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– to carry out, together with training, fundamental research and applied scientific studies, to participate in working out and developing special purpose international projects of Russian and international organizations;

– to provide researchers, instructors and specialists with postgraduate training as well as additional retraining and courses for improving qualification.

The University has entered the new century with a highly creative potential of the staff and a rich scientific base, actively using in the educational process the newest technological achievements in the field of geodesy, cartography, photogrammetry, remote sensing and cadastre.

Russian higher education is notable for its authority as one of the best engineering schools. Our professors and technical staff, having unique pedagogical experience in training students and post-graduates from all over the world, will always be happy to share their knowledge and experience with you.


Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) was established in 1779 and it is the center of higher geodetic education in Russia and the largest educational institution of this type in Europe .

Thousands of the University graduates are taking part in the exploration of the territory and natural resources of Russia , in designing its maps, in constructing its cities, roads and industrial enterprises.

The scientists working at MIIGAiK are always the avant-garde of geodesy, establishing and developing it as one of the fundamental Earth sciences.

The glorious past of MIIGAiK, deep-rooted pedagogical and scientific traditions, accumulated throughout 225 years of its development, the importance and vitality of geodetic science and practice for many branches of national economy, a wide range of specialists being trained at the University – all these assure the leading role of MIIGAiK as a specialized institution of higher education.

Today, the University is actively participating in the exploration of outer space and application of the results of this exploration to science, economy, agriculture, geological prospecting and ecology. MIIGAiK renders great assistance to many countries of the world in training national scientific and engineering staff for geodesy and cartography – more than 2,000 foreign graduates from the University are working now in 85 countries all over the world. Many national geodetic services and topographic enterprises of different countries have close and mutually advantageous economic and scientific relations with the University. Our years of experience in training specialists and researchers, highly qualified teachers, modern laboratories and field bases, vast contacts with various scientific institutions – all these guarantee those who study at the University the highest level of theoretical and practical training.

MIIGAiK educates researchers by means of postgraduate courses; eight specialized academic councils are established for scientific theses and dissertations to be defended. The studies that are being conducted in MIIGAiK embrace almost the whole range of problems of geodesy, cartography and cadastre, as well as such specific fields as precise instrument-making, geoinformatics, ecology and remote sensing.

A complete list of fields and majors of training specialists and scientific and pedagogical workers is given at the end of the booklet.

Дорогой Лоренс!

Я надеюсь, ты хорошо провел отпуск. После такой жары, я уверен, ты будешь рад снова вернуться к своей работе.

Что касается меня, то мой отпуск прошел как нельзя лучше. Первые две недели я провел дома, в своих родных местах. Затем я поехал в Новгород, а в конце лета побывал в Москве со своей старшей сестрой. Мы очень хорошо провели время.

Как ты относишься к тому, чтобы нам вместе провести зимние каникулы?

С наилучшими пожеланиями

Dear Laurence,

I hope you had a good vacation. After the heat of this summer I am sure you must be glad to be back at your work again.

As for me, the vacation was all I could have asked for. I spent the first two weeks at home at my native place. Then I went to Novgorod for a week, and at the end– of the summer I took a trip to Moscow with my elder sister. We had a very good time indeed.

What do you say to spending the winter holidays together?

Best regards,


Дорогой Норман!

Я отправил тебе небольшую бандероль с фотографиями и спайдами, снятыми, если ты не забыл, в Риме. Я надеюсь, они напомнят тебе о днях конференции и о долгих беседах, которые я считаю очень полезными. Некоторые из снимков, к сожалению, вышли неважно. Извини за качество. Боюсь, что они не представляют художественной ценности, но, быть может, они тебе понравятся как память о поездке в Рим.

Позволь мне закончить письмо напоминанием, что ты обещал приехать как-нибудь в Петербург. Я буду очень рад приветствовать тебя здесь и принять как своего личного гостя.

С наилучшими пожеланиями

Искренне твой

P. S. Пожалуйста, передай от меня большой привет Сузан.

Dear Norman,

A small parcel with photographs and slides taken In Rome , as you may remember, is on its way to you. I hope they will remind you of the days of the conference and the long discussions, which I found very stimulating. Some of the photos, unfortunately, didn’t come out properly. Excuse the quality. I'm afraid they have no artistic quality but you may like them as a memento of the visit to Rome .

Allow me to wind up by recalling that you promised to come to St. Petersburg one day. I would be most happy to welcome and host you here as my personal guest.

Kind regards.

Yours sincerely,

P. S. Give Susan my best regards, please.


Дорогой Гилберт!

Господин Смит, находящийся сейчас в Петербурге, сказал мне, что ты собираешься в Петербург на семинар по биологии, который будет проходить с 15 по 17 сентября. Мы будем рады, если ты проведешь с нами уик-энд после семинара. Мы также пригласим и господина Смита присоединиться к нам. Он будет рад снова повидаться с тобой.

Если у тебя на этот уик-энд другие планы, дай нам знать, и мы постараемся устроить все так, чтобы всем было удобно.

Надеемся, что твой поездка будет приятной, и ждем встречи с тобой.

Искренне твой

P. S. Пожалуйста, позвони мне вечером в любой день. Я дома примерно с восьми часов вечера.

Dear Gilbert,