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Early on in his training I had him fasten two pieces of wood together in the form of a letter T. This is used to check the spread of his knees when he kneels. If the cross piece will not fit between his knees he gets 10 penalty points and 10 strokes of the cane. I used it frequently during his training but it is still around and he knows I may check at any time if I suspect any slackness in his posture. Slackness in posture leads to slackness elsewhere and it is a good idea to remind even a trained slave that every aspect of his servitude is constantly being monitored.

The third way to train a slave is to deny the slave the opportunity to speak.

Often a slave, of the consensual variety will offer excuses as to why his servitude was lacking. A thoroughly trained one will realize that the Mistress is not interested in excuses. None are acceptable. It is therefore beneficial to have the slave gagged for much of the time if you are training him. He gets used to the fact that you don't want to hear what he has to say. The non consensual slave will never argue, he knows better but the former kind might. Eventually he will realise that the Mistress's judgement of his performance is all that matters; and criticism of any kind from her will bring an instant apology from the slave.

The rubber hood is an effective gag and a slave can perform most services wearing one. Of course if the Mistress does not wish to make use of the slave's tongue there is no reason why he should not be gagged all the time.

Another key element in the humbling process is to teach the slave that he is simply an object, there to be used as and when the Mistress requires but between times he is ignored. He may spend much time in his room or prostrate on the floor but he is available at any time at the whim of his Mistress.

A further training technique is to summon the slave at any time, day or night, to carry out the simplest most menial task. If I want a drink in the middle of the night I summon the slave and he gets it for me. If I need a light adjusted and I have sent the slave to his room the same things applies. The slave learns that he is available at any time to attend to the smallest detail of his Mistress's comfort however trivial.

Mistresses have often said to me that being a full time Mistress is very hard to maintain all the time. My reply is that is does not have to be. It all depends on how you train the slave. The idea is to lay down a set of detailed rules for the slave to obey for all routine acts of servitude. Then the Mistress can lie back, relax and enjoy his servitude. It is a mistake to think that a Mistress has to be constantly thinking of interesting and amusing thinks to do to her slave. Of course this is a rewarding aspect of the relationship but it must never become a chore. The slave will know exactly what is required when given a specific order so for example if she requires a cup of tea she need only summon the slave to her presence and issue the command ’tea’.

The slave will then acknowledge the order, perform obeisance, leave the room, prepare the drink, re-enter the room, perform obeisance again, serve the tea and assume an at rest position exactly as she requires him to do without the Mistress having to think of or issue a further command.

Thorough training of the slave makes life very easy for the Mistress.

As well as having detailed instructions for every act of servitude the slave should be given a detailed daily timetable of duties. The Mistress can then relax and concentrate on other things whilst the slave ensures that the day runs smoothly.

There are two added bonuses. Firstly the more detailed the training the more chance the slave has of making a mistake and the more reasons the Mistress will have for punishing him. Not that a Mistress needs a reason for punishing a slave but I am assuming that any Mistress will enjoy punishing and inflicting pain on her slave. She would be a very strange Mistress if she did not. Secondly the slave will have less opportunity to think independently and therefore vary the level of servitude. Slaves do not think for themselves and will only give opinions if asked.

A friend of mine complained recently; ‘I do not know what the matter with my slave is. He said he wanted to by my slave but he doesn’t behave much like it.’ On questioning her further it transpired that she expected him to know exactly how she wanted to be served and had made little or no effort to train him. On top of this when he behaved in a way she disliked, far from admonishing him and punishing him she quietly assumed he did not really want to be a slave and let him get away with poor service. It is a serious mistake for the Mistress to believe that a male slave will behave as a slave should without detailed training backed up with persistent vigilance and punishment. A slave needs rules and the sure knowledge that his Mistress will punish him if he strays from them. I had the slave in question with me for a session and it turned out that his view of things was that his Mistress could not be bothered initially to train him and let him get away with all kinds of slack behaviour without correcting him. So naturally he accepted this as the norm. It also turned out that the slave was not expected to be naked at all times in the home, he regularly ate at his Mistress’ table and was even allowed to relax in the room with his Mistress, seated on the couch beside her.

I must confess I was not the least surprised at the slave’s poor standard of servitude. This was a recipe for disaster. It is absolutely vital to maintain the Mistress/slave differential at all times.

After two hours with the slave he went home with his horizons considerably extended and a very long letter to his Mistress. Additionally he sported a very sore ass. I actually assessed him as having very good slave potential.

What I want from a slave is, instant obedience, humility, reverence, respect, adoration, and evidence of his acceptance of his obligation to serve based on a degree of anxiety or fear of punishment. Anything less than this is unacceptable.

This sort of training and humbling is serious slavery but I am assuming that this is what the reader is desirous of achieving. If not she probably would have put the book down by now.

A Mistress should never tell a slave that he may do as he wishes. If she does not require the services of her slave for a while she should put him to the floor, send him to his room, chain him up somewhere or lock him in his cage (yes I do have one). The slave must learn that, if he is sent to his room he may not do anything at all unless he has begged permission. He may be permitted to read, listen to music etc but not until he has the permission of his Mistress. This way he quickly learns that he is under her control, totally and continuously even if he is not in his Mistress' presence.

It is important to understand the psyche of the male slave if one is to successfully train one to serve you properly. If the slave is late in performing an act of servitude, (serving morning tea say) and the Mistress lets it pass the slave will think that he can get away with being late. He will think that it is not important to be on time. If the Mistress lays down the law and states that the tea will be served at exactly 8 am and that he will get one stroke of the cane for every second he is late then he is unlikely to be late more than once.

If he kneels incorrectly and the Mistress fails to correct him he will always kneel incorrectly.

Another friend of mine spoke recently of her slave complaining that she had caught him one evening not wearing his chastity belt. She went out to work leaving the slave at home with work to do. On the day in question she returned early and discovered that her slave had released himself from the belt as he knew where she kept the key. It transpired that he frequently did this, always putting the belt on before his Mistress arrived home. Obviously she was furious but she complained to me that she thought the slave should have kept the belt on because he wanted to. I had to point out that a thoroughly trained and subjugated slave does many things that he does not want to do because he is a slave and he has to. Given the chance, any slave will do his best to avoid the things he does not like and permanent chastity, orgasm denial is one of these. She saw the point and now keeps all the keys in her purse.