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«Oh my!» cried the girl.

«All for you, my dear,» said he. «All for you, if youTl only let me have you.»

The country girl cast a greedy look at the money, and then glanced over her shoulder at the tempter,and seeing such a sleek, smiling, embroidered gentleman, and not the devil, as she almost fancied she should, she yielded a silent assent by sweeping up the gold with her hands.

In doing this, she leant a little more forwards, and thus nconsciously offered to his grace and myself an enchanting view of her most hidden charms.

Imagine, my dear madam, a superb back and shoulders of the most ivory whiteness, terminating in a singularly small waist, then imagine the spring out from thence of a noble pair of hips, and the plumpest, whitest, and finest shaped posteriors in the world, delicately relieved by two deep dimples. These ravishing hills, owing to her position, were slightly opened, displaying all the lussious attractions of the enchanting valley between them. A pair of plump tight, and rosy lips, closely compressed together, was all she had to show in the shape of a cunny, if I except a soft down which shaded the upper mons. At some distance behind this delicious little mouth of Venus, I beheld the other tiny aperture, pursed up in voluptuous rosy wrinkles, highly suggestive of great contractive power, should the duke's fancy run so far back into her valley of delight.

At present however, all he seemed to think of of was her virginity, so opening a little box of cold cream, he carefully anointed his may-pole, and also her lovely cleft. And then catching her by the hips, he charged in good style, but the citadel was too tight to admit the battering ram at the first, or even the second push. Besides, the girl began to get frightened, and to struggle. But the dukes blood was up, and he would not now be trifled with. At length he got in about an inch, but there he stuck, so straight was the passage. But pursuing his advantage, and steadily pressing upon her, spite of her cries and struggles, with eight or ten vigorous pushes, he ravished away the last vestige of her maidenhead; at the same time discharging into her a shower of love's dew which, on his drawing out, spurted all over the sheets, mixed with virgin blood.

At the sight of the blood, his grace showed the greatest satisfaction But while rejoicing over his triumph, the girl had fainted with the pain, and lay forward on her belly, perfectly powerless.

The duke therefore seized the opportunity of exploring, and made an accurate examination of the havoc he had caused in her little cunny, holding one of the waxlights close to it, the better to see he effects. This sight pretty soon brought his grace up to the mark again, and at it he went, like a bull. The same pain which had caused her to faint now roused her up again, and she began to bemoan her fate most bitterly.

But his grace having had his will, had no mind to console the blubbering wench any more; but he gave her a tremendous slap on the arse, and told her to hold her infernal noise, and mind her fucking, pushing away at her with all his might.

The girl was struck dumb with astonishment at this harshness, and could not utter a word, but only whimpered and sobbed the more.

«Oh, very well», cried the duke, «if you willblubber, I will give you something to cry for», and withdrawing his great, red, stiff, steaming cock, he drove at the other opening; and before the girl could prevent him, she had lost a second maidenhead, which she never bargained for, and which made her roar out murder, with all her might.

By and bye his grace came to a finish, and being now quite satiated, he damned her for a slut for making such a noise, and taking up his sword and hat, departed.

I met him on the stairs.

«I hope the girl gave your grace satisfaction», said I.

«Why yes, damne!» answered he, «she was a true virgin, no doubt, and here's the money I promised you.»

He paused and then continued, «But I should have enjoyed her a deuced deal better if she had'nt blubbered all the while; tears disfigure the finest face, and besides they bore one dreadfully. Hand her over to a Mohawk or two, once and away, my dear Phoebe. After they have tipped her the lion once or twice, or made her «sweat», she will be more tractable. Yes, let her have a Mohawk. Good night.»

And so saying, his grace stepped into his coach, and was driven off. And now, my dear madam, having given your good ladyship a sample of my ten rooms, and our proceedings here, I propose to send you some curious selections from the «correspondence branch» of our business.

The copies of these letters will give you a much better idea of the various leches of men than anything I can say, and will also prove to your ladyship that if the men are lewd, the women are sometimes quite as salacious.




I shall be in town on Thursday, and propose to pass the evening at your house. Be pleased to have a supper and a girl ready for me at eight of the clock. A young girl about fourteen suits me best, for as I am not big hung. A girl with a nice clear skin, pretty plump, and not much hair on her twat.

But though young, she must understand her work, for I hate a slug. I don't mind ten or twenty guineas for the night.

Yours, as you please me,

A. James.

Feversham, Nov. 28th O. S.


Mrs Phoebe,

This billet is to let you know that I shall visit your Bagnio tomorrow evening at nine. I shall want one fine woman about twenty to fuck, and two — three little girls to play with; mind and have them all well washed, and their hair dressed by a good coiffeur.

For the woman, I think I should prefer Effie Gordon, she's such a spanker.

F, Fuckington.

November 30th, N. S.



Have the goodness to provide me a handsome, healthy, clean young woman, about eighteen years of age, on Friday evening next.

I do not require a maid, but something fresh and agreable.

Your obedient, humble servant,


Newmarket, Monday Evening.


The Earl of Boston presents his compliments to Mrs Phoebe Kissagen, and will feel obliged by her providing an entertainment for him on Monday night, with a handsome supper. The Earl begs to remind Mrs Kissagen that he does not fancy very hairy or very big women; two or three witty, nice looking girls, who understand the gamahuche, and can sing good songs, will be quite satisfactory.

The expense is of no consequence.

To Mrs Phoebe Kissagen, 2, Leicester Fields.

Boston House, Dec 14th.



Find me a nice little girl, about twelve years old,by Tuesday evening. She must be very fair, and well made, slender, but plump; one whose breasts have grown a little would be preferred. She must be up to the mark, and not too shy. The usual cheque will be ready.

I am, Madam,

Your obedient, humble servant

H. Waring.