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“Not much,” said Inglis, as Penric murmured, “No…”

His hand falling back, Penric went on with maddening obscurity, “Then I think it must be your other visitor.”

Inglis uncompressed his lips, and said, “What does Scuolla look like? To you?”

Penric stared at the empty space between them. “A plain old mountain man in a sheepskin vest, rudely interrupted when he went out to feed his animals. Not at all what I would have taken as a great-souled one, beloved of the gods. Lesson to me.”

“Great-souled? I thought that was kings, and, and generals.”

“No, those are merely great men.” Penric kept on gazing curiously at nothing. “He is very patient. Well, he would have to be, wouldn’t he, to work his art in a medium that takes more than a man’s lifetime to complete. …Another who waits here is not so patient, I think.” The pressure in Inglis’s head throbbed; the divine made the five-fold tally. “So let us pray, too.”

“Pray? Are you serious?”

Penric turned his hands out in a shrug. “It’s my job. My other job, I was lately reminded. From my very first oath, three years before these”—he touched his braids—“were tacked on me.”

“So what do we pray for, ropes? Pulleys?”

“Such material aids are the purview of men, not gods.” He held up his hand and spread out his fingers. “The five theological purposes of prayer, I was taught, are service, supplication, gratitude, divination, and atonement. You could easily go five-for-five up here, I think.” He dropped his hand and smiled faintly out over the valley; the dreary view did not seem to rate such approval.

“What do you pray for?” Inglis thrust back, growing surly with this elliptical… humor, if it was humor. At his expense, of course. He was feeling entirely destitute, just now.

“I try not to bother the gods any more than I can possibly help,” returned Penric, unperturbed. “Once, One answered me back. It was an experience to make a man cautious.”

“Twice, I think,” growled Inglis.


He leaned his aching skull back against the stone and recited, “Other, Mother, Father, Brother, Sister…”

Penric’s lips twitched. “Are you feeling, ah, thwacked?”

“If I were any more thwacked right now, I don’t think I could sit upright.” Inglis sighed. “You go right on being stingy with your prayers, Learned.”

“Let us practice yours some more, then.”

“Will that be any safer?”

“I trust not. Begin. Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, Other…”

Their recent drill made his reluctant response fall inevitably: “Bless this work and help me serve another.” He eyed the empty space Penric had left between them. Had the couplet’s wording not been so simple and silly as he’d thought?

“Continue on your own.”

“Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, Other…”

It was foolish. He was a fool. So was Penric. They were all great fools, here. He should just give up and live with the fact. The other choice was the rock bed, which had already killed one shaman, which could cap a lifetime of foolery. Did the gods take fool souls, as well as great ones? No, They couldn’t, for the fools ran away. Gods, but he was tired of running away.

As the fifth repetition left his lips, he broke through. As sudden and astonishing as his very first ascent ever, he was there. But this time he could hold his place, like a falcon gripping the air and, miraculously, rising without even beating its outstretched wings.

The ledge, the stone behind and the vale in front, the material world, were still present, but barely, as a great undefined space seemed to open out all around him. Undefined, yet seething with potential. But he was not alone in it.

Sitting next to him indeed was an old mountain man in a sheepskin vest, his feather-decked hat pushed back on his head. He wasn’t an image on glass, though, but full of color, vastly more intense than the faint gray valley around them. His spirit-density was the very opposite of transparent. The beautiful Great Dog he bore within him had made its home in this kennel for so long, the two were nearly one, intertwined. He smiled in a friendly way at Inglis, with a strange pure kindness unalloyed by irony or judgment. He didn’t even seem to say, You are very laggard, though Inglis thought he had a right.

Penric sat beyond him, staring head-tilted with concern at Inglis’s body. The blond man’s solid self was grayed out as well, along with all the other surfaces of the world, but for the first time Inglis saw under the sunny exterior. The sorcerer’s interior was terrifying, its layered complexity reaching back through time like a cavern passageway descending deep into the earth, dark with secrets. His demon. And he lives with this? Every day?

Then he looked up, farther.

A tall figure leaned casually against the ledge wall beyond Penric. It seemed a young huntsman in the poor men’s dress of this country, much like the fellows who had brought Inglis in off the trail that first morning, or like Scuolla. A triangular sheepskin cap topped his glowing copper curls, which were the color of Blood’s fur. His face was a light much too strong to look at directly, and Inglis shaded his spirit-eyes with his spirit-hands, then clapped them over his face altogether. All else was blocked, but not the burning light. He let his hands fall, and found himself gasping as though he had been running.

He thought the face smiled at him, like the sun through the cool air on a mountain’s side, warming, welcome. And far, far more terrifying than the demon.

The figure waved a casual hand. Go on.

“How, lord?”

Call it out of him. For you, it will come. It was a very good dog, after all.

It couldn’t be that simple. Could it? Here, it can. This is a simple place, after all. And Inglis wasn’t even sure whose thought that was.

Inglis inhaled the no-air of the plane, held out his hand as if to a strange dog to sniff, and called, “Come, boy.” Then felt stupid for the trailing endearment, for surely the beast was far older than he was…

Stop that, said the figure’s voice, amiably, like a man commanding his pet to stop scratching. This is the time for my judgments, not yours.

The response was slow, like an old dog or an old man getting up, one-half at a time. Stiffly, but obediently, the shape flowed out of Scuolla. Slipping through Inglis’s hands, like a whisper of fur as a dog wriggled out of his grasp. And gone. Where? Surely not into utter dissolution?

“Will it be well?” Inglis asked timidly.

All will be well, in my hands. But you see now why all hunts, however exciting, must end with respect for the creature hunted. That is your hope, too, after all.

Inglis had no idea what to say to that. In terror lest the figure would vanish again, as if—no, he neither summoned nor dismissed this like some mere apparition, but he blurted, “Lord, there is one other.”

I do not forget. But that is your task, now.

At some point, Penric had drawn the knife from its sheath and held it ready on his lap. He squinted in concern at Inglis’s body, still sitting up against the rock walclass="underline" more motionless than sleep, too tense for death. With a huge effort, Inglis flopped out its hand, open. Cautiously, Penric laid the knife on its palm. The hand convulsed around the ivory hilt; Penric quietly lifted hand and knife back into Inglis’s lap.