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"Terrific," Ted said. "I never saw a more gorgeous chick. So when does the fun start?"

"Anytime you want, old buddy," Brock said, "just anytime you want."

"Well, there's no time like right now," Ted said.

Brock paused a moment, eyeing Pat's fantastic naked body and smiling mysteriously. Pat would have fainted with shock if she'd known what he was thinking. Brock had some pretty bizarre plans for entertaining himself and his buddy that night. They'd enjoy Pat's mature beauty, and later, after she'd left, they'd have fun with her teenage daughter. It was these kinky plans that accounted for Brock's odd smile.

"Honey," he said, "help Ted undress."

"What for?" Pat wailed.

Brock frowned. "Don't act so innocent, baby," he said coldly. "I didn't bring you along just to make drinks and look pretty. Ted's my old friend and business partner, and I want him to have fun while he's in the city. That's what you're here for – so get to it."

Pat turned pale. At last she understood what Brock had in mind – she'd been brought along to fuck his buddy. She felt angry and shocked, and for a moment she was tempted to just grab her coat and walk out. She was sincerely disillusioned with Brock. If he could do this to her, he couldn't possibly love her.

Yet she hesitated. Even if she couldn't win Brock's love, she might still have his name and his money. After all, her feelings weren't that important. It was Trish's future that counted. If Pat proved herself a real trooper, willing to go along with anything Brock wanted, she might still win the financial security she wanted for herself and her daughter.

"It's now or never, baby," Brock was saying. "Do what I told you, or lose your job."

Grimly Pat walked over to Ted, dropped to her knees, and started removing his shoes and socks. The two men grinned at each other, knowing they'd won. The gorgeous brunette obviously wasn't happy about what she was doing, but she wanted her job too much to disobey. She next removed Ted's shirt, exposing his broad chest with its mat of red hairs.

Then Ted stood up and Pat eyed his fly. Still on her knees, she reached up and started opening his pants. Her hands trembled. She hated what she was doing, and she despised Brock for forcing her into it. But if she kept thinking of Trish and all the things she wanted for her daughter, maybe she could go through with this kinky scene.

Ted wasn't wearing shorts. As Pat slipped down his pants, she saw his milky-white cock standing up stiffly, hugging his flat belly. It sprang from a coppery bush and was just about as big as Brock's prick. The swollen purple head of his dick was weeping little gleaming bubbles of juice.

As Ted stepped out of his pants, Pat said grimly, "All right, where's the bedroom?"

"We don't need a bed, doll," Ted chuckled. "Right here will do."

Pat glanced at Brock, who was sitting just a few feet away and grinning like a maniac. "Right HERE?" she said, blushing furiously. "But Brock is here."

"That's half the fun, baby," Brock laughed. "I get to watch."

Pat moaned. Things were going to be even worse than she'd thought. She felt mortified at the idea of fucking a perfect stranger, but it was even more humiliating to know that another person would be watching them. For a moment she didn't know if she could go through with it, and she swayed dizzily.

Ted caught her and lowered her to the thick soft rug. He threw himself onto her, and the electric contact of naked bodies gave Pat her first lusty sensation of the evening. But she quickly came back to her senses. No matter what it cost her, she wasn't going to fuck for an audience. She squealed in protest and pushed at Ted's powerful shoulders.

"No, I won't do it," she cried. "It just isn't right."

"Oh, Jesus," Brock snarled, "you're getting to be a pain in the ass, baby. If you won't put out voluntarily, we're just gonna have to force you."

He meant it. When Pat continued to scream and push at Ted's shoulders, Brock came over, knelt behind her, and held her shoulders down. With Ted lying on her legs, there was no way she could move. She watched in horror as Ted wedged his body between her thighs and pressed the hot hard head of his cock against her dry little cunt mouth.

"Oh, God, nooooo!" Pat wailed.

But there was nothing she could do to escape. The two men were much too strong for her. While Brock kept her pinned, Ted grunted lustily and pushed hard with his rigid seven-inch dick. Pat moaned hoarsely when she felt the huge knobby cock-head popping into the tiny tight mouth of her twat. The thick throbbing meat slowly stuffed her snug box till it was touching her womb.

"I'm in," Ted gasped. "I can take it from here." As he'd correctly guessed, Pat wasn't going to fight any longer. The damage was already done. His thick hot cock was fully into her, and Brock was squatting right there, watching and grinning lewdly. She couldn't possibly be any more humiliated than she already was. Pat sank back on the rug with a sigh of defeat.

"That's more like it, honey," Ted chuckled. "You just relax and let me ball you silly. You're gonna love it."

Pat doubted that. It seemed impossible to relax while the red-haired stranger fucked her and Brock watched. To pushed her long shapely legs wide open, then forced them back at the knees, fully exposing her lush red clit. That way both he and Brock could watch Ted's milky-pale cock slicing in and out between her plump red pussylips.

Ted began balling her in slow deep strokes, savoring her snug hot cunt. "Real tight box," he sighed happily.

"Yeah, she's a nice piece," Brock said, "when she isn't being pig-headed."

He sat down on the rug and concentrated on the action, his eyes glued to his buddy's big pale cock as it moved steadily in and out of Pat's gripping little cunt-hole. Pat could tell that Brock was getting off on every bit of it, not just from watching another couple fuck but from watching Pat's shame and humiliation. Brock Spalding was a sickie, all right. Why hadn't she noticed it before?

But she had more immediate things to worry about. Ted was balling her very slowly, moving his cock in deep, gliding it hard over her sensitive little clit. She couldn't help starting to enjoy that leisurely balling. All her years of loneliness had built up her lust to a point where even this stranger's cock felt nice.

She loved the slow but steady stuffing of her tight little twat, loved the way his hard silky meat rubbed against the horny little lump of her clit. She felt her long-starved pussy slowly going hot and wet and swollen, felt the treacherous juicing of her cunt. Her conscience didn't approve of what was happening, but her body had other ideas.

"Jesus, she's hot," Ted moaned.

Pat blushed deeply. Just as she'd feared, Ted could feel the lusty changes taking place in her pussy. He could feel her gripping twat starting to cream around his slow-probing dick. He could feel her whole slit getting puffy and steamy with arousal. Pat gritted her teeth and tried to blot out the deep pleasure of his fucking.

But Brock had to spoil things. He knew her all too well, dammit. "Ball her harder, faster," he eagerly urged his buddy. "I wanta see her get off."

Ted took his friend's advice. He suddenly started slamming his thick hard meat in Pat's tight little cunt-hole. Unprepared for the change of pace, she gasped and creamed hugely all around his jerking prick. It felt so damned good, she could hardly stifle her cries of bliss.

"I can feel it," Ted panted. "She's getting wet."

Brock just chuckled wickedly.

Pat felt totally humiliated. Damn Brock anyhow, he knew just how to get her hot and horny. His advice to Ted had been right on. That fast furious fucking was making her so horny she could have screamed. Her cunt was growing red-hot, gripping Ted's slamming cock harder and banter, and her fragrant twat-juice was boiling out to soak his slapping balls.