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Araminta let her head fall back against his shoulder. She breathed his name again, wanting to tell him how much he meant to her, wanting to reaffirm her love. But speech was beyond her.

Heat grew between her thighs, her pussy pulsing with each powerful stroke. “Come for me.” His rough command would not be denied.

She came hard and fast, her entire body quivering. She screamed and the world went dim, but she didn’t worry about falling. Leander would take care of her.

Araminta slumped in his arms and Leander held on tight, willing his legs to hold them both upright. His lungs sucked in much needed air, his cock still rippling within her hot, silky depths. He groaned when her pussy gripped his dick as another spasm rocked her core.

He buried his face in her wet hair and inhaled her sweet scent—lavender and arousal.



She shivered, and it was only then he felt the cold water beating down on his shoulders. They’d used up all the hot. He frowned. Her bath would have to wait until later. He inwardly cursed himself. He was supposed to be taking care of her, not mounting her like some animal in heat.

Even though he wanted to stay buried in her hot depths for the rest of the day, he carefully pulled out. His cock flexed in protest. He was still hard and ready to go.

Araminta’s knees buckled, and he scooped her into his arms. He maneuvered them both out of the tub and then held her with one arm while he turned off the water. Silence surrounded them. The occasional plink of water and their heavy breathing the only sounds.

Leander grabbed a thick white towel from a stack on a nearby shelf and began to dry Araminta. It wasn’t easy. The woman was totally boneless. Her eyes were closed and a small smile played at the corners of her mouth. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as he blotted her wet hair as best he could.

Finally, he gave up and tossed the towel aside. He lifted her into his arms and carried her back to the bedroom. He yanked back the covers and bundled her into bed, not wanting her to catch a chill. Of course, she was immortal now, and maybe the cold wouldn’t bother her as much. Maybe it would. They both had so much to learn.

And they had forever in which to learn it.

Chapter Seventeen

Araminta snuggled closer to Leander, loving the heat that radiated from his large body. She’d never look at the shower the same way again. She didn’t think she’d be able to step under the warm spray without imagining Leander’s strong arms around her and his thick cock inside her.

She shivered as another spasm raced through her body.

But how long would she have him? Surely he’d want to go to the other freed warriors as soon as possible.

“What is wrong?” The deep rumble of his voice vibrated through her cheek where it rested on his broad chest. She could hear the heavy thump of his heart and the sound brought such happiness to her. They’d both survived. They were alive. She had no right to wish for more.

Yet she did. She’d fallen in love with her immortal warrior and wanted to spend the rest of her days with him. “What now?” She turned the question back on him rather than trying to explain all the conflicting emotions swirling around inside her.

He tightened his arms around her and kissed her temple with warm lips. “Now you rest.”

She pushed away and propped herself up on one elbow, needing to see his face. He looked relaxed, his long hair feathered over her pillow. But even resting, the sharp angles of his cheekbones and jaw stood out, making him appear harsh. She knew better.

“But what about after that? What about tomorrow?” There, she’d asked. Better to know what was coming than to spend hours or days worrying about it.

He reached up and toyed with a damp lock of her hair. “Tomorrow, we contact Marko and Roric and find out if there is any way to locate the Lady and free Arand.”

“That’s the wolf, right?” And the only remaining creature left on the carousel.

Leander nodded. “Yes. Hades is not done yet. And though we might not be able to interfere in his destiny, I must try to help Arand if I can.”

She understood that. She truly did. He was a hero, after all. He wasn’t the type of man who sat back and did nothing when his friend was in danger.

“And I wish to see my friends again after all this time. We were together, but able to share very little these past centuries.”

She rubbed his chest, needing the physical connection. “That’s so sad.”

He offered her a smile. “It is done now.”

“Not really.” She’d written a plot summary for the series, so she knew better. “Hades isn’t done. He’s still going to try to take over the world.”

Leander cupped her face in his hands. “We will do what we can to stop him. It will not be easy. We have no idea where he will end up next or how soon Arand will be released.” He appeared thoughtful. “It’s happening faster and faster now. There were years between Mordecai and Stavros and Phoenix’s releases. There were only a few months between Roric and Marko’s release. Only weeks between Marko’s release and mine.”

She’d noticed the same thing. “Time is running out.”

He tugged her toward him, positioning her so she was lying on his body. Her breasts were pillowed against his chest and her pelvis was aligned with his. Her eyes widened. He was still majorly aroused. “But—” She broke off, not quite knowing what to say. He’d come. She knew he had.

He rubbed her lower back, pushing her more firmly against his erection. “I always want you, Araminta.”

Wow. That was a huge turn-on. But she couldn’t afford to get distracted just yet. “When are you leaving?”

He frowned, stilling his hand at the base of her spine. “What do you mean?”

She chewed on her bottom lip. “I mean. I know you’ve got duties and things to do. I was just wondering how long you were staying with me.” She was proud of the fact she’d gotten through her small speech without breaking into tears. Oh, she would miss him so much. Her chest hurt and she wanted to yell at the unfairness of it all, but that would be childish. She’d known going in what the score was.

He moved and she suddenly found herself flat on her back with him hovering over her. He did not look pleased. “You want me to leave you?”

Why was he making this so hard? She tried to look away from him, but he caught her face in his big hands. He smoothed his thumbs over her cheeks and deep sadness filled his beautiful gold eyes. “You do not want me?”

“That’s not it at all.” No way did she want him to think that. She took a deep breath and served up her heart on a platter. “I love you.”

The sadness retreated, replaced by a questioning look. “I don’t understand. If you love me, why do you want me to leave?”

Was he being dense on purpose? “I don’t want you to leave, but I know you have to. You’re an immortal warrior to a goddess. You have duties and responsibilities. I get that. I really do.” That sounded mature and confident even though she was dying inside.

He shook his head, his fluffy mane of hair brushing against her skin. “No. I do not go without you.”

“Really?” Her heart leapt at the possibility that their time together wasn’t done yet.

He sighed so deeply his breath ruffled her hair. “I love you. I have said it, have I not? I have never said that to another woman.”

“Ever?” She could hardly believe it.

“Ever,” he repeated. “You are my heart and share my immortality. You are mine. You belong to us.” He leaned back and allowed his face to shift until the lion appeared his golden eyes staring down at her. Then the lion retreated and Leander was back. “We both want you and will not give you up.”