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"Oh baby, I want you. I want to fuck you now. Your body turns me on so much!"

His muscular arms swept her up; lifting her, easily, he carried her to their bedroom, leaving the trail of her clothing behind them on the way. He deposited his wife on the soft yielding mattress and stepped back to kick off his shoes. He clawed his tennis garb from his body, frantically, scattering it about the room in a flurry of quick movements for which he was famous on the tennis court.

Alyce watched her young husband undress, admiring his athlete's body but as she did a tidal wave of conflicting thoughts and emotions coursed through her.

Alyce was a body fitness fanatic and she admired her husband's body almost abstractly like he was a specimen not a human being. But she just could not get over his sexual appetite. His passion rises so fast she thought and he gets so hard. Look at his penis. It's standing up already and it's so huge. The head is blood red and it's throbbing so dangerously I feel afraid of it. I wish he'd give me some time to get in the mood, wait until the evening. I love him but I can't allow his lust to ruin our marriage.

Eddie came to the bed and lay down beside his wife. He reached for her, grasping one full, firm breast in an enormous hand, he massaged it, roughly, the mound femaleness soft and yielding under his kneading fingers.

His great need was apparent in the urgency of his husky voice. "Jesus, Alyce, I'm so horny. I've got to fuck you now. I want my cock in your cunt."

As disgusted as she was by his obscene words and even more lewd demands she tried to remain calm.

"Let's wait until tonight…"

His hungry lips stopped her, his tongue lashing into her mouth, as his hand left the breast it was massaging and moved downward across her belly, coming to rest on the golden, softly curling hair of her pubic mound. His hairy hand was stopped there; he couldn't move it, easily, between her thighs and into her vaginal slit, because she had clamped her legs tightly together.

Alyce twisted her lips away. "No, Eddie, please let's wait until tonight…"

Ignoring her feeble entreaties the big man began to insinuate his middle finger into the soft, hair-lined crease, but he couldn't get it in far enough.

"Spread your legs!" he ordered.

She obeyed him, reluctantly. Snake-like, he ran his hand down over her pubic hair, cupping the whole of her naked loins in his big hand, pressing it all up tight between her open legs, compressing the folds of flesh, and kneading her, as he had her breast moments before. She gasped and she remembered the furious lovemaking of the previous evening. She did not want to subject herself to his perverted demands again and especially not in the middle of the day.

"No… I don't… want it…"

"You never do but I have to get my cock inside you. My balls are burning!"

The innocent blonde moaned in answer to his frantic demands and the fear in her groin. She wanted him to be satisfied but his demands were just too much for her to put up with.

"Stop it… you're going to be late for work…"

In answer, his finger went straight to the furrow of her cunt, moving in the pink, tender flesh, insistently, now then, upward, through the slight moistness to find the hidden bud of her clitoris. He rubbed at it, stroking the tiny button, trying to rouse it to alert erectness, but it lay flaccid and unresponding under his frantic fingers, refusing to leave its canopied protection.

Suddenly, with a desperate gasp, Eddie heaved himself to his knees; he couldn't stand the wait any longer. Kneeling over his wife, he placed himself between her partly spread legs, pushing outward with his muscular thighs to spread her limbs even further apart.

Eddie's cock was fully erect, its huge, blood-engorged length jutting out from his hairiness like another arm. He took the monstrous cock in his hand, and came down, slowly, upon her, as he guided it to the soft, hair-lined slit at the opening of her pussy. He pressed the lust-inflated head against the reddened flesh of her, trying to force the lust raging cock into her barely moistened and unwilling cunt.

"Stop it, Eddie… I'm not ready… I don't want it…"

"You never do. What am I supposed to do with this hard cock of mine?"

"You're an animal… you're unnatural wanting sex all the time like this."

Eddie's face froze, the anger rising in him, as he spat out, "so now I'm some kind of beast, am l? Is that what you think about me?"

She was instantly contrite. "No, I didn't really mean it. It just popped out."

But Eddie was furious now. "I want to fuck you within an inch of your life. If you'd get into it, you'd enjoy it."

His base, vulgar language was cutting into her like a knife, slicing, slashing and jabbing at her mind. Her body stiffened, and her face froze into a mask of injured self-righteousness.

"I've had enough of this," she said with a voice like icewater thrown in his face, "let me up."

"Oh, Alyce, stop acting like an injured virgin," he said calmly trying to placate her.

"Don't speak to me like that. I won't have it. This is supposed to be lovemaking not that other…"

"Good Christ, will you be reasonable!" he shot out now completely exasperated.

"You be reasonable!" she snapped at him, furiously attempting to release herself from his pinioning embrace.

Eddie was rapidly becoming exasperated with her feeble objections and he found that the growing anger within him was dampening his ardor. His cock was still rigid, but the inner turmoil was taking its toll; he could feel the change taking place in him. Some flaccidity of his virile organ was already evident. He tried one more time to get things to a mutually happy solution.

"Come on, Alyce, honey… let's…" he began, awkwardly trying to apologize.

"You're not going to treat me like some whore you just picked up off the street," she fumed, twisting herself free of him, finally, and sitting upright on the edge of the bed.

"But, darling, we're married. What do you expect me to do, beat off, all the time?"

"I'm sure I don't care," she said coldly.

The rejected husband heaved himself up angrily from the bed, gathered up his tennis gear and plunged toward the bathroom, slamming the door hard behind him. He turned on the cold shower and jumped under it bathing his aching cock to ease the frustration of his incomplete sexual act. Then, he dressed, quickly, to go back to the tennis clinic. At least, he could throw himself into the group he would have at the one o'clock session, smashing backhands against the ball machine as fast as it threw them out. He seethed, inwardly, his anger mounting higher each moment.

Just thinking about the way his new wife constantly thwarted his attentions made him seethe. Almost everything else in his life was coming together. He had just been hired at Marina Tennis Clinic as a pro. It was something he had always wanted to do and this club was really the creme de la creme with all the latest equipment. They had video tape equipment to instantly record the students progress and to point out their mistakes in technique before they became habit. The other pros at the club were a friendly crowd and the owner was a very agreeable sort as well. For the first time in his life he felt like he had it made. He had married a gorgeous young virgin who was one of the women signed up for the tennis groups and it seemed like it was a marriage made in heaven. They made a striking young couple but Eddie thought ruefully, it was all a front.

Shit, she doesn't even like me to finger her let alone ever let me eat her cunt. If I could just get her sample a taste of that she'd probably go out of her mind. God, the first time I did it dog-style to her instead of missionary, I thought she was going to call the cops.