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"Now take my cock in your mouth," he instructed hoarsely. "Take it in as far as you can. Suck on it."

Trish obeyed. She wasn't too wild about the idea, but she'd do anything to please Brock. She stuffed his swollen dick into her little mouth and managed to take in half its length. She started to suck on his cock, gently and shyly at first, then with growing speed and pressure and eagerness. She knew right away that she was going to enjoy cock-sucking.

"Yeah, baby, yeah," Brock panted. "Just keep doing that. It feels great."

Trish was pleased that he liked what she was doing, and she sucked even harder and faster. His cock-juice dribbled out onto her tongue, and he panted and moaned. Then all of a sudden Brock whined, jerked his hips, and shot her mouth full of hot tasty come. Trish hadn't been expecting the steamy blast, but she swallowed it eagerly, getting every last drop, till at last his cock went limp and slipped from her mouth.

"That was great, honey," Brock said, giving her a squeeze. "But now you better get dressed and hurry home before your mother gets there."

Trish looked at the wall clock and gasped – it was one-thirty, and she'd barely have time to get home before Pat finished work. She dressed and raced out of the office, her satisfied pussy still glowing and wet. She felt sure Brock had enjoyed their fucking as much as she had, and that made her feel proud and hopeful.

Sure, she was only eighteen, but that was no reason why Brock couldn't fall in love with her and marry her. She imagined the clothes, cars, jewels, and money she'd have as his wife. It would be fantastic. And best of all, her mother would never have to work again.

Trish giggled to herself as she walked home. "Wow, Mom," she whispered, "am I going to have a surprise for you!"


The next morning over breakfast Pat eyed her daughter and said, "Honey, you look tired. I hope you haven't been staying up and watching television for all hours while I'm gone."

Trish reddened and stammered, "Oh, no, Mom. I just didn't sleep very well last night, that's all. No biggie."

"I hope not," Pat said sternly. "This is the first time I've ever left you on your own, and I'm trusting you to be adult about it."

"Don't worry, Mom." Trish sighed, "you can count on me."

The pretty blonde teenager thought of Brock Spalding and all he could do for her and her mother. It was just a matter of time, she hoped, before he'd fall for her and make her his wife. Then she could tell Pat the truth about how she was spending her summer. Then everything would be all right.

At the same time Pat was thinking of Brock, too. She knew he was impressed with her beauty and her hard work, but did he love her? She wanted so much for that to happen, not just for her own sake but for Trish's. Brock's wealth would solve a world of problems for the two women. It was just a matter of time.

What neither woman realized was that Brock Spalding's intentions were far from serious. At that very moment he was lounging behind his desk, talking on the phone, and his words would have shocked Pat and Trish. The darkly handsome club owner had a wicked grin on his face as he spoke into the phone.

"Ted, old buddy," Brock was saying, "I'm glad to hear you'll be in town a few days. Of course we'll have to get together – and this time I've got a real treat for you. You ever made it with a mother and a daughter?"

Brock paused, listened, then said, "That's right, I'm not shitting you. And they're both knockouts. I'll set the whole thing up, and I'll be over to your hotel around nine. Right, see you then, Ted. So long."

As soon as Pat reported for work that evening she was summoned do Brock's office. He had a strange smile on his face, Pat thought, but she couldn't interpret it.

"You won't be working the bar tonight, honey," Brock told her. "I need you for a special party. Just put on your costume and wait for me in my car."

"Yes, Brock," Pat said obediently.

She wondered what he had in mind. She didn't like that strange look on his face, and she had a vague sense that there was trouble ahead. Yet she was committed now to doing whatever might please him. She put on her skimpy black costume, threw her coat over it, and went to wait in Brock's flashy little black sports car.

He joined her a few minutes later and headed out into the late evening traffic. He still had that strange smile. "Brock," Pat said nervously, "just what is this all about? What do you mean by a special party? I'd like to have some idea of what I'm supposed to do."

"It's no big deal," Brock said, keeping his eyes on the traffic. "I just want you to meet a friend of mine and keep us company for a couple hours. This guy is an old buddy and he helps me a lot with business deals, so I want you to be real nice to him."

Pat frowned and kept silent. She didn't like the sound of things at all, but she was afraid of angering Brock by saying so. Presently he parked at the most expensive hotel in the city and escorted Pat to the top floor where they entered a lavish suite of rooms. In the living room sat a red-haired man of about thirty. When he saw Brock he jumped up, grinning.

"Brock, you old son of a gun," the man said, pumping Brock's hand. "It's been a long time. How are you?"

"I can't complain," Brock grinned. "The club is a big success. And here's one of the reasons – isn't she gorgeous? Pat Adams, I'd like you to meet my old friend Ted Grace."

Nervously Pat shook hands with the red-haired man. He was tall, broad-shouldered, and quite attractive, but there was something sinister about him. She didn't like the blatant way he swept his eyes over her tall lovely figure. Brock whisked her coat off her shoulders, and when Ted saw her in just her daring little club costume, his blue eyes widened appreciatively.

"Very very nice," he said with a grin. "You sure know how to pick 'em, Brock."

"Honey," Brock said to Pat, "there's a bar over in the corner. Why don't you fix us all a drink?"

Pat obeyed, and the two men sat down. She supposed that she was just to be a decoration for the evening, something nice to look at, someone to make an occasional drink. She really didn't like being used that way, but if Brock wanted it, she'd do it. Apparently it was very important for him to impress Ted Grace. He wanted to show off his power by having a lovely woman at his beck and call.

Pat delivered the drinks, and Brock said, "Fine, angel. Now take off your costume."

"Do what?" Pat squeaked.

Both men were grinning lewdly at her. "You heard me," Brock said. "Take off your costume. I want to give my old buddy something really fantastic to look at."

"Brock, surely you must be joking," Pat said anxiously.

His face darkened. "No, I'm not joking," he said, "and if you wanta keep your job, baby, you better do what I say and do it fast."

Though her mind was in turmoil, Pat didn't hesitate. It was either strip or lose Brock, and he was far too important for her future. Blushing hotly, the tall brunette kicked off her shoes and then pulled down the shoulder straps of her tiny costume. The men lounged in their chairs, sipping their drinks and grinning lustily as they watched her blushing strip act. Pat felt thoroughly mortified as she tugged the costume down to her waist and bared her magnificent big tits.

"Fantastic," Ted said, leaning forward in his chair.

He ogled the pale rounds of her big breasts, the satiny skin and rosy little nipples. Pat seethed with resentment, feeling like livestock about to be auctioned. She wondered why Brock would humiliate her like this. But she got no clue from his expression. He was grinning just as lustily as Ted.

"Take the rest of it off, honey," he said.

Pat sighed deeply and tugged down her costume the rest of the way. The tiny garment was too tight for her to wear underthings, so as the black costume slithered down her legs she was left totally naked. Ted licked his lips as he studied the glossy black triangle of her little bush. Pat kicked the costume away and stood there blushing hotly.