.” Burke squeezed the bridge of his nose.

“Very bad.” Miles took charge of the situation, bless him. “I don’t know why Joy thought she had to hide her affairs from me, but if she’s in love, I’m happy for her.” He gave her a loving smile, and Gabby thrilled at seeing the conniving cat flinch at such affection. “I’m no fan of Dean’s, as you well know, but I love you, Joy. I wish you all the happiness you deserve.”

Gabby choked on hysterical laughter and coughed to cover her mirth.

Miles continued. “Well, if the drama is over and the psycho cat outside taken care of, Gabby and I have plans.”

“Like friggin’ Peyton Place,” Rachel muttered, looking around the room in confusion.

“We’re going to a movie. Don’t worry, Ty,” he interrupted just as her overprotective brother-in-law opened his big mouth. “I’ll be with her all night. Don’t wait up.” No one could mistake his grin as anything but carnal.

Julia chose that moment to enter through the front door. “Why is Monty holding Grady in a headlock out there? Because they don’t look like they’re playing.”

And end scene. Gabby stood with Miles and linked hands with him. “I have a date, sis. Don’t wait up.” Then with a gleeful twist of the proverbial knife, she walked with him past a stunned Monty and Grady to his BMW X5 and drove off into the sunset.

“What the hell did you do?” Burke yelled when Grady stepped through the front door.

Grady had cooled down enough that he’d convinced Monty to release him. He had to hand it to the gray wolf—Monty could hold his own when he had to. The whole loss of control he attributed to his cat. Seeing his mate in another male’s arms had driven him insane with jealousy. Perhaps if he’d been able to cement their bond, he might have been able to handle it better. But one, seeing a potential rival touching her, and two, having that rival be Miles…he’d lost his mind. Totally understandable.

Burke slapped him on the back of the head.

“Ow.” Understandable to everyone but his pride leader.

“What the fuck—excuse me ladies. What the hell is going on?”

Dean, Joy and Grady traded glances. Where to begin?

To everyone’s surprise, Stacey Bermin condescended to step into the thick of things. “Hillbilly,” she said to Dean, “why don’t you tell everyone just what you’re up to?” Her smile showed a lot of pretty white teeth. “There’s no one here to play for anymore. Just spill.” She studied her nails as if she couldn’t have cared less.

Yep. Pretty but cold. Not like his mate… Grady rumbled in the back of his throat, a scream of rage building once more, unable to keep thoughts of gutting Miles from intruding. He took a step back toward the door and found his way blocked by Monty and Ty.

“No going, Grady,” Ty said in his sheriff’s voice. The one he used when you really didn’t want to cross him.


“Dean?” Stacey asked in a soft voice. “Now would be a good time to confess to being a man-whore.”

Rachel choked. Julia laughed out loud. The Bermins gasped while Ty and Monty shook their heads, apparently not surprised.

Burke groaned. “It always comes back to you, Dean.”

“It’s not my fault. It’s not.” He sounded less sure of himself. “Well it’s Joy’s too.”

“Oh good. Throw me under the bus, why don’t you?”

Stacey smiled, a secretive grin that threw Dean into a lather.

“What the princess meant about me being a man-whore…” he paused to scowl at her “…is that Joy and I only pretended to be a couple to get Grady into Gabby’s good graces.”

Silence filled the house.

“I so need a drink.” Burke wore the same look he’d worn throughout Grady’s high school years.