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Grace laughed as she tried to picture Ted in a maid's outfit. "No Charles. I'm sure he'll be fine. I'll take him home and call you if I have any questions or problems."

Meredith was freed from all domestic chores and "Edwina" took over the housekeeping. Grace kept Ted in the maid outfit most of the time, but also had him naked at times. This would be a new challenge for her. She knew how to transform women into her toys and tools. But doing the same thing with a man would be an exciting adventure. Should she make him into a slathering, babbling, groveling worthless soul? Should she use him sexually for the gratification of her girls? Should she turn him over to the males that she knew for their entertainment? Maybe she should feminize him. If his body hair was removed and the hair on his head was allowed to grow longer, then breasts would probably look nice on her. Decisions, decisions. She would have to sleep on that.

Chapter 20: Another New Beginning

Grace was almost as excited as the girls as they sped toward the airport. A limousine had picked them up at home and was taking them to a private jet located at a small, private airport outside of town. From there, the jet would deliver all four of them to a Caribbean island for one of Alana's consultations. Grace had gotten to know the owner of the island well over the phone during the previous weeks as terms and conditions were negotiated and established. And she readily accepted the invitation when Katherine Powell invited the rest of her girls to come along. It would be a nice break and she would get to see Alana in action.

Ted would be left behind to tend the yards and continue the work in Alana's house. Grace had ordered Ted to quit his job so that he had more time for menial tasks at home. His current project was stripping the floor in Alana's kitchen of the hideous linoleum so that hardwood could be laid.

Grace was not concerned about Ted escaping in her absence. Where would he go? Besides, she didn't care if he escaped or not. She felt no affection for the man and knew that she could easily replace him if he disappeared. The only risk was that he could go to the police, but she thought that risk was minimal. Charles had so many incriminating photos and videos of the man that Ted would be foolish to try to make his slavery public. He would become a laughing stock if the documentation was ever released. Instead of being viewed as a victim, he would be seen as a pervert after the pictures of him involved in gay sex and him giving a blowjob to a horse were leaked.

Katherine had assured Grace that the runway would be secluded and that the staff on the jet was accustomed to naked slaves, so she could bring her girls naked if she desired. Grace had her three nude beauties in the back of the limousine as they sped toward the airport. "It sure makes packing for a trip easier," she mused to herself. Each girl had a small bag with a toothbrush and some cosmetics but nothing else. Grace could have even packed all of their things in her suitcase but decided that it would look cute to have each of them walking around with nothing but a handbag slung over their shoulders.

The car finally pulled alongside a sleek silver jet standing alone on the tarmac. The driver opened the door and held out his hand to assist Grace who got out, followed by the three girls wearing nothing but collars, their handbags and smiles.

"Oh, my gosh!" exclaimed Kelly as she saw the jet. "This is so exciting!"

Grace led her flock to the staircase and then onto the plane where a near-naked attendant greeted them. "Mistress sends her greetings," she said, "and wishes you a pleasant flight. She said to tell you that she would meet you at the airstrip when we land."

Grace eyed the girl admiringly and noted that Katherine Powell had good taste in slaves and a playful sense of humor. The girl wore high heels, a tiny apron around her waist that did not even extend low enough to cover her bald sex, a flight attendant's cap, and a name badge. The badge, however, was pinned to the girl's breast. A gold ring was fitted into the flight attendant's right nipple. The name tag was pinned through the piercing in her left breast and announced that her name was Amy. Amy's breasts were a bit smaller than what Grace preferred in her slaves but were nicely formed.

"Thank you, Amy. We look forward to the trip and to meeting your mistress."

Everyone strapped into their seats and the plane was soon in the air. Amy tended to everyone's needs, providing refreshments or a tongue as desired. Within four hours, the plan was descending and all four women had their noses pressed to the windows to admire the bright blue water below and to try to catch a first glimpse of their destination.

"Welcome to our island," their hostess greeted them. "I'm Katherine Powell, but you can call me KC." This caused Alana to raise her eyebrows. That name sounded familiar but she couldn't place it.

KC stepped forward and hugged Grace, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Grace did not mind this uninvited intimacy at all, though. Their hostess was an elegant and beautiful woman and was probably about Grace's own age. Plus, she was half naked, which won Grace's immediate approval. Their hostess was wearing a sarong that was draped over one shoulder and left one breast naked and barely covered her sex. She was wearing what an X-rated version of what Tarzan's Jane might wear.

"We are rather informal," she explained as she saw Kelly's jaw hanging and saw her eyes glued to the naked breast. In Kelly's defense, she had only seen slaves being exposed. The only exposure that she had seen a master or mistress was in a bedroom or some other venue where they intended to have sex.

Grace smiled. "I love the effect. It becomes you. I'm sure we will love it here and I wanted to thank you for allowing us all to come."

Katherine smiled. "On this island, you can cum as often as you like. But we do have some rules here. I will have Amy take the girls to their quarters and we can return to mine to discuss them."

KC and Grace enjoyed some lemonade together on the veranda of KC's villa and gazed out at the blue sea. The hostess explained that the island was owned by a group of wealthy women who enjoyed the wealth and the time to dabble in slavery. Slaves were brought here and could be played with without all of the hassles and prying eyes and judgments that were normally experienced elsewhere in the world. Although technically, the island was part of one of the lesser countries of the Caribbean, officials never visited so it was almost like owning your own country.

On the island, slaves had specific owners but were available to all. Slaves were to be kept bound in some way at all times, but most of the time that meant that their hands were tied in front of them. It was too difficult for them to work with any other type of bondage. She admitted, however, that this rule might have to be broken for the "lovely young architect."

"She really is a beauty. Wherever did you find her?"

Grace smiled. "Thank you. And yes she is beautiful. I guess I just live in a good neighborhood. She lives next door."

"Oh," responded KC. "So you didn't buy her?"

"No. I captured her. One of the best things I have ever done."

KC went on to explain that there was a form of hierarchy of mistresses. The governing council wore the sarong over one shoulder, although they were allowed to wear less if they desired. Full members wore the sarong tied around their waist, leaving their upper body bare. Initiates or trial members wore nothing.

"I will be asking you if you want to join at the end of your visit. You will be able to experience the island paradise until then. And as a guest, you are not obligated to follow our guest code. But you should feel free to consider yourself an initiate if you would like.