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‘You have a point.’

‘I mean, I got murdered. Full-on murdered. And you … you’ve given so much to get me back …’

‘Catlin,’ I say, my voice low, ‘I wonder – how Dad died; if he was killed. I mean, in the forest. It sounds a bit … like … what happened with the fox … a sacrifice or something …’

Her face is grim. ‘I see that. Earth and fire. Jesus Christ.’

‘I know,’ I whisper.

‘All we can do is keep searching, and nudging, I suppose. Now, stop terrifying me, and let me read you. Please.’ Her eyes meet mine.

‘OK,’ I say, and watch her small hands shuffling the cards. They’re bigger and thicker than playing cards, and they smell like old books and incense. The backs of them are covered in geometric patterns and stars.

‘Choose three,’ she says.

I do.

She turns them over.

‘Death: that’s probably me. It doesn’t have to be an actual death. It could mean a big change. A metamorphosis.’

‘That could be me as well,’ I say. ‘I mean. I had all of this lovely soul and now I don’t know … Actually, Catlin – this mightn’t work, what with all the soul I don’t have.’

‘You don’t need to have a soul to have a future. I mean, look at Lon – out there, in the great wide open, looking for the next girl.’ She says it like a joke. It’s not a joke.

I don’t know how to respond, so I turn over the next card.

It’s the moon. I stare at it.

‘Is that a lobster?’ I ask.

‘Yes, and a little dog,’ Catlin says. ‘He’s cute. This card is about intuition. And it’s upside down, which means …’ She scrolls through the app on her phone, which is not very mystical of her, but I’ll be knee deep in mystical junk soon, so it’s fine.

‘Insomnia. Unusual Dreams. Mysteries Unveiled. Release of Fear.’

‘Yup. Yup. Nope. Nope,’ I tell her.

‘Well, finding out that you were a witch and that Lon was a serial killer is kind of an unveiled mystery?’ she says.

‘I suppose – there are too many mysteries that still have their veils on though,’ I say.


Catlin turns the final card with a flourish.

‘Oh. OK,’ she says. ‘This one I like.’

It’s a big hand appearing in the sky with a stick.

‘I get a wand!’ I exclaim. ‘Or Mamó is going to hit me with a stick. Definitely one or the other.’

‘Shh,’ she says. ‘This is actually a nice one – it’s about potential. It’s, like, the seed of something good is there. Waiting for you.’

‘Oh.’ I look at the hand-stick again, green leaves growing out of it, and flowers.

‘Spring is coming,’ Catlin says. ‘Maybe you should visit Oona, bring her a little present. Like a stick with leaves on?’

‘She would love that.’ My tone is wry.

‘The French love sticks; it’s the same shape as their bread. Facts.’ Catlin says this like she has a doctorate in what French people are like.

‘You’re really good at sounding like you know stuff.’

‘Look. Madeline. You’ve lost your soul. You’ve lost your freedom. You’ve lost a bit of your sister. What else could go wrong? Go get the shift.’

‘Urrrgh,’ I say. ‘Don’t call it that.’

‘What’s the French word? Oh, I know this. Baiser. Go get the baiser.’ She grins.

‘Stop being supportive.’

‘Never. I am going to have a little Pride parade for you in Ballyfrann.’ She cackles. ‘Just me, you, Mam, Oona and maybe Brian all in rainbow colours, marching down main street.’

‘I hate you and everything about you.’

‘No, you don’t.’

‘I don’t.’

‘Now, go get that girl.’

She stares at me. I stare back. Neither of us blinks. I wonder for a second if I have magic unblinking snake powers now that I have no soul, but once I’ve thought that I immediately need to blink and Catlin does a small victory dance.

I send Oona a message, see if she’s around. She replies right away. I smile, and Catlin says, ‘Aww,’ and I tell her where she can go with her patronising little sounds, but it doesn’t come off as seriously as I meant it because I have this stupid big grin still on my face.

I get my coat and walk through the forest. I see the down of birds tangled on brambles. I see the thickets full of green and bright. Everything’s awake, I think. It’s lovely. Slowly I meander through the woods. I meet her halfway up the mountain path. We walk back down together, towards the castle grounds, talking about everything and nothing. School, and her dad. My headaches and the magic, and how everything has changed, will change again.

She is here, and listening to me, and I am grateful.

I want to ask her about Claudine, but I don’t. I’m not strong enough to be that sort of friend to her just now. I need more distance. We walk till silence falls. I had wondered, whether I’d fancy her now. Without a soul, if there would be a lack of feeling there. I shouldn’t have bothered. I still notice her eyelashes, the way they cast a shadow on her face. So long and dark. The soft look of her skin. I smell her scent.

‘Madeline.’ Her hand brushes my wrist. By accident. On purpose. I don’t know. My stomach lurches, batting at my heart.

‘I think,’ I say, ‘that we should just be friends.’

She looks at me. I look at her.

‘Oona, I like you a lot. I mean, of course I do. You’re amazing. But you don’t feel the romantic stuff as deeply as I do. And that’s fine.’

I’m staring at the trees ahead.

‘But if we … well, I can see it getting harder and harder, and I would hurt, and lose you in that hurt. And I need to be careful right now, because I’m so … I don’t have any more inside me to give.’

I feel the wobble in my voice,

‘Oh, Madeline,’ she says, so gently that it makes me catch my breath.

All she would have to do is reach for me, and I’d lose all resolve. Get lost inside her. But she puts her hands inside her pockets, and we walk through the grounds, beside the wells, around the physic garden. I tell her snatches of what happened. Not very much. Lon killed Catlin, I made a deal. It’s hard to talk about, outside of family. But she gets it, or gets the fear of losing who you love. Her family is strange as well, compared to what people expect from people. I tell her about losing my soul, and how it hurt, like, really, really, hurt, but I don’t notice that pain now; there isn’t an absence. I’ve heard that when people have something amputated, sometimes they still feel it there, a phantom limb. Maybe I have a phantom soul.

When I am twenty-three, I don’t know where or who or what I’ll be. And it’s the same for her. I mean, I could keep hoping. If I wanted, I could keep on hoping.

But I won’t.



(anaesthetic, mania, delirium and love)

I am asleep in Mamó’s little box-room. My room now, I suppose. Though I still feel half guest and half employee. I’m trying to stay positive, visualising that stupid hand and stick on Catlin’s cards. I mean, there’s nothing to it, but at this point I’ll take what hope I can. It’s pretty grim here – Mamó’s not big on decor. I’ve put pictures on the walls. Photographs of family, and friends. I’ve organised my textbooks on a shelf above my bed. Mam’s getting me a little folding desk so I can study when Mamó doesn’t need me. It’s OK here at night. For one thing, it’s not as warm as inside the castle. I need my blanket round me when I sleep. My dreams are softer. I can’t see the moon or mountains from my window. Only the garden. There’s a peace in that.