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She cried out and arched upward. Dripping wet heat met his hand, but he backed off and kept his touch deliberately light. He traced her swollen folds while he worked at her nipple, until his name chanted in his ear to his satisfaction. Slowly, he lifted his head and removed his hand.

Fucking gorgeous. Violet eyes fogged with need and a naked desire. He pressed his hand to his nose and breathed in her essence. A raw animal response thundered in his veins, like a horse wanting to mount and possess in a fury of lust. If he wasn’t careful, he’d plunge inside of her and spill his seed like a teenager. He clamped down on his need and took a deep breath. In order to break down her barriers, he needed to go slow. By the end of the night, she’d completely submit to him, body and soul.

“Are you ready to give me what I want?”

Her voice was ragged. “Yes.”

“Good. I still don’t trust you so I’m leaving the belt on. I’m going to remove the rest of your clothes. Lie on the bed with your head by the board.”

Her legs shook but she obeyed with no delay, positioning herself on the king size bed as he requested. He took in every inch of her nakedness with appreciation. Long legged and slim, she moved as gracefully naked as clothed. Her nipples jutted out from perfectly formed, plump breasts. Smooth golden brown skin gleamed like cocoa butter. Dark pubic curls covered her inner lips, but he spotted a flush of moisture and the nub of her clit, already heavily aroused.

He walked into the bathroom to snag the plush robes hanging from the hook. He grabbed two belts and returned to the bed. With quick motions, he unhooked the leather belt and freed her hands. Before she could say anything, he pulled her arms over her head, re-attached the belt around her wrists, and secured her to the elaborately scrolled headboard.

“What are you doing?”

The sharp edge of demand tinged her voice, and admiration cut through him. She’d never bore a man—always challenging him on every decision, and he loved it. He quickly looped a cloth sash around each of her ankles and tied her to the footboard. The hotel’s rooms were well known for catering to a taste in bondage, and the choices of bedroom furniture proved an asset. “Taking away your choices.”

Her brows furrowed as she tested the hold. “No. I want to touch you also. Untie me.”

He flashed a grin at her haughty tone while she lay spread-eagle on the bed. “I won the hand so we play my way. Lay back and enjoy the ride.”

She wiggled one foot and struggled against her bonds. “I’m not one of your groupies. I have my own demands to make and never take a free ride.”

Bingo. Sloane Keller was so obviously used to calling the shots and making sure she won in bed, she forgot to surrender and receive.

His cock throbbed painfully against the fabric of his pants. She’d fight him the whole way until he gave her the first orgasm. Making a quick decision, he stripped quickly. He needed her pliant so he had the time to take her in his own way.

Her gaze hungrily roved over him, but he didn’t give her much time to look. Kneeling on the bed, he placed a hand on each of her thighs and caressed the trembling flesh.

Her breath came in huge gulps as she fought her body. “What are you doing! Didn’t you hear what I said?”

“Oh, baby, I’m not giving you a free ride. But if we’re going to go any further, I need you to listen better. So, I’m going to let you come.”

“You bastard! Don’t you dare, I refuse to come on command for you.”

He lowered until he’d settled between her legs. “Let’s see who wins this round.”

“Roman, I—oh!”

He parted her lips and touched his tongue to her throbbing clit. A rush of liquid warmth met him at her entrance, as he teased her with quick licks of his tongue that never gave her the pressure she craved. She bucked underneath him and panted. She tasted like heaven, musky and fragrant. He worked one finger into her and slid in and out, giving her a tiny taste of what his cock would do later on. Her cries became frenzied as she moved close to the edge, and with one swift movement, he pressed his tongue against her hard bud while he plunged three fingers in her channel in savage demand.

She screamed and convulsed around him. He cursed viciously under his breath at her open, naked response and kissed her, stroking her legs as she rode out her orgasm. She fell limp on the mattress, her vivid burgundy hair fanning the clean white pillows in stark contrast.

He moved up and cuddled her, massaging her arms so her muscles didn’t get sore in the bound position. He removed the sashes from her feet, but kept her hands tied. Her stubbornness still lingered, and she hadn’t surrendered completely to him yet.

But she would.

Sloane lay against his hard, muscled length and enjoyed the tender caresses on her skin while she floated back to earth. Dear God, what did he do to me? She’d never had such an intense orgasm before. In a matter of an hour, she’d been rebuked, tied up, and ordered around in a way she’d never thought possible.

And she liked it.

No, she admitted. I loved it.

A quick glimpse of his naked body showed corded arms and chest, literal six pack abs, and a huge, throbbing cock. Her mouth dried at the thought of wrapping her lips around such power. Easily over six feet, he loomed fierce and treated her as a captive from the spoils of war. He forced her to walk a fine edge of fear and lust, until she didn’t know how to react.

In all of her past relationships, she’d never been ordered around in the bedroom. Some men tried, but one strong protest and they backed off. She’d never been a non-participant in sex, yet this stranger had gotten her off in a matter of minutes and she hadn’t even laid a hand on him.

He pressed a kiss to her forehead, smoothing back her hair, and sudden tears pricked her lids. Disgusted by her weakness, she pushed the emotion back and concentrated on conversation to keep her mind strong. “Where did you come from?”

His chest rumbled with laughter. “Atlantic City. I worked as a dealer there for years, but my brother wanted me in Vegas. A job opening came up with Castillo Resorts so he finally convinced me to take it.”

“Hmm, who’s your brother?”

“Rick Steele.”

She picked her head up. “I know Rick. He’s a friend of Jackson Castillo. That’s how I found out about Madame Evangeline. I knew I’d be playing this week and Jackson gave me the contact information.”

“Hmmm, interesting. My brother set this up for me, too. What were you looking for, Sloane?”

A man to make her forget she always had to be in charge. A man to cuddle her and make her feel feminine and cared for. A man to challenge her mind and make her spirit soar. Everything a woman wanted and dreamed about and everything a woman doubted she’d ever find.

“I moved to Vegas about a year ago since most of my work took place in tournaments around the city. I have a poker tournament this week and I needed to blow off steam. I don’t usually do one-night stands, though you probably won’t believe me. But I wanted company on this tour, and I wanted to be safe. Madame Eve’s service seemed to fit the bill.”

“I do believe you.” His warm voice steadied her and she relaxed. She sensed when people told her something just to appease her, but he only spoke truth since the moment she met him. “I guess it’s hard to believe such an extraordinary woman would need an outsider to keep her company.”

She laughed. “I’m a workaholic, and I’m careful who I get involved with. I guess you could say I’m extremely picky.” She gazed into stormy eyes and looked for her own answers. “I’d say the same about you. Looks to me like you don’t need help finding company.”