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It was a most fucktious scene, and was prolonged for some time, till Julia (whose cunny I had been frigging with my hand) exclaimed,

«Ah-ah! I'm coming! Oh, delightful bliss! A-a-ah! I-o-y! Oh-oh! ur-r-r!» and her head dropped on the pillow, while I withdrew my hand, drenched with the venusian dew.

Almost at the same moment Evelyn, who had been thrusting with great rapidity, also began to give tongue.

«Oh, my darling lady! U-r-r! sweet creature, this is bl-bl-i-ss, bliss in-deed! Hah «He spent into me a warm, comforting summer shower.

My own climax just then meeting his, we spent together, and I, falling forward on the beauteous form of Julia, lay entranced — transported into the seventh heaven! Scintillations of light danced before my eyes; I seemed to be in a beautiful garden, abounding with the loveliest and most fragrant flowers. Luscious fruit hung from the trees on every side, and living pricks with gorgeous wings fluttered from branch to branch, ever and anon alighting upon some lovely garden nymph, and sacrificing to the god of love; calling to mind the celebrated picture of the «Love Birds» by Kaulback.

This beautiful vision so entralled me that I lay still for some minutes. It was an ecstaey — it was peep into Paradise! never shall I forget that blissful swoon. What a wonderful thing is sensual delight! All the graces and the gods preside over it.

We now went into the bath and refreshed ourselves, for the crowning joys of the gamahuche. How rosy, how blooming we all looked when we emerged from the cool fresh water!

We were all three melting with voluptuous sensations, and I flung myself back on the bed, with an abandon that was ready for anything.

Soon I felt the delicious flesh of the beauteous boy over my face; his lovely cock, hard and white as an ivory ruler, was before rne; I seized on its carmine head with my lips, I nestled my face between those ravishing hills of animated snow. I opened wide my thighs, and soon felt the nimble little tongue of the sweet Julia, rolling round my clitoris and nymphae like lambent fire.

Nor was Evelyn idle, for taking her little cunny in his mouth, he so sucked and gamahuched her, that the sweet creature ground her teeth with the pleasure, so that I really feared she would bite me.

«But one cannot be perfectly happy in this world,» as poor Sir Charles was wont to say, for in a short quarter of an hour our climax came. Evelyn spent in my mouth, Julia on his tongue, and I on hers! — and here ended scene the third.

We now got into bed, hugging and kissing each other. I was playing with Evelyn's now reduced and miniature prick, when suddenly a thought seemed to strike him, and it grew rapidly in my hand.

«What is it, my dearest boy?» said I.

He placed his lips close to my ear, and whispered that, «he should like to fuck my breasts.»

No sooner said than done. I squeezed them together, he got over me, and inserting his yard between them, commenced moving backwards and forwards for some minutes, Julia tickling him behind, when suddenly, jet! jet! out shot his juice and deluged my neck all over!

This was the finish, and all of us feeling much fatigued with our sports, Julia went to bed, Evelyn made his exit by the window, and I, after a good ablution, put on a clean bedgown and retired to rest, just as the stable, clock chimed the hour of midnight.

But this letter has been much too long for your patience, my dear Phoebe, so adieu.

Your loving friend,



In which the story of the Lusus Naturae is concluded, showing how a Saint, being tempted of the Devil (in the form of an Angel of ight) became a sinner.


Since I penned my last billet, my dear Phoebe, the Devil has made a fine conversion in this place.

For more than a fortnight, I nightly entertained my young visitors, no one in the hiouse, save us three, having the slightest idea of what was going on.

At length one unlucky morning, just as Master Evelyn was coming down by the grape vine, about five in the morning, who should see him but the gardener. (I must tell you, though, that we had passed a most delicious night, but had unfortunately all fallen asleep in each other's arms, and did not wake till that hour).

To resume. The gardener saw him. Now this fellow — a green eyed, red-headed Scotchman, was jealous of his fruit. Starched Presbyterian was written in every line of his wizened visage, and he was iill-natured as he was ugly. «Very well,Master Evelyn,» cried he, «very well, sir! I'll take care my leddy is made to ken o' your doings; getting up at peep o'day to steal the grapes. A'weel!

A'weel! its an awful sinful wurld!»

The boy only laughed at this tirade, and snapping his fingers in the face of Mr Macdoodle, ran away.

My cousin, Lady B, appeared awfully solemn when she entered the breakfast room, and gravely saluting Julia and myself, never noticed poor Evelyn. She read prayers with a deeper conventional twang than usual, and as soon as they were over, and the servants retired, the storm burst forth.

«I am excessively annoyed and displeased with you, Evelyn,» the good lady began; «I hoped that the deeply religious training you had undergone in this house, would have produced better fruits.What! you, who I am bringing up to be a gentle; man, demean yourself by being a thief! Fie! I am ashamed of you. To get up at five in the morning and like a stable boy, to climb my grape vine, at the peril of your life, to steal my grapes! Naughty, naughty boy. What do you think, sir, will become of your soul? There!» continued my cousin, gettng herself up, «never look at me in that smiling manner. I will give you something to laugh for, I promise you!»

Here I ventured to intercede for my favorite. I told her he was young, that after all, it was a boy's frolic, and that it was more for the fun of the thing than for the grapes, as they were not near ripe yet.

But all would not do; he must be flogged, she said, and that it might be well done, she would do it herself.

The meal over, she led the poor boy to a room at the top of the house, and seeing that I and Julia were about to accompany her, she stopped us.

«As for you, Julia, I am surprised that you should think of coming. It would be highly improper for a young lady of your age to see a naked boy, but you, cousin, can help me to hold his legs, so do you come if you please.»

As soon as we reached the attic, Lady B. Made Evelyn lean across an old table, and fastening his hands to the legs of it, undid his breeches and pulled them down to his ancles; then begging of me to hold his legs fast, which I did with much regret, she drew a formidable birch from a closet, and, after another jobation on the heinousness of his offence, commenced laying on without mercy.

At first the poor lad roared out most lustily, but after the first dozen cuts he became quiet, and turning his head round to me, on the opposite side from where Lady B. was standing, I saw the rogue was laughing. His innocent little cock began to swell, and soon stood out in its noblest proportions.

I saw my cousin glance at it, first with a look of amazement, then of visible pleasure; she turned red and pale by turns, then relaxed her blows, and finally stopped altogether.

«Thank you, cousin,» said she, «do not let me detain you longer, besides, I want to talk privately to this bad boy. I shall be down stairs soon.»

I shut the door behind me and went down the first flight of stairs with some noise, then slipping off my shoes, I ran up again, taking two steps at a time. When I peeped through the key-hole I observed Lady B. had untied Evelyn's hands, and was sitting in a chair with the boy in her lap; one arm was round his waist, while the other grasped — could I believe my eyes — yes, grasped his stiff cock!» I am sorry, my dear boy,» she was saying, «I am sorry I hit you so hard, but you will not do so any more, will you? «(Chafing his prick,) " No aunty, indeed I won't, «answered the boy demurely.