Pink Satin

Pink Satin
Современные любовные романы
Язык: английский
Добавил: Admin 22 Июл 12
Проверил: Admin 22 Июл 12
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With the figure of a sex symbol and a career as a lingerie executive, Greer Lothrop is used to attracting more than her fair share of male attention. After years of unwanted stares, she is far more comfortable playing mother hen than femme fatale.
She’s shocked when there’s nothing motherly about the feelings her new neighbor, engineer Ryan McCullough, arouses in her. She’s never been attracted to a man of such raw sexuality before. What is it about Ryan that has her confiding in him-and falling into his arms-within hours of meeting?
It’s clear Ryan isn’t interested in Greer for her chicken soup. He’s not falling for her girl-next-door routine either, no matter how hard she tries to deny their chemistry. He knows there’s a passionate woman behind the facade-and he knows just how to awaken her…

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