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The next day I took little Evelyn out for a walk with me. Whenever we came to a stile, I took care to let him have a good peep at my legs, while appearing most careful to conceal them. I saw his eyes flash each time he caught a glimpse, and something in his breeches bulged out enormously.

Having reached a very retired, lonely, rustic dell and seated myself on the grass, «Oh, dear, how hot I am!» said I, fanning myself, and pretending to put down my clothes, but in reality so arranging them as I drew up my knees, that the boy could see my thighs and all I had good between them.

«Why, Evey dear, how silly of you to stuff such great apples into your breeches pockets (and I laid my hand on the place); you will spoil the set of them,»

Evelyn blushed up to his eyes.

«Come, give me one of your apples, or pears, or whatever they are, for I am thirsty,» and before he could prevent me, I thrust my hand into his pocket, «Oh, dear,» said I, «it is empty; let me feel the other side.»

But Evelyn declared he had nothing in the other pocket either, and that, as for the bunch., it was nothing but his shirt, which had got twisted up.

«Nay,» said I, laughing, «if that is all I'll soon make it comfortable for you.»

And opening his flap before he could prevent me, I had hold of his essentials in an instant.

«All rucked up, is'nt it, dear?» said I, frigging and feeling his noble prick, and casting upon him the most killing glances, full of desire.

«You sly little rogue you! Why, you are quite a man, I declare.»

The boy looked shy and awkward, and blushing furiously, said never a word.

«Oh, you darling boy, I must have you, that I must!» I exclaimed, covering him with kisses, which he quickly returned; then opening wide my thighs, I drew him towards me. His noble steed entered the portal, and joy unutterable took possession of my frame. I threw first one leg, then the other, across his loins. I smacked his beauteous bottom, I tickled and frigged it, I licked his face, and put my tongue in his mouth; I played with his balls, I hugged him, I bounded, I was mad with delight.

As for the boy, he made much the same demonstrations. My experienced fucking was something quite new to him. He declared I drew his cock out quite another inch.

When all was over, I coolly asked him which was the best playfellow at that game, Julia or myself?

The boy started, and turned very pale. «What! — what do you know about Julia?» he asked.

I repeated to him all I had told his little sweetheart.

" But how can you know all that, Lady Gower,who told you?»

«Oh, nobody told me.»

«Then how could you find it out?»

«Pardieu! I knew it.»

«It is very extraordinary,» said the boy.

«Not at all; I saw you both myself.»

«You, my lady!»

«I myself. I was hid in that dense copse near the tree, and saw everything.»

«Then you never went to the Nettletops after all?»

«Oh, but I did, though.»

«But you could not be in two places at once..»

«Go to, silly boy! said I, laughing and kissing him;» you need not mind me; I shall never tell;and besides I shall be pleased to bring you and Julia together, and if you please you shall meet every night in my room, and we will all three play together. I know your aunty does not let you have any wine, or fruit, or nice things; come and see me at night, and you shall have as much as you please-you and Julia.»

«Oh, that will be capital!» cried the boy, flinging his arms around me, and kissing me with rapture. He would have embraced me again, but fearing some one might come, I rose from the grass, and promising him as much bliss as he had strength to enjoy, I took his hand, and we returned to the house.

I cannot express to you, my dear Phoebe, how impatient I was for night; for none of the gallants of former days, not even poor old Sir Charles himself, had ever given me half the pleasure I had experienced with this lad.

It was arranged that he should come through the bath room window, instead of by the door, for his bed chamber being situated in another wing of the mansion, would have obliged him to traverse toomany corridors and staircases to be quite prudentin a house so full of prying domestics.

The children always went to bed at nine, and atten I also took my chamber candle.

I had not been five minutes in my room, whentwo gentle taps at the bath room door apprised methat my little friends were waiting; so, first havingadmitted them, I made haste to throw off my clothes, while they regaled themselves on the wine and fruit.

«Now, my dears,» said I, as I fastened the door, «let us arrange our programme; but first let me ask you both, have you locked your chamberdoors,to prevent any one discovering you are not in your rooms?

They both replied in the affirmative, and added that they also had got into their beds, to make it appear as if they had been slept in.

«That is very well,» said I, «now for the programme.»

Scene I.

«Having stripped yourselves quite naked, you, Julia, will lie on the bed, while you, Evelyn, will fuck her in that position. I shall sit down in this arm chair, to see the performance.»

Scene II.

Julia will kneel upon all fours on the bed; I shall kneel behind her and frig her with my clitoris, while Evelyn kneels behind and fucks me.

Scene III.

After sponging ourselves, we shall commence the gamahuche in this fashion. I will extend myself on the bed, Evelyn will straddle over me, presenting his posterior charms, and you, Julia, will also get over me a litle lower down and gamahuche me, while Evelyn does the same for you.

Scene IV.

We will all get into bed together, and frig, toy and play till we are sleepy, when you will both say good night, and return to your rooms.

This being the programme, we at once commenced. Julia, extended on her back, spread out her lovely limbs, displaying to advantage all her front beauties; Evelyn mounted; and was into her in a trice; while I, seated in the elbow chair, with a foot on either corner of the bed, surveyed the enchanting prospect.

I had the most distinct view of all the most secret beauties of the lovely boy, and watched with, delight, his great wiry, red-headed staff, now drawn nearly out of little Julia's rosy, budding cunny, now thrust home again. At every thrust, those white globes of his trembled with their own voluptuous plumpness, and his noble balls struck her pretty little bottom with a loud smack at every push; her legs, now raised high in air, now squeezed over his loins, kept excellent time to every lunge, while kisses, love-bites, and every imaginable titillation enhanced the lascivious beauty of the scene.

While these lovers disported themselves, I amused myself with my finger, toying with myself in the most wanton manner; then I would lean forward, and feel that great prick, as it glided in and out; then I would play with his balls, and press my great breasts against his bottom, all which appeared to give him great pleasure. At last their climax came, and ended scene one.

As soon as they had recovered themselves a little, Julia jumped up, and giving me a loving kiss, placed herself on all fours. My clitoris, which was very stiff and thick as,my thumb, protruded out at least three inches. I got behind her, and grasping those lovely hips, drove at the little rose bud, just visible between the cheeks of her exquisitely formed little bum.

Evelyn now got behind me, and graspingmy bubbies, drove his stalwart cock into my cunny; at every thrust he gave, his belly went bang, bang, against my buttocks, causing them to quiver and resound again with the strokes; then he would lay himself along my white back, and kiss my shoulders with unction.