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6. Fray Francisco, O.F.M. Historical Memoirs of New California, ed. par Herbert Eugene Bolton, Russel and Russel, New York, 1966.

7. Ibid.

8. Voyages autour du monde et en Océanic. La Pérouse et alli, revu et traduit par M. Albert-Monte-mont, Bry aîné, Paris, 1855.

9. S.F. Cook. The Conflict between the California Indian and White Civilization, U.C. Press, California, 1943.

10. Miguel Venegas. A Natural and Civil History of California, publié a Madrid en 1758.

11. M.De Saint-Amant. Voyages en Californie et dans l'Oregon, L. Maison, libraire à Paris, 1854.

12.Cité dans: l'introduction du Journal de voyage en Californie de A. Bénard De Russailh, Aubier, 1980.

Глава I. Новое Эльдорадо

1. Edwin Bryant. What I saw in California, The Fine Arts Press, Santa Ana со., 1946.

2. Приблизительные цифры историка Г. Г. Бенкрофта.

3. California Gold Regions, F. M. Pratt publisher. New York, 1849.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. lbid.

7. Ibid.

8. H. H. Bancroft. History of California. Vol. VI, 1848-1859, San Francisco, 1888, The History Company.

9. J. Quinn Thornton. Oregon and California. 1846-1848, Harper and Brothers, New York, 1864.

10. Ibid.

11. Чиновник юстиции в испанских странах, исполняющий также обязанности мэра.

12. J. Quinn Thornton, op. cit.

13. Frank Soule John H. Gihon and James Nisben, The Annals of San Francisco, Lewis Osborne, Palo Alto, 1966.

14. Edouard Auger. Voyage en Californie, Librairie L. Hachette, Paris, 1854.

15. Там же. Фактически гарнизон состоял из капитана и 50 солдат.

16. Charles Edward Pancoast. A Quaker Forty Niner. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1930.

17. John W. Audubon. Audubon's Western Journal. The Arthur H. Clark Company, Cleveland, 1906.

18. Фанега — испанская мера веса, равная 100 фунтам.

19. Robert Glass Cleland. The Cattle on a Thousand Hills. The Huntington Library, San Marino, 1964.

20. Edwin Bryant, op. cit.

21. William Henry Bigler. Diary of a Mormon in California 1815-1900. Manuscript Bancroft Library, Berkeley, California.

22. Ibid.

23. Ibid.

24. Н. H. Bancroft, op. cit. Vol. VI, 1848-1859.

25. Frank Soule et alii, op. cit.

26. Walter Cotton. The Land of Gold, D. W. Evans and Co., New York, 1860.

27. Ibid.

28. Ibid.

29. Ibid.

30. Daniel Lévy. Les Français en Californie, Grégoire. Tauzy et Co. Ed, Sail Francisco, 1884.

31. Cité dans: California Gold Regions.

32. Мейсон, военный комендант в Калифорнии. Между 1847 и 1849 годами — губернатор.

33. Cité dans California: Gold Regions.

34. Ibid.

35. Назван так потому, что жила была открыта мормонами.

36. Cité dans: California Gold Regions.

37. Сэм Бреннан, вождь мормонов, житель Нью-Йорка, приехал в Калифорнию через мыс Горн.

38. California Gold Regions.

39. Lettre publiee dans California Gold Regions.

40. Письмо, опубликованное в приложении к Oregon and California, op. cit.

41. Ibid.

42. Ibid.

43. Приспособление для добычи золота.

44. Walter Cotton, op. cit.

45. Н. Н. Bancroft, op. cit.

46. Steve Giacobbi. Chile and her Argonauts in the Gold Rush 1848-1856. Memoire de maitrise, San Jose State college, 1957, Robert D. Reed publisher, Californie.

47. J.Müller. California, Land of Gold or Stay at Home and Work Hard. Anthony Knight, The Book Club of California, trad. San Francisco, 1971.

Глава II. Путешествие

1. Oscar Lewis. Sea Routes to the Gold Fields 1849—1852. Alfred A. Knopf, 1949.

2. Ibid.

3. Ibid.

4. Albert Bénard de Russailh, Journal de voyage en Californie 1850—1852. Op. cit.

5. «The Gold Rush by Panama 1848—1851», par John Haskell Kemble, dans Rushing for Gold, par John Walton Caughey, University of California Press, 1948.

6. Sea Routes to the Gold Fields. Op. cit.

7. S. de Lapeyrouse. Misères oubliées. Californie 1850—1853. Maurice Dreyfous éd. Paris, 1886.

8. Journal de voyage en Californie 1850—1852, op. cit.

9. Ibid.

10. The Journal of John N. Stone. Dans John E. Pomfret, California Gold Rush Voyages, The Huntington Library, 1954.

11. Ibid., introduction.

12. Bayard Taylor. Eldorado. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1949.

13. Ibid.

14. Edouard Auger. Voyage en Californie, op. cit.

15. Elisba Oscar Crosby. Reminiscences of California. The Huntington Library, San Marino, California, 1945.

16. El Dorado, op. cit.

17. Ibid.

18. Voyage en Californie, op. cit.

19. Ibid.

20. El Dorado, op. cit.

21. Hiram Dwight Pierce. A Forty-Niner Speaks. Keystone Inglette, Oakland, 1930.

22. Frank Marryat. Mountains and Molehills. Harper and Brothers, New York, 1855.

23. Cité dans: Oscar Lewis, op. cit.

24. M. de Saint-Amant. Voyages en Californie et dans l'Oregon, op. cit.

25. George R. Stewart. The California Trail. McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 1962.

26. Charles Edward Pancoast. A Quaker Forty-Niner, op. cit.

27. Ibid.

28. Grant Foreman. Marcy and the Gold Seekers. University of Oklahoma Press, 1939.

29. Lee Whipple-Haslam. Early Days in California, Jamestown, Ca, 1923.

30. Cité par Everett Dick, dans The Story of the Frontier, Ph. D. Tudor Publishing Co., New York, 1941.

31. Marcy and the Gold Seekers, op. cit.

32. Phineas Blunt. Notes of Travel from New York to the Gold Region in California in the year eighteen hundred and nine. Manuscript, Bancroft Library, Berkeley.

33. A Quaker Forty-Niner, op. cit.

34. Marcy and the Gold Seekers, op. cit.

35. Ibid.

36. Ibid.

37. Archer Butler Hulbert. Forty-Niners: The Chronicle of the California Trail. Little Brown and Company, Boston, 1932.

38. Ibid.

39. H.H.Bancroft. History of California, 1848-1859, op. cit.

40. Lieutenant Wise, U.S.N. Los Gringos, Baker and Scribner, New York, 1849.

41. A Quaker Forty-Niner, op. cit.

42. William Lewis Manly. Death Valley in '49. San José. The Pacific Tree and Vine Company, 1894.

43. A Quaker Forty-Niner, op. cit.

44. Glenn S. Dumke. «Across Mexico» dans Rushing for Gold, op. cit.

Глава III. Жизнь нa приисках

1. Leprechaun — в ирландском фольклоре дух, принимающий образ старика, который может открыть тому, кто сумеет его схватить, тайник, в котором спрятано сокровище.

2. Alonzo Delano's Pen-Knife Sketches, The Grabhorn Press, San Francisco, 1934

3. lbid.

4. William Lewis Manly, The Jayhawkers Oath, selected by Arthur Woodward, Warren F Lewis pub., 1949.

5. Claim: droit de prospection d'un lot determiné et, par extension, le lot lui-même.

6. Материнская жила.

7. Rodman W. Paul. California Gold. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1947.

8. P. Maury Jr. La Californie en fevrier 1852, Durant imp. Bordeaux, 1852.