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For an unmarried Mistress there are degrees of humiliation that can be inflicted. At one level a Mistress may chain her slave in the home and then go out to socialise as a single woman. She may recount stories of the men she has met. At the other end of the scale she may invite other men to her house, entertain and have sex with them whilst in full view of the chained slave or even have the slave serve them both whilst they male love. What could be more humiliating than that? Very little I would proffer to suggest.

Even so this is serious humiliation and any Mistress would be well advised to consider it very carefully.

Public humiliation

Making the slave serve his Mistress in the presence of others who are aware of the Mistress/slave relationship is not in the least humiliating for the slave.

It is very little different from serving in private. It would be very humiliating if the 'public' were not aware of the relationship and also embarrassing, not least for the public. Therefore humiliation in public must be subtle where only the Mistress and the slave are aware of what is going on. A favourite technique of mine is to make the slave do all the walking and carrying when we are shopping at the supermarket. I sit with the trolley near the entrance and the slave is sent off round the shop to collect one item from my shopping list at a time. It takes a bit longer this way but the slave is left in no doubt that he is the work horse. Only a very observant stranger would notice what was going on and even then would probably not guess the reason why.

Cross dressing

The only kind of cross dressing which is humiliating is forced feminisation.

The dominant woman forces her slave to dress as a woman against his will.

Thus some Mistresses will have their slave serve them in stocking and a maid's outfit.

Personally I would never permit a slave of mine to put on any item of female attire. Females are superior and male slaves totally unworthy of wearing their clothes. So the nearest my slave gets to my underwear is when he hand washes it and puts it away and when he collects it from the bedroom floor where it is dropped, picks it up with his teeth and crawls with it to the linen basket.

When it comes to humiliation each Mistress must find what works for her. It is a combination of what turns her on and what the slave really does not like.



Most Mistresses will from time to time wish to torture their slaves. It is then that their sadistic nature comes to the fore. Torture, unlike punishment, is inflicting pain and suffering for pleasure and I have yet to meet a lifestyle Mistress who would deny getting pleasure from this activity.

There are basically two methods of inflicting torture; active and passive. The first way involves continued action on the part of the Mistress such as an extended whipping. A thorough whipping can take up to an hour as she applies various instruments of pain to different parts of the slave's body.

In the second method the Mistress sets up a situation which will apply the torture with very little further effort on her part. Such examples include, electro torture, use of astringents, nettles, itching power etc.

Much has been written about safe and 'no go' areas of a slave's body when it comes to whipping but provided common sense and a few simple rules are observed it is possible to produce a slave well striped from head to toe safely.

It is a common misconception to think that heavy whips must be used to mark the skin. It is invariably the case that a light multi-stranded whip will mark the slave just as well as a heavier whip in places where there is less fleshy protection whilst producing intense stinging pain and this kind of implement can be used for much longer than a heavier one as no damage is being caused. One of my favourite whips consists of many strand of thin rigid plastic. I can be very accurate with this and it marks beautifully. It is safe to use on all parts of the slave's body as it has very little weight.

Basic Rules

1. Heavy solid implements should only be used on buttocks and fleshy areas of the thighs above the knees.

2. The lower back between rib cage and buttocks is an absolute 'no go' area.

There are vital organs here and no protection.

3. The remainder of the slave's back, shoulders and arms are suitable targets but if a knotted whip is used it is best to avoid the spine.

4. No blows on the neck or face.

5. All areas of the slave's front are safe for whipping but care should be exercised when applying the whip on the belly between the waist and genitals. Again the light whip will mark very well, produce intense stinging pain and no damage.

For an extended whipping it is best to secure the slave firmly with ropes or chains. My favourite position is spread-eagled with leg spreader and wrists tied to hooks in the ceiling and the slave on his toes. There are then no parts of the body which are inaccessible.

The torment of the slave undergoing a whipping can be increased by blindfolding or hooding him as he cannot tell when or where the next blow will land.

The genital area can safely be included in a full body whipping provided a suitable instrument is used. The best is a short multi-stranded whip (10 to 15 cm) made from thin leather shoelace or similar. The lighter the better as it will cause no damage but the pain is intense. For a complete body whipping I remove the slave's chastity device and secure his PA ring to his waist chain. This exposes the underside of his cock and his balls for treatment with the tiny whip.

A full whipping can take an hour or more. There is no need to rush and the Mistress can take breaks in the proceedings should she feel the need for refreshment. After all - the slave is not going anywhere! When the Mistress is satisfied with her handiwork or she judges the slave has had enough it is best not to release him straight away unless, of course she wants an immediate service from him. A period of reflection for the slave whilst he is still restrained after a whipping is good for his psychological conditioning. I usually make my slave hang for up to 30 minutes after an extended whipping whilst I relax with a drink on my bed.

The slave should have been trained so that when he is released he drops immediately to his belly, crawls to his Mistress's feet and kisses them.

If the Mistress wishes to give her slave a thorough caning as apposed to a quick instant punishment it is a good idea to warm him up first with a paddle say or relatively light instrument before using the heavier stuff. The slave can be on his belly, bent over the edge of a table or bed, or bent double with his wrists attached to his ankles. A caning of tightly stretched buttocks is considerably more painful then on more relaxed ones so the really sadistic Mistress will have her slave bent double for this torture.

As the slave's pain threshold increases with 'warming' heavier implements can be used but the Mistress should be aware that these will cause deep seated bruising so their use should be restricted to the fleshy well padded areas of buttocks and thighs. The area where thighs and buttocks meet is particularly sensitive and will be painful for many days.

It is important to keep well away from the base of the slave's spine and to avoid wrapping around the hips where there is little protection and many nerves.

Accurate caning of a slave in this way requires practice and the novice Mistress would be advised to carry this out on a couple of pillows before tackling the real thing.

Passive Torture

If the Mistress wishes to torture her slave with the minimum of effort then one of the following techniques can be employed.