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«And how long is it, my dear, since your little thing took to swelling in this extraordinary manner?»

«Ever since I was seven years old,» answered Evelyn; «a nursery maid my mother had used to I sleep with me and play with it every night, and so it began to grow, until it gets sometimes as big as you see.»

«Extraordinary!» cried Lady B., trembling all over, a and what else used the naughty nursemaid to do?»

«Why, she used to throw me on her belly, and put it into the place between her legs.»

«And you liked that, I suppose?»

«Oh, yes; very much indeed,» said the little rogue, with an arch smile. I saw the saint was thawing fast, and was exceedingly amused.

«Suppose I was to let you do that to me,» hoarsely whispered the salacious woman, squeezing her legs together, «should you like it?»

«Oh, dear aunty, of all things,» laughed the boy.

«Well, then, so we will, my darling; but mind, you must not tell.»

«I tell! oh, never! never!»

Then my cousin drew up her clothes, raising her knees and opening her thighs, showed me once more that beautiful cunt, with its fringe of soft black hair, and guiding him in, they were soon bounding and heaving with all the fervour of love. Thrice did she make him repeat the dose ere she was satiated; and then, and not till then, did she allow him to fasten up his small clothes.

«Now Evelyn,» said she, you have only to be prudent and cautions, and come and see me sometimes in my bed room at night, and your fortune's made; in future you shall do just as you like. You shall have a pony to ride and plenty of money, fruit, wine, and anything you please. The horrid gardener I will send away, and you shall be perfectly happy. I thought, «said the frail woman, passing her hand across her heated brow, that these passions were extinguished in me for ever, but God's will be done. I see I am only a sinner after all, when I thought myself a saint!»

«All right, aunty, «and we shall go up to town, and go to the opera, and the play, and I shall have an embroidered suit, and plumed hat and sword, shan't I, aunty?»

«Bless the boy, how he does run on,» cried Lady B., opening her eyes. «But, come, we must not stop here any longer. One kiss.»

I ran down stairs, and picking up my shoes, rereated to my room. Here I found Julia in tears and very unhappy, but locking the door I quickly reassured her, by relating all I had seen and heard, to her inexpressible surprise.

«The fact is, my dear Julia,» said I laughing. «I knew your aunty, as you may suppose, being her cousin, many years ago, when she was quite young, long before her late fit of piety seized her, and I assure you, no girl ever relished an intrigue more. I should think at least fifty gallants had her at different times, prior to her marriage with the old earl, whose title she now bears. But after her marriage she became all at once very correct and pious.But that which is bred in the blood cannot long be kept down by the spirit. So the saint is become a sinner again, as I have just seen and heard.»

«I only hope,» cried Julia, «that she won't engross Evelyn all to herself.»

" Oh, never fear,» I answered laughing, «'tis a lad of spirit, and having her in his power, he will take care she does not baulk him in his other little affairs of love, you may depend.»

«Then you think this is rather a fortunate occurrence?»

«That I do, indeed,» said I. «But, my dear little girl, do pray gamahuche me a little, I am so excited with what I have seen, that I can hardly endure myself.»

Just at the height of tittilation we heard a rapping. Julia jumped off me and hid under the bed,while I opened the door. It was Evelyn, radiant with joy. A triumphant fire shot from his beautiful eyes, and he shook back his clustering chesnut hair like a conqueror.

«I congratulate you, Evelyn,» said I.

«How you congratulate me?»

«Ma foi! yes. You played your part to perfection.»

«Played my part!» said the cunning fox, «what? how? I dont understand.»

«The deuce! the boy is fidelity itself,» and I laughed heartily.

«Then the dence take me if I know what your ladyship means.»

«Nonsense, Evelyn, I was looking through the key-hole.»

«Whew!» exclaimed the young rascal, making a droll face. «You were peeping, Lady Gower,were you? then I have done.»

The dear boy caught me in his arms; and bussed me, while little Julia, looking rather jealous, put up her pretty face for one also.

My cousin, after this adventure, gradually returned to her old jovial life; drawing off from her sanctified friends one by one, she at length got rid of them all. But it became evident to her that she must also purge her house of all her «serious» servants, a for there seemed a mutiny brewing, in consequence of the altered state of things. No prayers, or prayer meetings, but lots of fiddling, fetes champetres, and frolic. I therefore proposed to her to return my visit, by coming back with me to London.

" You know, my dear Thalia,» said I, «my house in Cavendish square is large enough to hold you all. I am like you, a widow, with no one to control my actions, and we shall be free to enjoy ourselves and live over a gam with these young creatures, the voluptuous sort of life we both enjoyed before matrimony cast over us the veil of starched propriety.»

«But my dear Lesbia, how about my thirteen servants here?»

«Well, if you take my advice, cousin, you will shut this musty old place, with its clock towers,gables, and gloomy mullioned windows, dreary corridors, etc.; shut it up, my dear Thalia; place old John and his wife in charge on board wages, pay up the others, with a months wage over and above, and send them about their business.»

«How you do rattle on, Lesbia! I declare you are the same madcap you ever were. What you say, however, is all vastly fine, but you forget I have let my town house for a term of years, and when my visit to you is over, where am I to go?»

«Stuff!» said I, «visit over indeed! Why of course stay with me altogether, and we'll take the children to the play, and to Ranelagh, we'll have routs and balls, and be very merry and happy.»

«Oh, very well, dear, as you please,» said my cousin.

So, my dear Phoebe, here we all are at my house in Cavendish square.

Evelyn and Julia are charmed with the change. The spacious suites of apartments, furnished en Louis XV, the sumptuous hangings, the marble hall and staircase, the splendid laced liveries of the well powdered lasqueys, and my sedan chair, lined with rose satin, to say nothing of my coach and six, was almost turned their heads, besides the great bards and persons of quality who are calling here eveery day, to pay their respects.

But all this will not much interest you, my Phoebe. You, who like best a good practical fucking episode — have at you then.

Four chambers, each opening into the other by means of a sliding panel, constitute our sleeping apartments, and thus we can receive or visit each other whenever we like, and yet the servants be perfectly ignorant of what is going on.

Thus, in one or other of these rooms, are enacted frequently the most voluptuous scenes.

Sometimes we form the position called «the pyramid.» My cousin and I both kneel naked on the foot of the bed; Julia mounts us with a knee upon each of our backs, and a hand upon each of our shoulders. Then Evelyn, standing naked on a chair, describes a triangle, the apex whereof is Julia's cunny, into which he pokes his prick for awhile, then lowering it, gives Thalia a few thrusts, and afterwards gives me the like satisfaction. This is good fun, and the game of «one, two, three,» as we call it, often lasts half an hour.

At other times we throw a dark green coverlid over the bed, and all three, stark naked, lie thereon, in the most tempting attitudes. This in our allegorical language, we call, «the garden,» the velvet coverlid is the lawn, and we are the flowers, while Evelyn, in his character of «the bee» flies from one cunny to the other sipping with his tongue the sweets. «The garden» terminates with a regular fucking and gamahuching match, in which all take part.