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Well, to hell with it - he would never forgive himself if it was his fault that Russian people would die.</p>


The government was fully assembled. Some of the faces of Ribbentrop, Goering, Goebbels, Himmler, Bormann, Canaris are familiar... Famous personalities and their photos often flash in various military books. The others seem to be somewhat in the shadows. Well, the hell with them. Himmler looks small, not scary, even more intelligent than a terrible executioner. However, so far the crematorium furnaces do not burn all day long, and Hitler, against the background of Stalin's repressions, is almost a school naughty boy, on the Vaughn of a recidivist killer. The total number of victims of the Hitler regime at that time was about ten thousand killed, including the night of the Long knives, and the few prisoners of war shot. Mass shootings and incineration of Jews in furnaces are not yet taking place ( by the way, some alternative researchers claim that the number of Jews killed was overstated in comparison with real figures, at least 10 times!). But in General, information about those times is very contradictory and biased. For example, the discovery channel reported that in the late thirties, Hitler fell ill with Parkinson's disease. But he, then Donald trump feels good and his hands are not shaking. Even my eyesight is quite sharp, at least for now. Well, the oculist would have given him a one or even a three for sure. Maybe Hitler's hands were shaking due to a nervous breakdown associated with defeats? After all, the Fuhrer was a very emotional person, believed in his Messiahship and deeply experienced everything.</p>


The pause dragged on , and Donald trump, in order not to betray his confusion, asked the "intellectual" Himmler:</p>


- What are the data on the total number of troops and our chances of a quick defeat of the USSR?</p>


Himmler began to report cheerfully and even put a map in front of the Fuhrer, then Canaris joined them.</p>


There were a lot of numbers, but in General, German intelligence accurately calculated the divisions and indicated the location of the troops. However, when Donald trump asked to clarify the number of tanks in a particular division, and the number of aircraft, it turned out that they were underestimated at least three times!</p>


Donald trump felt inspired. The newly minted Fuhrer attacked Himmler and Canaris, starting to yell more abruptly than Charlie Chaplin did in the Comedy the Great dictator. And that it's even nice to feel your power:</p>


"Lousy bastards! What fools, you know nothing about the USSR and the red Empire! What do you think, there you will have an easy walk like the one in the West! Pipes! The soldier in the East is superior to all these frogs and Englishmen, contempt for death! For there is no such thing as retreat and surrender! The Bolsheviks are fanatics who will fight to the end relying on the mighty industry located in the Urals and beyond the Urals! So, all your calculations, this is just the most naive childish babble! You don't even know what you're getting into! So remember the Bismarck Testament: you can never fight on two fronts, and even on one if it is Russia. And Bismarck, the unifier of Germany, was wise and great! You, in your utter ignorance and arrogance, hope to deceive Providence! To embark on a campaign to the East, when our sacred German territory is being ravaged by the British, and the United States of America is just waiting to step in and take a bigger bite! Don't you understand the absurdity of such behavior, the suicidality, the crazy idea of opening a second front? A war on two fronts: no and no again! We must concentrate all our efforts on Britain, strangle this lion before it does anything bloody! Got it!</p>


Himmler, who has always been known for his sycophancy(he predicted at the beginning of Hitler's political career that the Fuhrer would become the greatest ruler of Germany, of all time!), exclaimed:</p>


"You are right, o greatest of the greatest!</p>


Canaris tried to protest timidly:</p>


"But my Fuhrer, if we delay the offensive in the East, the Russians will be even better prepared for war and even more strengthened!"</p>


Donald trump in the body of Hitler felt a blissful inspiration:</p>


"Why should we fight the Russians at all?" Go to Russia and look at their white-headed children, and you will understand that the Russians are also an Aryan nation, with a well-developed brain, talented and hardworking! So worthy, to be a friend of the German nation! Together we will conquer the whole world! If we fight, the only world superpower will be the United States! For this reason, the socialists must unite against capital and plutocracy! Together, we are the power to rule the world! And therefore write a Directive on the cancellation of operation "Barbarossa"!</p>


The head of the office began to scribble an order. Donald trump, however, did not want to stop there:</p>


- we need to conduct an air offensive on Britain! Bomb, bomb, and bomb again! And to do this, you need to significantly increase the production of fighters and bombers, as well as submarines and transport ships. To do this, transfer all aircraft factories to three-shift operation mode. And start building new military production facilities. Actively use foreign labor and all military factories of the territories controlled by us.</p>


Trump-Hitler looked around and remembered:</p>
