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A. Literature on Rocketry and Space Travel
American and British

• P. E. Cleator; Rockets Through Space; London; George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1936.

• Robert H Goddard; A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes; Washington, DC; Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Volume 71, Number 2, 1919.

• Willy Ley; Rockets and Space Travel; New York; Viking Press, 1947.

• G.E. Pendray; The Coming Age of Rocket Power, New York and London; Harper & Bros., 1945.

• G.P. Sutton; Rocket Propulsion Elements; New York; John Wiley & Sons, 1949.


• R. Esnault-Peltere; L'exploration pas fusses de la tres haute atmosphere et la possibilite des voyages interplanetaires; Paris, 1928.

• R. Lorin; he vol d'aujourd'hui — le vol du future; Paris; Aerophile, 1911.


• W. Hohmann; Die Erreich barkeit der Himmelskoerper; Muenchen and Berlin; R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1926.

• W. Ley; Die Moeglichkeit der Welraumfahrt, with contributions by H. Oberth, F von Hoefft, W. Hohmann, K. Debus, G. von Pirquet, F.W. Sander Leipzig; Verlag Hachmeister & Thai, 1928.

• H. Noordung; Das Problem der Befahrung des Weltenraumes; Berlin; Verlag Richard Carl Schmid & Co., 1929.

• H. Oberth; Die Rakete zu den Planetenraeumen; Muenchen and Berlin; R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1923.

• Wage zur Raumschiffahrt; Muenchen and Berlin; R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1929.

• G. von Pirquet; Kann der Mensch die Erde verlassen?; Wien; Reichpost, 1928.

• Fahrtrouten; Breslau; Die Rakete, 1928.

• E. Saenger; Raketenflugtechnik; Muenchen and Berlin; R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1933.

• A.B. Scherschevsky; Die Rakete; Berlin; Charlottenburg; CLE. Volckmann Nachf. G.m.b.H., 1929.

• M. Valier; Der Vorstoss in den Weltenraum; Muenchen und Berlin; R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1929.

• Raketenfahrt; Muenchen und Berlin; R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1928.

• J. Winkler; Einfuehrung in das Raumfahrtproblem; Breslau; Die Rakete, 1928.


• G.A. Crocco; Sulla possibilita delta navigazione extraatmospherica; Roma; Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei, 1923, Vol 23, Fascicolo 7 Rendiconti della Sedute (6), 1923.


• A. Gorochof; The Mechanical Flight of the Future; St Petersburg/Leningrad; Wosduschny Put, 1911.

• N.A. Rynin; Space Travel; Leningrad; Encyclopedia of the Problem of Space Travel and Interplanetary Voyages, 1928.

• K.E. Ziolkowsky; A Rocket Into Cosmic Space; Kaluga; Imperial Printing Office, 1903 and 1924.

• Exploration of Interplanetary Space by Means of Reaction-Propelled Space Ships; St Petersburg/Leningrad; Westnik Wosduchoplawania, 1911 and 1913.

B. Literature on Mars

• H.S. Jones; Life on Other Worlds; New York; The Macmillan Company, 1940.

• G.P. Kuyper; The Atmosphere of the Earth and Planets; Chicago; The University of Chicago Press, 1949.

•J.J. von Littrow; Die Wunderdes Himmels; Berlin; 10. Auflage Ferd. Duemmlers Verlag, 1939.

• P. Lowell; Mars, the Abode of Life; New York; The Macmillan Company, 1908.

•W.H. Pickering; Mars; Boston; The Gorham Press, 1921.

C. General References

• R.N. Coudenhove-Kalergi; Revolution durch Technik; Wien and Liepzig; Paneuropa Verlag, 1932.

• W. Kaempffert; Science Today and Tomorrow; New York; Viking Press, 1945.

• A.J. Toynbee; A Study of History; New York and London; Oxford University Press, 1947.

D. Special References
Magnetically Suspended Railway with Solenoid Drive

A ballistic test range with magnetical suspension and solenoid drive was in development at the Ballistische Versuchsanstalt, Gatow and Goettingen, Germany, under the direction of Dr. Schardin.

Sleep Teaching

The story on sleep teaching in our tale has been based on work conducted by Max Sherover, president of the Bingusphone Institute, and experiments by Dr. C.E. Elliot, University of North Carolina.

Brain Waves

The electro-encephalograph (brain wave recorder) was pioneered by Prof. Hans Berger, Psychiatric Institute at the University of Jena, Germany and Dr. E.D. Adrian, world-famous neurologist, Cambridge University, England. Modern experiments were conducted by Dr. C.E. Elliot, University of North Carolina.

Fat Algae Cultures

Use of algae for production of fats, sugars and proteins was pioneered by Sam Ruben, University of California. After Ruben's death his work was continued by Drs. Melvin Calvin and Andrew Benson. Dr. Herman A. Spoehr of the Carnegie Institution's Division of Plant Biology at Palo Alto, California, recently succeeded in developing a species of algae containing 85 percent fat. Dr. Spoehr believes in utilization of algae for mass production of fats.

See Lester Velie, "Bread Within the Waters," Colliers Magazine, Sept. 11, 1948.

Diagrams — Drawn by Dr. Wernher von Braun

The 14 diagrams on the following pages were hand-drawn by Dr. Wernher von Braun. They are part of the contents of this appendix, and are referenced within.