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Rohese did not think she had the right to lecture, though, for Baldwin was her elder brother. She contented herself with repeating, “You are sure?”

“Yes,” he said, not sounding all that convinced. He was quiet for some moments, watching as flames licked the hearth log. “We could hardly say no, not when the queen was the one doing the asking. She sent for Sarra’s mother, told Hodierna that she needed a wet nurse she could trust, a woman who was healthy, between twenty-five and thirty-five, willing to forswear spicy and sour foods whilst nursing, and above all, discreet.”

Rohese had straightened on her stool at the first mention of the queen. It all made sense now. Understandably eager to please Eleanor, Hodierna must have mentioned that her youngest daughter was nursing her own babe. “No,” she agreed, “you could hardly turn down the Queen of England.” Her eyes shining, she leaned forward, patting Baldwin’s knee. “This is so exciting, Baldwin! For the queen to take a hand, surely the babe must be of high birth. You think… could it be her son John’s?”

Sarra would never have answered Rohese’s question, but Sarra was not there. Baldwin already had misgivings and the baby had not even arrived yet. “I wondered that, too,” he admitted. “But I met the father, or the lad claiming to be the father. He came a fortnight ago to escort Sarra to Godstow Priory. That is where the mother had her lying-in, and I gathered that Justin-the only name he gave me-has been staying nearby since the babe’s birth. The baby was not due till December, but she was born early. They had to find a local girl to nurse the child until arrangements could be made to get her to St Albans.”

Rohese had not yet abandoned her theory that the baby could be Lord John’s, and she felt a small dart of disappointment, for she imagined a father would be more involved in a son’s life than a daughter’s. “The child is a girl, then?”

Baldwin nodded. “She is called Aline. Justin said it was his mother’s name.” Anticipating her curious questions, he raised a hand in playful protest. “I can tell you very little about him, Rohese, other than the fact that he has excellent manners and wears a sword with the comfort of a man who knows how to use it.”

“What is his connection to the queen? Could he… could he be a natural son of the old king?”

Baldwin shook his head, chuckling. “He has grey eyes like the old king, but he is dark as a Saracen. Moreover, I do not think the queen would have warm, fond feelings for one of King Henry’s bastards. This Justin cannot be much more than twenty or twenty-one, and by then the queen was being held prisoner by her husband.”

“Oh,” Rohese said, deflated. At least two of King Henry’s bastards had been raised at his court, with the queen’s consent. But if Justin were born after the queen had rebelled against King Henry, he’d not have known her during his childhood and it was unlikely that she’d be bestirring herself on his behalf. “Well, then, it must be the baby’s mother who has the queen’s favor. What do you know about her?”

“Even less than I know about Justin. We’ve been told her name is Clarice, but it is most likely false-” This time Baldwin was certain of the step outside the door. With a grin, he hurried over to open it for his wife.

Baldwin was struck by the beauty of the woman introduced to him as “the Lady Clarice.” He was struck, too, by her unease. Her smile was perfunctory, her demeanor distracted, and her eyes darted around the room as if measuring the confines of a cage. Conversation was stilted, sporadic, for Justin was no more talkative than “Clarice.” Unlike her, though, he did not seem nervous, just sad. He was holding baby Aline as if she were as delicate as a snowflake and would melt if breathed upon. Baldwin remembered how he’d felt when he’d cradled his firstborn-awed and thankful and so protective of that fragile little life that it was actually painful-and he thawed toward the younger man. But his newfound empathy for Justin did nothing to ease the awkwardness, and he was relieved when Sarra reached again for her mantle, declaring that she could not wait another moment to see her children.

Once out in the street, Rohese was obviously eager to interrogate Sarra about Aline’s parents, but she won Baldwin’s gratitude by curbing her curiosity and declaring she was off to fetch Brian from the alehouse. Sarra and Baldwin stood for several moments in a wordless embrace, cuddling their young daughter between them until she started to squirm. Giving her to Baldwin, Sarra linked her arm in his and they started walking up the street toward her mother’s residence.

“Well, Ella,” he joked, “how do you feel about having a new milk-sister?” The little girl gurgled and cooed, and his anxiety began to ebb away in his joy at having his family together again. “So, what do you think, Sarra?”

“It will be well,” she said, and he was comforted by her certainty, for she’d never been one for sweetening the truth. “Our greatest fear was that they’d be haughty and demanding. We need not worry about that. The girl is highborn, as we suspected, but I saw no malice in her, no spite, and I did not see her at her best, for she is still recovering from the birthing. She had a hard time of it, Baldwin, bled enough to scare the midwife half to death.”

Ella let out a sudden squeal, and Aline and her mysterious parents were forgotten. Sarra wanted reassurance that their other children had behaved themselves during her absence, and Baldwin was happy to spin some tall tales about their mischief-making. It was not until they’d almost reached her mother’s house that he thought to thank her for bringing that awkward cottage encounter to a merciful end.

“Actually,” she said, “I wanted to give them some time alone with their little one.”

“Ah… so it will be a painful parting?”

“I think so,” she said, and then amended that to “Certainly for him.”

Claudine had followed Justin to the door and was watching as he untied the cradle from their packhorse. But after a moment, she realized that the chill was not good for the baby, and she hurriedly retreated toward the hearth. Aline hiccupped, and she patted the infant gingerly on the back as she’d seen Sarra do. To her surprise, it worked and Aline burped.

Justin came in, then, with the cradle. Once it was set up, Claudine relinquished the baby and went to pour a cup of ale. Justin was leaning over the cradle, murmuring to Aline. Returning with the ale, Claudine smiled when she was close enough to catch his words. “What did you call her? Butterfly?”

“The swaddling looks like a cocoon to me.” When Claudine studied the linen bands binding the baby’s body, she saw what he meant; only Aline’s head and hands were visible. “Sarra assured me that it is necessary to keep her warm and make sure her limbs develop properly. She says an infant’s body is so soft and pliable that it needs special support, and I daresay she is right, but it does not look comfortable, does it?”

“This is the way it is always done, Justin.” Reaching over to straighten the pannus, the cloth covering Aline’s loins, Claudine wrinkled her nose. “Not again!”

“She does leak a lot,” Justin agreed, grinning, and went rooting for a dry cloth in Aline’s coffer. Neither one had fully mastered the skill of diapering a baby yet, but between the two of them, they managed to get Aline into a clean one. Claudine retrieved her ale cup while he continued to play with their daughter. She watched him for a few moments before saying,

“Justin… I have a favor to ask of you.”

He glanced up, and although he smiled, she thought he looked faintly wary, too. “It may be months before the queen and King Richard return from Germany. Since I need not be in attendance upon the queen, I have decided to pay a visit to my family, first to my cousin Petronillla in Paris and then home to Poitou. Will you escort me to Southampton?”