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‘Spa Resort Nazarick’ was a wonderful place located on the 9th Floor of Nazarick. It had a total of nine types of baths and seventeen baths for the two genders. The most famous bath was the Cherenkov bath with its blue rays that were so bright it hurt the eyes, a bath that exerted an air of elegance. Ainz, who arrived at the bath with Cocytus opened his eyes wide because he met an unexpected person.


Hearts seemed to pop out at the end of her words as Albedo shrieked. No, not just her, Shalltear and a tired Aura was there too. Demiurge and Mare weren’t here, were they already waiting inside the changing room?

“Al-Albedo, why are you here?”

“Hmmm? I am here to bathe with everyone… Ainz-sama too?”

“Ah, yes... That’s right, what a coincidence, Albedo.”

“Really, what a coincidence! …I heard that it is better to exercise and sweat a little before entering the bath. How about Ainz-sama and I exercise and sweat together?”

Ainz felt a sudden chill.

“Well, table tennis sounds fine…”

“That’s not what I meant. I was talking about something naughty.”

With the agile movements expected of a level 100 warrior —too quick for Ainz to dodge— Albedo closed the gap with Ainz and tried to write something on his robes. However, her finger poked through the gaps of Ainz’ ribs.



Both of them spoke at the same time.

What a laughable sight, Ainz smiled wryly as he pulled his face away slightly in order to speak with Albedo.

“My finger pierced Ainz-sama’s important place…”

Albedo’s entire face blushed red, her eyes were wet and there was a fragrance about her. It was similar to what Ainz smelled on his bed.

“— Hey, I already asked this before, but isn’t this girl really weird?”

Aura asked her question while holding Shalltear back, while Ainz was stunned.

“…My sincere apologies, Ainz-sama. I couldn’t help myself. Eh, please think of this as the result of accumulating too much stress from working for Nazarick. Please.”

“That, that can’t be helped. Yes. Albedo, I am grateful for the hard work you put in everyday.”

Ainz who wanted to walk away in brisk steps was stopped by a hand grabbing his robes. There was no need to wonder who this hand belonged to.

“Albedo, what is the matter? Why are you so reluctant to let me leave?”

“When I hear these words… It ignites a fire in my heart. My abdomen is also squirming. That’s why— Ainz-sama...”

“Hey, wait, calm down Albedo! Co-Cocytus!”

“Leave. It. To. Me!”

The cold air that filled the room instantly lowered the room temperature in no time, making Albedo, who was going berserk, regain her wits.

“I. Will. Not. Forgive. Your. Rudeness. Towards. Ainz-sama. Even. If. You. Are. The. Overseer. Of. The. Guardians.”

Cocytus who put himself between Ainz and Albedo held a silvery white spear in his hand, it was obvious that he would attack if the situation warranted it.

“—Pardon my impudence, Ainz-sama. I lost myself back then.”

“I accept your apology, Albedo.”

Obeying his master’s will, Cocytus stepped aside, but held on to his spear.

“I know you are very stressed from your work, losing control is probably the way you relieve your frustration. Anyway, go take a bath and relieve your stress. Cocytus, good work.”

After Ainz finished, he parted the curtains of the men’s bath, but stopped because of the footsteps following behind him.

“…Why are you following me, Albedo? Just to be clear, this is the men’s bath, not the women’s bath.”

“I want to wash your back for you.”

“…Rejected. Furthermore, I am not alone and will be entering the bath with the other male Guardians. Are you fine with them seeing your naked body?”

She might say it is fine since she is a succubus, Ainz thought, but Albedo replied immediately.

“Well then, there are family baths in another place—”

“Family baths are not meant for that kind of thing!”

“But, Ainz-sama. I think it is too sly to only shower the men with your affection.”

“That’s right”, Shalltear whose mouth was being covered by Aura chipped in. The idea of going in together made Aura’s eyes sparkle, she preferred group activities. Cocytus seemed a bit troubled.

Bathing together is showing affection? …The previous incident too, isn’t Albedo a bit odd? Is she acting strange because of that incident?

“Albedo, let me say this first. I prefer women to men, and I am a pure heterosexual.” Ainz silenced Albedo who wanted to say something in return. “Maybe in the future, a relationship like that might develop. However, while the situation about this world isn’t clear, having such a relationship with one of you will be detrimental to the future of the organization.”

Uuuuu, Albedo furrowed her brows.

“And all of you are like the daughters of my friends— the relationship is too complicated.”

“I was wondering what was happening at the entrance, so it was you people giving trouble to Ainz-sama.”

“O-Onee-san… is dead.”

“I’m not dead”, the girl retorted weakly.

“I was waiting for the two of you.”

“Sorry for being late. However… Overseer-san, isn’t it about time for you to learn how to control your emotions?”

Demiurge’s narrow eyes widened slightly, showing his hostility openly. It was frightening when someone who was gentle became angry. True to these words, the atmosphere became tense. Influenced by the tension, Cocytus took a stance against Albedo too. Albedo was smiling as usual. No, her smile was deeper than usual.

“— Fools!”

Ainz roared angrily.

“Do not quarrel in front of me! Imbeciles!”

All the Guardians went down on one knee and trembled.

“We are very sorry, Ainz-sama!”