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Standing at the edge of the azure sea, King thought about his sister. He hadn't had a chance to reflect since Pierce's abduction. The world had become a messy place since her death. A worse place. But that only made her passing that much more difficult to bear. She'd made the world, his world at least, a better place. Pierce's, too. Before the calm surroundings allowed him to slip deeper into thought, his cell phone rang. He checked the caller ID and answered it. "What's up?"

Deep Blue's voice came on the line. "We found McCabe."

King caught his breath. The last time anyone had seen the woman she was a psychotic regen on a killing spree. "Is she—"

"Alive," Deep Blue confirmed. "But barely. Severely dehydrated. Starving. Barely put up a fight."

Without meaning to, Deep Blue confirmed King's fear. She'd put up a fight. She was still a regen. "She'll be cared for?"

"We've got some brilliant people working on her. Bishop, too. We'll figure out how to reverse the effects. For now we're keeping her sedated."

King heard an unusual tension in Deep Blue's voice. "There's something else?"

"You know me too well, King." "I don't know you at all."

"Better than most. Listen, they just finished sweeping the forest around the campground." They'd been finding scientists hiding in the woods and Gen-Y soldiers on the lam for the past week. King doubted Deep Blue had called him to tell him about them. There was something more important.

"You found Ridley."

"Pieces of him. An arm. Bits of organs. A lot of blood. The man fell through the trees, apparently tore himself open and hit the ground at terminal velocity."

"But no body?"

"They say there were a lot of coyote tracks. That the arm had been gnawed on." "But no body."

King listened as Deep Blue let out an uncharacteristic sigh. He knew as well as King what the answer meant. "No. No body." Richard Ridley was alive. He always would be.


The writing of Pulse created several challenges for me in terms of military and genetics knowledge. I was fortunate enough to be discovered by readers who are not only experts in these various fields, but also willing to consult on a variety of topics that took the book in exciting directions and root my sometimes whacky theories in a bed of hard facts.

Todd Wielgos, senior research scientist with MS Chemistry. Your advice and insight into the world of genetics improved this novel in amazing ways. This book could not have been written without your help.

As for military and weapons advice, I have three patriots to thank. First is Major Ed Humm, U.S.M.C. (Ret.). Your advice on weapons and tactics was invaluable and contributed realism to my depictions of the military. Further weapons insight (and shell samples) were provided by Rick "The Gun-Guy" Kutka. I now know the difference between .45 and .50 caliber bullets. Ouch. And finally, for tips on the mysterious world of Delta, a very special thanks to brigadier general and author of Sudden Threat, A. J. Tata.

Of course, there are bound to be portions of this novel where I stretch the boundaries of science and weaponry. Any such incidents or errors are mine alone.

I must also thank: Stanley Tremblay, my right hand-man who worked with me every step of the way, from research to marketing. Walter Elly, your masterful web knowledge and passion for my books continue to make the daunting process of marketing more fun and exciting. Peter Wolverton, my editor at Thomas Dunne, for making my first experience with big publishing a fun and exciting experience. Elizabeth Byrne, also at Thomas Dunne, for always being a cheerful and speedy aid. And finally Scott Miller, my agent at Trident Media, for discovering me so many years ago and sticking with me while I honed my skills. I hope to work with you all on many more projects to come. Thus begins the quest for world domination!

Lastly, my wonderful family: Hilaree, my courageous wife and biggest supporter. Aquila, my creative and energetic daughter. Solomon, my loving and brave son. And little Norah — who in my last acknowledgments had yet to be born or named — you are beautiful and peaceful. I love you all.