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While it was getting ready I thought I would go and see what the children were about, and catching a glimpse of them in the garden, I stole out, and concealing myself as well as I could amidst the shrubs and trees, approached at length within earshot. They were seated hand in hand beneath the wide spreading branches of a noble beech tree.

I listened.

«My darling Julia,» the boy was saying, «what a lucky chance is this. We shall have all the morning to amuse ourselves. Aunty (they always called my cousin aunty) going to Hazeltown, and Lady Gower to see those odious old Nettletops.»

«Capital!» cried Julia, and then throwing her arms round his neck, «Oh, you sweetest, sweetest boy, how happy we shall be!»

«But,» said the boy thoughtfully, «where shall we pass our morning? Not here, of course.We can be seen from all the windows.»

«And not indoors either, with the chance of being discovered by the servants,» added Julia.

«No,» said the boy, «I tell you where it shall be. You know that large old hollow oak in the glen at the southern end of the park, where the underwood is so entangled, and where nobody ever goes snice the earl died. I don't know why, but so it is, and there we can enjoy ourselves in private,» and he gave the little girl a loving kiss.

I had learnt all I wanted to know, and hastened back to the house. The children seeing me get into the chaise, ran up.

«Good bye for the present, my dears, «said I, «do not get into mischief. I shall be back to dinner,ta-ta!» and I shook my hand; the mettlesome ponies dashed rapidly down the avenue, and the children, after watching the chaise till a winding in the drive hid it from their view, turned into the house.

I still watched the entrance through the trees, but soon lost sight of it, and in another minute had passed the park gates. I drove myself, and had not taken the groom with me, so that once out of the demesne, I went direct for the point where I knew they would soon arrive.

The country all round the park was very wild well wooded, so that I had no difficulty in finding a coppice wherein to conceal the pony chaise. I turned off the road, and making the reins fast to the branch of an oak, left the animals to graze, while I examined the park palings for an opening through which I could squeeze myself. At length I to a spot where two or three of the planks nad been torn down, and entering through the aperture, had just time to conceal myself in a thick bush, when my young lovers appeared. With their arms around each other's waists, they approached the old oak, and entering the hollow bark, seated themselves side by side on the mossy turf, with which this natural chamber was carpeted.

«This is bliss indeed!» cried the boy, one hand up Julia's clothes, he kissed her mouth, and her neck. «Oh, happy hour!» Then he unfastened his breeches, and behold, out sprang not the funny little thing i expected to see, but full grown, stiff, and erect prick of noble proportions.

This little fellow, this child of twelve, with his innocent girlish face, had all the essential attributes of the most stalwart manhood!

No sooner did Julia see this noble staff than she jumped up, and caressing it with rapture,she at length took it between her rosy lips. While he, excited to the highest pitch of ecstacy, tossed her clothes, and making her straddle over him, so that he could have a full view of all her charms, gamahuched her likewise.

I never saw in all my life but one girl who could compare with this pretty creature in exquisite contour and symmetry, and that was the little Chloe.

Imagine, my dear Phoebe, a little firm, rosy dimpled bottom, meandering downwards into the plumpest and finest moulded thighs in the world. Imagine a pouting, rosy, hairless cunny, most delicious ancle and tiny foot! and you may form some very slight notion of the perfections of the sweet girl.

They continued to divert themselves in this manner for at least a quarter of an hour; but at length Evelyn, for that was the name of the boy,declared he could stand it no longer, and rising up, he laid the little dear on Her back, and assisted by her beautiful hands, begag. to force his great cock into its rosy nest. And this, to my surprise, was no such very difficult fnatter, the opening, as it appeared, had been well stretched by the same rampant champion before, and now well lubricated, not only by her spendings, but by saliva from his lascivious mouth — welcomed her old acquainttance, and seemed to suck him in until the whole length of that enormous yard disappeared in her body.

I now had a complete back view of his person.

The lovely boy's breeches were down to his knees,and his thighs and charming white hemi-spheres were fully presented to my gaze. He was formed perfectly like a young girl in every respect, no harsh muscular development was visible, nothing but smooth, shining, white flesh, met the view.

A waist of singular smallness and roundness, bulging hips and posteriors which any woman might envy. And then the two dimples on either side of the loins, how deep they were! How luscious! Perfect cupid's honey-cups! And then his thighs, how rounded, mottled with health and youth; how glowing! how altogether delectable!

No frowsy hair disfigured the valley between those white hills, those globes of snow! Nor was there a vestige of it on his mons in front. With the exception of the extraordinary development of his prick, he bore in every part of him the delicate softness of a child.

Strange freak of nature to grant him this precoicity!

Nothing could be more sublime than their fucking; now fast and furious, fainter now and slow;while sighs welled up from the heart's depths, and tears of joy gushed from the fringed lids, of their beauteous eyes, while amorous pinches, touches, bites, and slapping, diversified the joys of delirious love. As for me, I must candidly confess that, wrought up to frenzy by the scene, I stole my hand to a certain place, and endeavoured to allay my desires as best I could. At length, amidst a thousand expressions of rapture, fondness, and unbounded love, they died away in bliss.

But he never drew out; in five minutes the whole scehe was enacted over again, and this time lasted rather longer. At length, when it was over, these young creatures sat down side by side, their arms around each others necks. Then it was that I I made another.discovery, which filled me with almost as much astonishment as the first. That weapon, which when erect was of such extraordinarily fine proportions, in its quiescent state shrank up into the ordinary size of any other little boys cock. Nor was there any wrinkling of the skin. It was a neat, compact little capsicum, with the foreskin well drawn over it's saucy head. So that unless excited, no person, not even my experienced cousin Lady B, who, as you know, has had her gay days, could possibly imagine or believe of what that innocent little affair was capable.

While I was pondering all these things in my mind, the saucy Julia took it in her hand, and lo!presto! out it shot like a snail from his shell; or rather, to give you a noble simile,like a roaring lion from his lair; and, like Lord Lovel's briar, it grew, and it grew, till it could grow no higher. Bang! bang! up it bounced against his smooth white belly, and lo! the little man was again ready for action.

He perfectly understood his business, the sly rogue, for making her kneel up, he now had her en levrette, spinning out-his pleasure, ever and anon stopping for awhile, then going on again.

He was so long, indeed, that I looked at my watch, and seeing it was near turned of twelve o'clock, I crept from my hiding place, and regaining the pony chaise, I turned it into the road, and handling the whip with vigour, in twenty minutes I found myself at the Nettletop's mansion.

Most luckily, they were gone out, so leaving a card, I drove off at speed until within a mile of Roundwood Park, when I allowed the ponies to breathe and approached the gates at a leisurely pace.

As I drove up the avenue, I gazed up at fhe house with curious eyes, wondering if my young culprits would come out to meet me.