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My favourite position of bondage is to have the slave straddle a stool on which can be placed a variety of objects designed to make life very uncomfortable. The slave's hands are bound tightly behind his back and his head harness is tied to a hook in the ceiling. Thus he is unable to move off the stool.

Objects placed on the top of the stool include:

• Triangular wooden block with a narrow flat edge at the top

• Cylinder about 10 to 15 cm in diameter

• Oversized butt plug

With the triangle in place different items can be placed on the top edge.

My favourites are;

• Double strip of carpet gripper, side by side

• Stinging nettles

• Soft cushioned pad impregnated with itching powder

The top edge of the triangular block is just a little too high so that having both feet flat on the floor is just too painful. In this position his perineum cock and balls are exposed to whatever rests on the top of the block. So to ease the discomfort the slave has to raise himself up on his toes. Time is the big enemy, since eventually his muscles tire and he must adjust his position to relieve the stress. But that causes new stresses and pressures so there needs to be another shift and so on.

It creates a downward spiral where shifting position becomes more and frequent whilst his crotch is being assaulted by top of the block. When he gets to the point where he is shifting continuously he is properly 'riding the block'. It usually requires about 30 minutes torment to reach that point and during the build up time it is possible to have some very productive discussion with the slave regarding unsatisfactory elements of his servitude.

Once he is fully riding it is virtually impossible to have a coherent conversation since the slave's mind is pretty much occupied in easing his distress. The time I make him ride depends on the infraction being corrected but it is never less than one hour.

The use of carpet gripper, nettles, or itching powder is painful torture indeed.

But it is very satisfying watching him struggle, legs spread wide, up on his toes. Sooner or later his feet tire and he drops only to find increased torture of the sensitive flesh between his legs. An hour like this is really severe punishment and is reserved for the most serious infractions of my rules or when I am feeling particularly sadistic. But it does no permanent harm and a session makes the slave very penitent. The punishment is made even more severe for the slave if the CBs are removed as there is then no protection for his balls and cock. The great thing about these punishments is that they require very little effort from me. In fact the only effort it requires from me is to make it stop. I can read a book, watch TV, and if the slave is gagged I do not even need to listen to his please for mercy.

Another passive torture I set it up with the slave seated on the stool. His bound arms are chained to the ceiling hook and his scrotum to a heavy weight just resting on the floor. If no weight is available then a leg spreader with a chain from his balls to a central attachment point can be used to prevent him from rising. After about 15 minutes I take the stool away. The anguish in my slave's face is clear to see so I replace it five minutes later but with a couple of nettle leaves, itching powder or the drawing pins resting on the top. I then lie back on my bed to 'watch the show'.

The slave is faced with two choices:

• Raise himself up from the stool to ease the pain in his buttocks and put strain on his thighs and scrotum

• Lower himself to the stool, and let the nettles etc. torture his buttocks

I first set this up as a punishment because I was dissatisfied with the effort the slave was making when he pleasured me. As I spoke to him quietly explaining exactly what I required from him he became more and more distressed and when I let him down after 60 minutes there were tears streaming down his face. But he dropped to his belly and kissed my feet as I had trained him to do and the fervent desire to please me was like never before. I had the best tongue job ever and that aspect of his servitude improved from then on. He now knows exactly what will happen if I get less than maximum effort from his tongue.

This kind of passive torture has now become one of my favourite techniques.

It satisfies my sadistic side to watch the slave endure what is extreme discomfort. There is no effort needed on my part, no risk of damage to the slave and I can relax with a long cool drink. I can ring the changes by putting different items of discomfort on the stool and if he is blindfolded he will only discover what they are when his legs tire. A dental gag which forces the mouth wide open is very effective preventing the slave from making any recognisable sound. For the imaginative Mistress the possibilities are endless.

Once a slave is total trained a Mistress can restrain him and torture him without the use of ropes using just her power of control. A favourite ploy of mine is to order the slave to stand, legs apart with his hands on his head at the foot of my bed. I then place a small bunch of nettles or a little bag of itching powder just below his balls and order him to attention. Initially I had to tie the slave's ankles but now he knows better not to move. The longest I have had the slave stand like this is exactly one hour after which I allowed him to shower. But sometimes I prolong his torment by ordering him to pleasure me before allowing him relief. I may be kind, I may be cruel; it depends on my mood but whatever, the slave endures.

These are simple techniques requiring little effort from me but a very effective torture for the slave. The Imaginative and inventive Mistress will be able to think up all kinds of situations like this the key element being minimum effort for the Mistress, maximum suffering for the slave which is exactly as it should be.

Electro torture

A TENS unit or electro stimulator is an excellent device for torture. The slave can be tied or simply made to adopt a position and maintain it. Some units are programmable to provide different modes of stimulation which bring correspondingly different reactions from the slave.


One should never use electro stimulation above the waist unless the electrode is of the two wire type like a clamp which will only send current between any item of flesh trapped in it.

The most sensitive area for electro torture are the genitals and if the slave is wearing a wand this is the perfect place to connect one of the wires. The other can be connected to a ring on the shaft or one behind the cock and balls. The power can be increased gradually until the slave is obviously in distress. Then the Mistress can sit back and watch or merely engross herself in a good book.

There are available special electrodes for inserting into the penis which can be used in place of a wand. An alternative is to pass the current between two rings, one on the shaft and the other behind the balls but this is not as painful as my preferred method using the wand.

Another of my favourite techniques is to use a bi-polar butt plug. This has two connections for wires. The current from the stimulator will cause the plug to move in and out of the anus quite violently as the muscles contract in time with the signal.

A Mistress with a non consensual slave will have no concerns about her slave's submission to any of these techniques. They are severe but they are entirely harmless if carried out sensibly. They can be used as punishment in which case they put considerable pressure on the slave to improve his performance. Alternatively they can be used to satisfy the more sadistic pleasures of the Mistress for which she should not feel in the least way guiltridden. Watching the slave suffer under torture is an entirely natural desire for a dominant woman and what is the slave for if not to provide the Mistress with pleasure.