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And he wasn’t certain he could suppress that need for long.

Marissa walked the woods behind Gage’s house. The farther she got, the more peaceful she felt. It was only yesterday that her life had changed. She had seen her old lover, taken a mate, and committed herself.

She had no intention of leaving. She knew her place was here with Gage. It was the Pack she still wasn’t so certain about. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t help but compare them to the one she grew up in. As happy as she wanted to be, there was something in her head telling her that it wouldn’t last.

Marissa walked farther into the woods until she reached the creek that ran through the middle of the property. She sat at the edge and stared into the water. It rippled and flowed past her as she let her eyes close and felt herself drift.

It was beautiful here. Even though she couldn’t shift and run like the others, she could still feel at peace. She could be happy here, with Gage, with her sister. She was so tired of being alone. For the first time in her life, she had more than just her sister. She had a future, a chance, and an opportunity to have a family. Did she really want to chance walking away from that?

A sound behind her had her opening her eyes and jumping to her feet. Marissa took in her surroundings, not seeing anything at first. When there was movement to her left, she turned and narrowed her eyes.

A man stepped out from between the trees and she tensed. He waved and Marissa recognised the guard from the first day. She’d seen him a couple of times since and he had always friendly.

“Steve,” she greeted after he walked to her.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” he said as he smiled at her.

“No. No it’s okay. I guess I was lost in my own world.”

“I could tell. You didn’t even hear us approach.”

“Us?” she asked, looking behind him.

“Us.” His voice was joined by several growls. Three wolves stalked towards her as Steve opened his arms as if in a welcome. “Meet my friends.”

Marissa backed as far as she could without falling into the creek. Steve and the wolves crept closer, and Marissa frantically tried to find a way out. The wolves snapped and growled at her.

“What’s going on, Steve?” Marissa asked.

“It’s nothing personal. I actually like you.”

“Well, I don’t think those wolves are the welcoming committee. Why are you doing this?” she demanded.

“Because I paid him.”

Marissa was so surprised when Brandon stepped from the trees Steve had come from she almost stumbled into the water.

Brandon laughed once she had righted herself. “Easy there, Marissa. Don’t want you falling in now.”

“Wh…what are you doing here?”

“Did you really think this was over? That you were done with me?” He took a step towards her. “I decide when we are finished.”

“You already did. If I recall, you decided and then I was run out of the Pack,” Marissa reminded him.

“Yes, well, I changed my mind. Who knew that you would turn out to be such a hottie? Or that you would fall in love with another Alpha?”

Realisation hit Marissa. “That’s what this is all about.” She glared at Brandon. “You don’t want me, you just don’t want anyone else to have me.”

Brandon looked amused. His lips turned up and his eyes were shining. “Well, aren’t you just a little conceited bitch?”

“Maybe, but I know I’m right.” She looked from him to the wolves. “So what’s your plan here?”

“It’s simple. You come with me quietly or I’ll have the wolves tear you apart. After they are done with you, I will send them to your mate, and then your sister, and anyone else I think you care for.”

“You wouldn’t…”

He smiled again and flashed his canines at her. “Oh, I would. I would.”

“All right. I’ll go with you.” Marissa could only hope that someone would see her and stop Brandon from taking her.

Marissa walked from the creek in the direction of the house, being careful not to get too close to Brandon. The wolves followed behind her.

Brandon let her pass between him and Steve. Marissa held her breath.

“Not that way.” He grabbed her arm and yanked her to him.


“Not that way.” Brandon started walking and pulled Marissa along with him.

She tried to dig her heels in, but her strength was no match to his. He easily dragged her as he walked in the opposite direction of the house. Away from Gage. No one would see them if they continued to head this way.

“Wait! What about my stuff?” Marissa tried to stall.

“Don’t worry, you won’t need anything,” he assured her.

“What are you going to do with me?” Marissa could feel the tears fall. She couldn’t go back with him. She had to trust Gage could protect himself, to watch over her sister. She just couldn’t go with Brandon.

“Whatever I want,” he said as he continued to take her farther away.

Desperate, Marissa did the only thing she could. She screamed as loud as she could. She didn’t stop even as Brandon turned, pulled back his fist, and punched her.

“I told you to be quiet,” he yelled as he struck her again, knocking her off her feet.

Marissa wasn’t going to be quiet. Screaming was the only way to let Gage know she was in trouble.

“Shut up!”

With a hit to the side of her head, Marissa felt her vision blur. She put her hands in front of her, trying to ward off the blows.

Brandon stopped hitting her but remained on top of her. “I should have known better. You never did listen.”

Marissa struggled, but didn’t have much fight left in her. “Get off of me.”

“I don’t think so.” He ran his hands over her body. “I should get to have a little fun with you before I feed you to the wolves.”

Marissa didn’t have the strength to stop him when his hand found its way under her shirt. Her stomach turned at the feel of his hands on her skin, but she wasn’t dead yet and she would fight him with her last breath.

“I think you’ll enjoy it too. Remember how good it was between us. How hot it was.”

Marissa shook her head. “No. It wasn’t that great. I’ve had better human lovers. And you don’t even come close to Gage.”

“You little bitch,” Brandon spat as he wrapped his hands around her neck. As he squeezed, Marissa tried to grab his arms.

“You need to get out of here.” Steve’s voice barely reached her from somewhere to her right. “Someone would have heard her scream. You have to leave before they come.”

“It’s too late for that.” Gage’s voice was the last thing Marissa heard before she passed out.

Gage had been standing on his back porch with Logan, drinking a beer and staring into the woods when he heard Marissa’s scream.

He didn’t remember jumping off the porch or running to her. He didn’t hear Logan behind him or Sam and the other guards change into wolf form.

He just ran to his mate.

He reached her and saw Brandon on top of her with his hands around her neck. She fought him like the true solider she was. Taunting him with words when her strength wasn’t enough. Hearing his guard Steve’s voice warn the other man barely registered.

Brandon’s head snapped up and their eyes met. The other man looked at him defiantly, but Gage could also see the fear. It wasn’t enough for him. He wanted the other man’s hands off his mate.

“Let her go, now!” he ordered in a low calm voice.

Brandon looked down one last time before removing his hands from Marissa’s neck. He stood and faced off with Gage.