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"God," she murmured, "your hands are doing wonderful thing to my body."

"Ohhhhhhhh, baby…" he mumbled.

Now, the moistness of her furrow told him she was stimulated, ready, and he inserted two fingers in her cunt, moving them in slowly, spreading her to receive them, feeling the soft resiliency of the inner lining of her vaginal walls. He leaned over and kissed her, thrusting his tongue into her throat, stiffly. She took it, sucked it deeply into her mouth, making tiny mewling sounds in her throat.

Abruptly, she broke away from him, looking up into his face with half-closed, glazing eyes. She reached out to him, placing her hand behind his heavily muscled neck and gently drew his head downward to her loins. Her silent but eloquent message sent a thrill through him, spearing into his loins and making his cock pulsate, jerkingly, inside his pants. He was aware of a good deal of moisture on the head of his prick and that it was soaking through the cloth of his trousers.

The tanned tennis pro removed his arm from around her, inside her tennis dress, and she leaned far back into the corner of the seat, spreading her legs widely for him, as his great head was lowered to her soft, darkly, hair-lined pussy.

His tongue slid out to her, touching her pulsating clitoris, the damp warmth of the quiveringly erect mystery of her driving him on. He made circles with his tongue, feeling it grow even more erect, pulsing under his lips.

Then, more maddeningly for her, he began stroking up and down on the short length of her clitoral bud, as her hips ground in circles thrusting up into his face with urgent demands.

The pungent taste of her spurred him onward. He took the bud in his lips, drawing the erectile tissue into his mouth to suck upon it. Then, he bared his teeth and gave the tiny nipple of her cunt a gentle little nip.

Sally almost exploded under him, as she groaned out her pleasure.

"My God… oooooooooooohhhhh!" he heard her moan as his tongue moved on her like lightning, igniting lascivious fires of passion deep within her hungering loins.

Eddie strained forward in the confines of the car, reaching out with his tongue to probe into the narrow slit of her pussy. His tongue went into her, and he began to move it in and out, flicking it from his mouth to the rhythm she had already set in her wildly gyrating pelvis.

Sally began to move faster. He went back to her clitoris and licked her, furiously, as she arched up at him off the seat of the Porsche grinding her open cunt with wild abandon into his face.

Moving up and down her furrow, she felt his tongue, alive on her, lashing at her clitoris, accelerating her on, moving her upward, where she soared with ecstasy of her passion to the heights, and there was a great rushing, whistling wind in her ears, as great, explosive spasms of orgasmic relief wracked her body. She gasped and moaned out her delight, wanting him to go on and on.

"Eddie… my God… faster… keep on harder… oh eat me… I'm… aaaaaahhhhhhh… going to… ccoccuuuuurnmmmmmmmmm… oooohhhhhhhhhhhh… I'm there… I'm cuuuuummmiiinnnngggg!"

The small brunette's body arched off the seat in a final spasm of climax and collapsed in final release as wave after wave of relaxing euphoria overcame her.

"Aaaaaahhhhh… ooooohhhhh… thank you… it was… wonderful!" she said, as she ran her fingers languidly through his short bristly hair.

She closed her eyes and leaned back in the bucket seat of the tiny foreign car savoring the warmth of her sensations. Eddie's head was in her lap, her naked thighs and buttocks exposed, and he gently rubbed his hand along the silky smoothness of her, waiting for her, allowing her to luxuriate for a few moments… until she would be ready to manipulate him to sexual release.

Finally, she stirred after a few moments, and Eddie raised himself to a sitting position. Her delicate hand reached out to his zippered fly. He heard the metallic whisper of it as she opened his trousers, dipped in a cool hand and liberated his throbbing penis, bringing it out into the car with them.

Sally Dunn leaned over him, slithering her body around in the seat until her head was directly over his cock. With one hand she grasped the shaft of it, her hand barely able to wrap completely around its circumference.

Slowly, she pulled the foreskin back to reveal the purplish red cowl of the glans from which a trickle of the viscous preparatory juices ran. She scratched her fingernails lightly over the length of it, as the great rod strained upward, pointing at her, and Eddie could feel the hot moistness of her breath flowing over the smooth rubbery head.

Alyce! Suddenly his wife's name popped into his over-stimulated brain.

Jesus Christ! What am I doing? I've only been married a couple of months and already I'm picking up other women. I have no right to do this kind of thing even if Alyce did put me off… I must be flipping my cookies to be eating some woman's cunt in broad daylight out here behind the tennis club. If Clay Marsdale or any of the other directors caught me it could mean my job!

The guilt stricken husband swallowed deeply; his decision was actually made for him. He was too far along, and there was no stopping, now. He trembled with an emotion he had never before experienced. This was new to him, even though he knew what was coming, he didn't know what to expect from it, until he felt her lips encircle the entire head of his cock, absorbing it into the warm, wet confines of her mouth. The keening sensation knifed through him, his whole body vibrating with the lewd sensuality of it. Her warm, moist mouth on the sensitive, pulsing head of his prick was like nothing he had ever imagined.

Then he thought he would die! She began to suck on his cock with tantalizingly rhythmic movements, her tongue moving in swirls around the head of it while her head began a slow up and down bobbing with a slight twist on each up stroke.

Eddie looked down to watch her, and the sensations she was producing in him were trebled as he saw how much of his hard fleshy rod of dangerous aroused meat she was taking into her delicately modeled mouth. She was moaning softly and taking almost all of his massive cudgel into her oral cavity, as her head bobbed sensuously up and down over his hairy loins. He began to move his hips in instinctive opposition to her and was further amazed when all of his lust-hardened cock seemed to disappear into her ovalled lips.

Now, using her teeth, she began to suck harder allowing them to scrape along the length of his hardened flesh, leaving white marks in the skin where she bit into it with gentle nips.

Her tongue was alive and busy in her mouth; its nerve-tingling lick on the outstroke was making the head of his member throb and jerk, signaling him of his rising passion. It felt like an urge to relieve himself but the damming action of the tumescent flesh held the seminal flow in check until it would be time. He could feel the beginnings of it deep in his loins, his testicles drawn up below ready to discharge their waiting load of semen.

Tenderly, reaching out a hand to her, he tangled his fingers in her hair, feeling that he should help her to set the pace. He watched, fascinated, as he saw the flesh of her lips being pulled in and out, and he marveled at her technique, her sexual knowledge, knowing instinctively that she had performed this sex act before, probably with her own husband David Dunn.

Beginning to get more desperate now, he began to move more rapidly, jerking his hips up into her face, ramming his member without mercy into her mouth, as he felt the surge within him and his cock seemed to grow even larger in her mouth. She kept pace with him, never missing a beat.

The tennis pro knew he was near the zenith now. He could feel the dammed up pressure of it beginning to reach the point of no return and suddenly the walls of the dam were down!