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«Now, young harlot,» he was saying when I peeped in, «will you bring me that glass of wine I have twice asked you for?»

«Yes, an' it please ye, sir, if you'll promise not to hit me.»

«Well,' then, woman of perdition, I will not hit thee if thou'rt quick.» The girl made as much haste as possible, and advanced timidly. He waited till she had placed the glass on the table, and as she returned he gave three awful cuts, causing the long lash of the whip to wrap right round her, and the knots striking her delicate thighs, fetched up a weal in an instant.

«Oh, sir!» cried, the girl, blubbering; «you said you would not do it!»

«I said I would not smite you, harlot, if you were quick; but, inasmuch as you were slow, I smote thee. Very good it is for you to be chastised. Behold, I act to you as the Lord acteth, for we read that he chasteneth those whom he loveth.Ahem!»

The girl made no reply, but pouting out her lips, seemed annoyed, and no wonder.

«Come hither, child,» cried the wretch, trying to move his chair towards her, and shaking his whip with impotent rage. «Ugh, ugh, I should like to get at thee now. I'd soon flog that dainty skin of yours, I would, ye young hussy! You ought to be ashamed of yourself, a young girl like you, to give yourself up to fornication and all uncleanness! Ugh — ugh!»

Here he was seized with a fit of coughing which lasted some time; at length, wanting to spit, he told her to bring the chamber pot.

The girl supposing his cough had exhausted him, obeyed at once; but she had reckoned without her host, as the saying is, for the old man, seizing her by the arm, commenced letting into her posteriors with the but end of the whip, till she was quite black and blue.

The girl screamed lustily, and at length, losing all patience, natched the whip out of his hand, and gave him such a hearty thump on the noddle that the wretch roared with pain.

«There!» cried Mary, in a rage, «that will teach you, you nasty old canting hypocritical son of bitch, to treat poor girls in this way, you sodomitical, psalm singing old bugger. You must be sodomite, or you would not hate women as you do! you damned old wretch!»

The old fellow was furious, and foamed at the mouth.

«Very well, my girl, very well,» said he «wait till I tell your mistress, that's all, and I'll have you turned into the street. I will see if a person of my dignity is to be treated in this way!» and he forced his shovel hat over his eyes, fiercely.

At the sound of those dreadful words, and the reflection of what a fate she would have if turned into the streets now the winter had fairly set in, the rage of poor Mary evaporated, and bursting into tears, she humbly implored him not to be so cruel.

«Well then,» said he, rubbing his pate, on which he felt a great bump as big as a walnut, «kneel down before me on all fours, and let me lash you well, and then I will pardon the offence.»

The wretched girl saw she must obey. Then he lashed her till quite out of breath, cutting her between the legs and over the bosom in a barbarous manner.

I could bear this sight no longer, so stepping into the room, I snatched the whip out of his hand, and calling him all the old villains in the world, bundled him out of the house.

I never saw the old rascal again, for he died soon after; but as he had the Sacrament administered to him, and went off in the odour of sanctity, he is doubtless now a saint in heaven!

It was quite refreshing, after witnessing this scene, to turn to that in Room VIII For here a dashing young captain of the Guards,in his embroidered red coat, was very jolly over bottle of wine with the lovely Selina Marsham, a fine woman of twenty five.

I continued watching my young son of Mars about twenty minutes, during which he accomplished two hearty fucks, and then I adjourned to the next.

Room IX.

Here they were at high romps. A gentleman, whose quality certainly could not be discovered by his dress, for he had doffed all his clothes, was standing blindfolded in the middle of the room, and laughing, running, jumping round him, using all sorts of liberties, were some seven or eight little girls, all undressed, whose ages ranged from seven to twelve.

Now and then one more bold than the rest, would advance and tug at his great stiff cock, and then run off with a little scream. Then he would dash after her, upsetting chairs, tables, and all that came in his way, while some of the children would fall down, others would tumble on them, and then there they lay in a heap, all higgle-de-pit-gledy, little fat bums, thighs, cunnies, all were jumbled up together.

Blind man was a long time before he could catch one, but at last he succeeded. She was a beautiful little, fair creature, who had kept as much in th rear as she could during the game, and was much more modest than the others.

When caught, she made great efforts to escape but, finding she could not, she remained gentle as a lamb.

This girl was a new comer, and was about twelve years of age. No hair yet graced her pouting slit, and her tiny breasts were only just beginning to show themselves. The gentleman pulled off the bandage, and seemed rather pleased with his capture. He caught her up in his arms, and after kissing every part of her, laid her on the bed, and began to explore her maidenhead.

«Untouched, by Jove!» cried he, and then commenced to gamahuche her, the other girls surrounding him, and gamahuching him and manipulating.

This over, his eyes were again bandaged, and the game resumed.

In this manner he got a gamahuche three times in half an hour, the last girl he caught being a mere baby of seven years. It was too bad, I know, but these things must be submitted to, if you would have a Bagnio to pay. Tastes must be gratified, and indeed, these sort of customers pay best of all. I received ten guineas for each gamahuche, and five for the romp. Thirty five guineas from one room in a single evening, was not bad work, though not equal to Lucy's haul from Monseigneur le Due.

I now went to

Room X.

And here was my largest stake of all, for the personage who had hired it was a man of the first quality, and had promised, if the virgin I had secured for him gave satisfaction, that he would present me with five hundred guineas. She was a simple country girl, who had arrived only the day before from the depths of Hampshire, and I took particular care that none of the girls should get speech of her till after the Duke's visit.

He was conversing very gently with her when I peeped into the room, and initiating her in a very artful manner. As yet he had got no further than her bosom, off which he had taken the handkerchief, and was smoothing and kissing the firm white bubbies, which exactly formed in the finest of nature's moulds, stood bolt upright, as if wooing his caress.

But the girl blushed deeply, and continued saying, «Ha done, sir! doantee, doantee. My missus 'ull come otherwhile,» and other rustic expressions.

But the Duke coaxed her, put her on his lap, made her have a glass of wine, and at last, spite of her struggles, got his hand up her clothes, and between her legs. Then he let out his magic wand, and put it in her hand. She started as if a viper had bit her, but he persevered. He told her that he was resolved to have her that night; that it was no use her crying out, as no one would come, and wound up by saying, that if she would let him have his will of her, he would make her a great lady, put her in a grand house with lots of fine clothes, etc. The usual tale, you know, my lady.

And so, at length, without any noise, but merely by the force of eloquence and patience, he got her on to the bed.

Then, by degrees, he removed her clothes, she defending herself however pretty stoutly, but with little success, for in five minutes he had reduced her to her skin, that is, stripped off her smock and beheld her quite naked. She was a beautiful maid, sure enough, justly shaped, and quite without any spot or blemish. After he had kissed and caressed her beauties for some time, he pressed upon her another glass of wine, and hobnobbing with her, drank off a bumper himself. This second glass of wine got a little into her head, and wore off a trifle of her modesty, so that when he urged her to kneel on the foot of the bed, she made but a faint resistance. Then the Dake produced a purse, and showered out on the bed fifteen or twenty new golden guineas.