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The purpose of punishment is twofold. Firstly it is to ensure, as far as possible, that the occurrence giving rise to the need for the punishment is unlikely to be repeated in the future. And secondly it is to provide pleasure for the Mistress who wishes to make her slave suffer for her amusement.

Most male submissives who are slaves of any sort like the idea of bondage.

It is a turn on for them. Bondage as punishment however is quite different. It is designed to be unpleasant and painful; something the slave will not want repeated or will look forward to. The most effective form is an uncomfortable position of restraint coupled with the application of pain.

A favourite position of mine is to have the slave with arms bound behind his back bending forward with the arms tied to a hook in the ceiling. This effectively keeps him in the bent forward position. The addition of a leg spreader renders all parts vulnerable to whip or cane if I feel so inclined. But the position imposed for an hour is a considerable trial in itself for the slave.

Another position which can be used for extended periods is to have the slave on his back with his arms tied behind his back and his ankles tied together but not too tightly. Then a thin piece of rope is tied around his cock and balls or just around the scrotum. The ankles are then pulled towards his balls and secured to them with this rope. This is a position of choices. The slave can force his ankles up to ease the pain on his balls but this puts strain on the leg muscles and they eventually tire. The position is more uncomfortable for the slave if he is rolled onto his belly.

The idea of stringing the slave up by his wrists is an attractive one but is only practical if special wrist cuffs are obtained which will take the slave's weight without affecting circulation to the hands. These are available though they are very expensive. In my opinion a slave standing on the floor on tip toes with a leg spreader and his wrists tied or chained to hooks in the ceiling is just as vulnerable and attractive as one swinging from his wrists. This is another position of choices.

A pleasing variation of this position is to have him, arms bound behind his back, leg spreader between the ankles and nipple clamps with chains to ceiling hooks. The chains should be tightened so he is forced up on his toes.

This is yet another position of choices. Sooner or later his feet will tire and his nipples then become stretched even more. Not a position for any length of time this one as circulation to the nipples is very restricted.

One final position which is uncomfortable for the slave is to place him on his knees with his arms bound behind his back, ankles bound together and wearing head harness and gag. The head harness is then chained to his ankles, forcing the head back. The addition of a pole between his arms and his back has the effect of forcing the shoulders back and the chest forward; useful if you think he deserves to feel the whip on his nipples. Not as painful as the other positions I have described it will keep the slave subdued if you do not require his services for some while.

Bondage without strings

With a well trained slave there is no actual need to restrain him with ropes or chains. The Mistress simply orders the slave to adopt a certain position and maintain it until she releases him. This kind of mental bondage is much harder for the slave as there are no ropes etc to maintain the position. Instead the slave must use his own muscles and if the position is uncomfortable even the best trained slave will crumble in the end.

One might start by having him kneel with his knees widely spread, his chest out and belly in, arms locked tightly behind his back and head back so he stares at the ceiling. This is similar to the basic kneeling position but often not properly adopted. An hour in this position will teach the slave to adopt it correctly every time.

Slightly more uncomfortable is to order him to his belly and then to grasp his ankles in the classic hogtie position.

Another position, one which is much more uncomfortable is to have him kneeling as before but with his hands grasping his ankles and his hips thrust forwards and upwards. Even after 15 years my slave cannot hold this position for more then 20 minutes but it is fun watching him try.

Standing to attention with arms stretched out to the side or front soon gets quite tiring for the slave.

The imaginative Mistress will I am sure be able to devise a multitude of positions for the slave to adopt and maintain and the beauty of this mental bondage is that it requires no effort on the part of the Mistress and the slave can be ordered to provide any service she likes before resuming the position.

Speech denial is an effective form of bondage and the gag is a very much under used item of control. If one does not wish to converse with one's slave there is no reason why he cannot serve with a ball or phallus in his mouth unless of course one wishes to make use of his tongue!



Apart from the provision of pure sexual pleasure the slave should be trained to ease the aches, strains and pressures of everyday life for his Mistress through varied techniques of body worship.

Examples include:

• Foot massage

• Back and neck massage

• Massaging the breasts

• Licking the feet and toes

• Licking the buttocks

• Licking and sucking the breasts

• Licking between the thighs

The slave should be trained to provide any of these services in exactly the way the Mistress desires. That way she need only issue the one word order, 'feet' say for the slave to assume an appropriate position and proceed as trained. The Mistress of a well trained slave can then enjoy the act of servitude without constantly having to give directions. Again detailed training at the start brings rewards later on.

There is no point in attempting to describe how these services should be performed as it will vary from one Mistress to another. But as a general point the slave should learn that he must show the utmost respect for his Mistress's body and treat it reverently. He must become skilled in the use of his hands, his lips and his tongue.

My slave

One of my favourite acts of servitude, prior to the slave pleasuring me is to make him firstly worship one of my feet, licking it from heel to toes, sucking the toes and then licking the inside of my legs gradually moving up to the top of my thigh. At this point he will worship my tush, licking all the way from the perineum deep between my thighs to the top of my pubic hair before slowly working his way down my other thigh to finish at the toes.

Arriving at the toes of the second foot he then repeats the process in reverse until ordered to stop.



Behaviour of the slave in public is every bit as important as his behaviour in the privacy of the home and it must be part of his training to be taught that, whilst certain aspects of his servility may be temporarily suspended, he is still a slave and it is his duty to attend to and please his Mistress. He can still be punished (later) and he can still collect demerit points.

The slave should always use the proper form of address even in public provided such use would not compromise the situation or cause embarrassment. He must open and close all doors for the Mistress and carry all baggage, shopping etc.

It must be the Mistress' responsibility to inform the slave if she wishes him to make eye contact in public. He must be made to realise that he is still under total control. The slave should always walk behind his Mistress unless given specific orders to the contrary.