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The day before, he had visited his friend Charlie, who was living in a halfway house designed to help older vets in Yonkers and attending AA meetings on a daily basis. With a decent diet and no drinking, the former Army Ranger looked ten years younger.

Walsh appreciated the breeze blowing off the river, but when he turned his head he saw who he had been waiting for. His friend Mike Rosenberg walked toward him. Walsh had never considered himself a hugger, but he embraced his friend. This guy had really gone out on a limb for him and more than anyone else was responsible for uncovering the conspiracy.

They had talked on the phone every day since the bad dream had ended. Walsh had even worked up the nerve to tell him that when he grabbed the suicide bomber in Afghanistan he thought it was just a thief and the pack was full of supplies.

Rosenberg laughed and said, “You really thought I hadn’t figured that out years ago? C’mon, Tubby, give me some credit.” Talking to Mike or Bill Shepherd was like wearing a comfortable old shirt. It always felt right.

Now all he had to do was restart his entire civilian life. After what he had been through that would seem easy.




LOU DOBBS is the host of Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs Tonight. A legendary broadcaster, Dobbs is the winner of four Emmy awards, a bestselling author, and one of the most respected and insightful voices on politics, economics, society, and business. For three decades, Dobbs has brought an unwavering American perspective to the most important issues of the day, whether national security, sustainable economic growth and prosperity, global business, finance and trade, or education and public investment. You can sign up for email updates here.

JAMES O. BORN is an award-winning author of eleven novels. He is a former U.S. drug agent and special agent with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. He has been involved in investigations in such areas as organized crime, economic crimes, drug cartels, and public corruption. You can sign up for email updates here.

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Copyright © 2017 by Lou Dobbs and James O. Born

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A Forge Book

Published by Tom Doherty Associates

175 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10010


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The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.

ISBN 978-0-7653-7652-7 (hardcover)

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eISBN 9781466851405

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First Edition: June 2017