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“Are you willing to die for him?”

No hesitation. “Yes.” After all, technically she thought she already had.

“Good. Then put the phone down, lay your hands on his chest and picture the energy inside your body leaving you and flowing into him. But be sure to hold back enough for yourself.”

“Okay.” Suddenly she knew what to do. After all, she’d written the damn books. She knew what had happened to the other warriors, how they’d shared their immortality with the women who’d saved them. Or at least she thought she knew.

Who knew what was fact and what was fiction since Hades had given her the stories through her dreams? But from what Marko was telling her, this part seemed to be true. And she needed to believe, needed to think there was some way to save Leander.

She put the phone down next to her, laid her hands on his chest, over his heart, and closed her eyes. She pictured the beautiful lights she’d seen, imagined them flowing from her into Leander. It was easier than she’d thought it would be.

Her entire body heated and warmth flowed down her arms, out the palms of her hands and into Leander. She willed him to live. “Open your eyes, goddammit.” The light began to dim and she started to panic. What if it wasn’t enough? She pushed harder, giving him all her love, giving him everything she was. The energy pulsed harder and ripped out of her control. Much like riding a runaway train, Araminta held on and prayed.

Leander floated in a sea of darkness, lost in time and space. He had no idea where he was, but that didn’t bother him. Araminta was alive, he was sure of it, and that was all that truly mattered.

He wished he could have been with her longer, spent the remainder of her life by her side. But it wasn’t to be. Sacrificing his life for her was a small price to pay. At least Hades didn’t have his soul. It seemed that no one did.

He felt a slight tug and frowned. What was that?

The tug grew greater and a wonderful warmth enveloped him. It felt comforting and loving and he automatically moved toward it. Was it the Lady come to claim him? While he was saddened at the thought of never seeing Araminta again, he was glad to be going home, ready to give whatever was left of his life essence to aid the Lady in the continuing war with Hades.

His lion stirred and then growled. Leander tuned into his senses, trying to understand what was happening. He sniffed the air and listened carefully, but he couldn’t smell or hear anything.

Suddenly, his entire body jolted as what felt like a million bolts of lightning shot through him. White light surrounded him, filled him, followed swiftly by a rainbow of colors.

“No,” he yelled, finally understanding what was happening. But there was no stopping the life force from returning to its rightful owner. It streamed into him, happy to be home once again. Leander sat upright just as Araminta slumped over him. He caught her limp body and clutched her to his chest. “What have you done?” he roared.

He turned her in his arms and lay her across his lap. He heard a voice yelling in the distance and swiveled his head, growling, ready to attack anyone who threatened his Araminta.

Percy meowed and Leander shot his gaze toward the cat. Beside him was a rectangular box, Araminta’s cell phone. The voice was coming from there. He almost ignored it, but his keen ears caught his name being called by a familiar voice. He grabbed the phone. “Marko?”

“It’s me. What happened to Araminta?”

He held her closer to his chest. “She gave my life force back to me.”

“Damn, I told her to hold some back.”

Leander frowned. “What are you talking about?”

“Listen up. You can share it with her, your immortality. Give her some of your life force, but not all of it. You still need most of it.”

“What will that do to her?”

“It will save her life and you can be together.”

Leander dropped the phone and gathered her close to his heart. He murmured under his breath, willing the light from within him into her once again. But this time he carefully controlled it, letting it flow a little at a time until he felt her stirring. Colors swirled around them, enveloping them as a slow, warm stream flowed from his hands into Araminta. When he felt she’d had enough, he stopped and hung his head as exhaustion and gratitude tugged at him.

Noise not far from him reminded him that Marko was still waiting on him. He grabbed the phone. “Thank you, my friend.” His heartfelt emotions made his voice quaver.

“My pleasure.” Marko chuckled. “I think you have other things to attend to now, but call me later. We have much to discuss together and with Roric.” The bear paused. “Love her and do not let her go. The woman in your arms is a miracle. She gave her life for you.”

“I know.” He thumbed off the phone and stood with Araminta safe in his arms. “Come on, Percy.” The cat ambled beside him as he went inside the house, pausing only to close and lock the door behind him. He dumped the phone on the counter, carried Araminta into her bedroom and gently set her down on the bed.

Chapter Sixteen

The loveliest warmth filled Araminta. It was like floating in a pool of warm water on a hot summer day. She sighed and stretched, but it wasn’t water beneath her. It was firmer than that.

“Look at me.”

She’d know that deep, commanding voice anywhere. Her eyelids fluttered open and he filled her vision. “Leander.” He was leaning over her, his incredible golden eyes filled with concern. His brows were furrowed, giving him a very stern expression. She smiled at him, feeling kinda loopy, as though she’d had one too many glasses of wine on an empty stomach. She reached up and rubbed at the furrow in his forehead. “You’re cute when you’re angry.”

One corner of his mouth kicked up and the lines on his forehead smoothed out. “You’re not afraid of me when I’m angry?”

She giggled. That didn’t seem right. She wasn’t a giggler, but she couldn’t seem to help it. Now what was it he’d asked her? Right. “No, silly, I’m not afraid of you.” She reached up, linked her hands around his neck and yanked him lower. “You’re my lion.”

He cocked one eyebrow at her and she giggled again. He looked so fierce, his exotic features making him appear more lion than man. His long mane of hair fell to his shoulders, the colors enthralling. She slid her fingers through several locks.

“So I’m yours, am I?”

She gave him a stern frown. “Of course you’re mine.”

He leaned down and rubbed his nose against hers. She loved the smell of him, masculine and spicy heat. “Does that make you mine?”

“Absolutely.” There was something she was forgetting. Something important. She strained to remember.

“What’s wrong?” Now it was Leander’s turn to rub her forehead and try to erase the deep furrows of her concern.

“I’ve forgotten something. Why don’t I remember?” She frowned at him even though it wasn’t his fault. Or at least she didn’t think it was his fault. Percy chose that moment to jump up beside them. He grumbled and bumped his head against her arm. “Hey, Percy.”

“How much do you remember?” Leander sat back and she sank into the pillows. Pillows, she was on her bed in her room. Nice. How had she gotten here?

“Not much.” She chewed on her bottom lip as she struggled to remember. Leander groaned, but she ignored him as she scoured her memories for details. She came straight up in bed. Bad move as her head protested, sending shards of pain ricocheting through her skull. She would have toppled over if Leander hadn’t caught her. Percy gave a disgruntled grumble, turned his back and sauntered down to the end of the bed.