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As she got her breath back, she blinked and sat up. Ed was just lying on the rug, a foolish grin on his narrow handsome face making him look very young. Denny smiled too, and reached over and laid his hand on her shoulder, his touch almost fraternal, congratulatory.

"Here, have a swig of this. It'll take the taste away." He offered the drinking bottle, shuffling up close so he could hold it while she sipped.

"I don't mind the taste," said Laurie in all honestly. Ed's semen had a bland, clean flavor, not at all unpleasant.

"Neither do I," answered Denny with a golden wink, "But I still think you deserve a drink after that performance."

The rum and lime was fresh and spicy, the perfect reviver. Laurie had never tasted anything quite so delicious and welcome in her life. As the heat went down her throat and into her belly, she did indeed feel stirred and refreshed. The bite of the rum seemed to reignite her, despite all the pleasures she'd already feasted on.

As did the sight of Denny's cock, thick and sturdy, rearing up from his groin as if waiting for its turn to participate.

Laurie hitched forward a little, licking her lips and wondering if over-proof spirit would be at all damaging to the shiny, stretched skin of Denny's erection. "Er… would you like me to do the honors for you too?" She nodded towards his penis, where it swayed a little as he moved towards her.

His grin was seraphic. "Bless you, my queen of sexiness. I don't think I've ever had a sweeter offer." He paused, offering her the drink bottle again, and waiting while she had another pull at it. "But that's not exactly what I want right at the moment."

Laurie blinked. What did he want? Did he intend too fuck his lover, Ed, while she watched? She'd no doubt that Ed would pretty quickly revive at that prospect and it would both intriguing and red hot to see the two men together in a reverse of the configuration of last night.

But when she made to move aside, and allow Denny to get to Ed, he set aside the bottle, and took hold of her lightly by both her shoulders. "Uh oh… no, not that."


His answer was to push her down onto her back on the rug, and kiss her, moving his body over hers like a cloak of heat. As his tongue pushed into her mouth, he rubbed his cock against her thigh.

Oh Lordy, you want to fuck me! Why didn't I think of that?

"When I said we like girls," Denny murmured, moving his mouth over her face, her jaw and her neck, then worrying a sensitive patch of skin just beneath her ear, teasing it with the sharp edges of his teeth, "That means we like to fuck girls too." Nibble, nibble, nibble… "But only very special girls like you. Very special women, who… who… Well, women who really mean something to us."

The sweet kissing went on, and Laurie gave back as good as she got. But a part of her analyzed what he'd said and her mind began to whirl and slowly wonder. She felt special. She was special. And as her eyes filled with tears, it dawned on her that on this enchanted night, she was much, much more special than she'd ever been back at home, even when engaged, and almost married. Out of a clear Caribbean sky, it seemed almost as if the perfect man for her, times two, had descended from heaven.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Denny lifted his face and peered down at her, his brow crimping, "Are you all right, sweetheart?" He rested on his elbow and used his free hand to stroke her face and smooth back her hair, his touch infinitely gentle. "If we're too much for you, you just have to say. We'll take it down a notch or two. We can all just sit here in the moonlight for a while, you know. We don't have to have sex. We can just be buddies."

More tears threatened, but they were good ones. Denny and Ed were the most exciting and desirable men she'd ever met, but they were nice too. Strange and old-fashioned as that seemed.

I like nice. Nice is sexy. Very sexy indeed.

"I'm fine, Denny… more than fine," she answered, reaching up to stroke his face, then turning to smile at Ed too, when she felt his reassuring hand on her shoulder. "And I don't want to take anything down any number of notches. I like things at this level, just as they are." She swirled her hips, rubbing her belly against Denny's rigid cock.

Denny grin widened into a creamy, smug, boyish, irresistible, masculine smirk.

"That's the spirit," he growled, plunging in for more hard kisses, tongue probing wickedly, as his hands, and a couple of extra ones, began to explore.

Laurie had never felt so pampered and so caressed, and she loved the way that Ed stroked and touched Denny as he in turn stroked and touched her. They were like one delicious, fondling man-unit, eager to serve her.

"Condom, buddy," instructed Denny after a little while, his face nuzzled against her neck. She felt him reach out a hand, fingers waggling in a request for Ed to supply a contraceptive, presumably from the pocket of his jeans, or Denny's trousers.

Swiftly, Ed found one and then came to kneel beside them. Denny half slid off Laurie, and seemed to present himself for enrobing. Laurie watched, a luscious frisson of lust roiling in her belly as Ed rolled the rubber sheath onto his friend. It was a normal, fine, near-transparent one this time, not the lurid day-glow version from last night.

"What, no Technicolor dream-coat tonight?" she said, admiring the latex gleam of the form-fitting sheath where it clung to the firm flesh beneath.

"Oh no, those are heavy duty johnnies, designed for backdoor action." The men's fingers casually brushed each other as Denny checked the fit. "These are finer, so I can feel being inside you all the better." He reached for her hand, folding it in his and Ed's, around his cock.

Laurie giggled.

"What're you laughing at, you cheeky mare?" Denny gave her an arch look, his thumb stroking her fingers.

"All for one, one for all." She squeezed him lightly.

"Exactly," observed Ed, his own fingers flexing.

"Precisely," chimed Denny happily, "Now shall we get on?" As Ed slid back onto his haunches, the blond moved over Laurie, pressing his cock against her belly.

She was ready, so ready for him. He was to be her first man since the catastrophe that had brought her here alone and her first man as a woman who was free to make choices. Squirming against Denny, she nudged and encouraged him to enter her, giving back his demanding kisses to invite him in.

Had she planned to have sex on this holiday? Maybe… Had she ever anticipated it would be as strange and wonderful as this? Never… Fingers probed and nudged at her entrance, positioning Denny's erection, setting it just right against her. As she kissed, and surged up eagerly, grabbing his back and buttocks, she couldn't tell in the tangle of limbs exactly whose fingers they were. She just knew they were strong and sure and male.

And then he was in, pushing forward in a smooth, confident stroke. Laurie's eyes popped open and she gasped. He felt big, deliciously big, stretching her as he slid into the hilt. "Oh yeah," he gasped, rocking his hips, going deeper. A hand slid over her hip, gentle and encouraging, Ed's blessing.

Denny was hungry for her. He fucked her hard. All the watching and anticipating while she'd pleasured Ed had driven the blond man to distraction and a towering state of raw desire. He grunted happily as he plowed her, murmuring raw endearments and a blue streak of praise for her body and the way she felt. His hips rocked with extraordinary power, battering her against the rug and the sand beneath them, every stroke nudging hard against her clit.

Yes, Denny was fierce, and his body ruthless, but at the same time Ed's caresses, roaming over them both, were sweet and tender. The combination of wild power with exquisite nurturing made her moan, overcome and almost delirious even before she reached for climax.

The sky above was dark, yet the moon was bright, the elemental contrast an echo of Ed and Denny. Between them, they were best of everything, all she wanted. Moaning and crying out without fear or inhibition, Laurie's own hands roved over all the masculine flesh she could reach and touch: Denny's muscular, flexing back and ass, and Ed's firm thighs and caressing hands. She even explored his cock, newly hard, where he pressed himself as closely as he could against the juncture of her and Denny, sharing their friction.