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Dora didn't like the sound of that, and she liked it even less when Donny drew his brothers into a huddle and began whispering to them. She heard them snicker with glee at whatever plan he'd cooked up. Then they turned back to her, leering. Bobby and Teddy already had second hard-ons, and Donny was pumping his limp prick with his fist, jacking it up for another round.

"Okay, lady, get up," Donny barked.

Wearily Dora got to her feet. She saw Bobby stretching out on the rug, on his back, his stiff young prick pointing at the ceiling. Donny gave her a shove in that direction, and Dora stumbled over. No words were needed. She got the idea. She straddled Bobby's body and brought her soaked twat mouth down to touch the hard knobby head of his dick.

"Go ahead, little brother, put it in her," Donny grinned, "but remember what I said – go real slow this time."

"Gotcha," Bobby panted.

He thrust upward with his hips and dug his stiff prick into Miss Winters' super-juicy cunt. He dug in deep, moaning blissfully as he felt his cock sheathed in velvety moist flesh. Obeying his big brother's orders, he began to fuck her slowly and deeply, taking his time. It was hard to hold himself in check, but it would be worth it if they would do what Donny had dreamed up. It was a really wild plan.

Dora knelt stiffly over the boy, trying to show no expression as he worked his rigid swollen cock in her very needy cunt. It occurred to her, in a flash, that if he'd been Dick Taylor, not Bobby, she'd be fucking like a bunny and coming in no time. She wondered wistfully if she'd ever get it on with Dick. She wanted him very much, but she was a prisoner of his nephews.

Teddy and Donny came over to observe the action. "That's good, Bobby," Donny said. "Just keep doing it to her like that, nice and slow. Okay, Teddy, it's your turn."

Teddy's turn? What in the world was he talking about it? Bobby was already fucking her. Dora was puzzled until she felt Teddy kneeling behind her, straddling his little brother legs and holding her hips. He pressed the drooling head of his cock against the tiny clenched mouth of her asshole and started to push. Then Dora got the idea.

"Oh, no!" she cried.

But the boys held her in place, Bobby and Teddy grasping her hips and waist, Donny pushing down on her shoulders. She screamed in fright as Teddy grunted and pushed, slowly working his hard swollen cock up her tiny tight asshole. Her belly seemed stuffed almost to bursting with young cocks. Teddy moaned blissfully as he sank his cock clear to the balls in her gripping hot brownie.

"Oh, Christ, terrific!" he whined. "Really tight!"

"Good, good!" Donny panted, obviously excited by his kinky experiment. "Now you do it to her just like Bobby, real slow."

"I'll try," Teddy panted.

He matched his cock to Bobby's rhythm, which wasn't hard because he could feel Bobby's prick just a thin membrane away from his own.

Delirious with pleasure, he fucked Miss Winters' deliciously snug asshole while Bobby balled her juicy tight cunt. Satisfied with their performance, Donny joined the action, standing in front of Dora and straddling Bobby's chest. His stiff prick grazed her lips.

"Okay, Miss Winters, suck my cock," he ordered.

Dora gazed at him in horror and disbelief. "You can't really mean this," she moaned. "All three of you at once?"

"You got it," Donny leered.

He pinched her jaws and forced her mouth open, quickly stuffing it with seven inches of thick cockmeat. Dora moaned in protest, but she couldn't escape with all three boys holding her in place. She felt her mouth, cunt and asshole fully stuffed with jerking cocks. The boys were hotly excited, starting to work their pricks hard and fast, but she felt no arousal at all, only tenor and disgust.

I have got to get away from here, she thought desperately. I can't take another day of this. But how was she to escape the boys?


"Dick? This is Dora Winters," Dora said shakily. "I've got to talk to you. I'm in terrible trouble. Please, can I see you right away?" Her hand trembled as she held the phone.

"Dora?" Dick Taylor said anxiously… "Of course I'll help. What is it?"

"I-I can't tell you on the phone," Dora said. "Just came over here as fast as you can, I need you."

"Of course," Dick said. "I'm on my way."

Dora hung up, shaking all over. After that morning's rape, the boys had gone to rest, and she'd seized the chance to call Dick, the only person she knew who might be able to help her. The awful thing was, if she wanted his help, she'd have to tell him everything that had happened. She feared he'd despise her after that.

But what else could she do? She couldn't take another round of abuse. She was close to breaking. She put on her prim black dress again and nervously waited for Dick to arrive. He must have driven at top speed, for he was there in less than fifteen minutes, bursting into the house without knocking. He hurried over to where Dora was sitting.

"Dora," he said, "what in hell is going on? You sounded so frightened on, the phone."

"Dick, I have to tell you something," Dora said, "and it isn't going to be easy. Please sit down. And perhaps I'd better make us both a drink."

"I'll get it," Dick said. He went to the built-in bar, made them a couple of strong whiskeys, and took a seat close to Dora's. "Take a big sip of that," he said, "and then tell me all about it."

It was the hardest thing Dora had ever done in her life. Slowly, painfully, she told him the whole story of how the young Taylor brothers had flirted with her and aroused her long-suppressed lust. She blamed herself as much as she blamed the boys, she said. "And so," she concluded, "I'm trapped in this situation, and I don't know how to get out. If I refuse the boys, they'll tell their parents everything."

Dick had listened attentively, sometimes reddening at the more lurid parts of her story, but to her enormous relief, he never looked disapproving. Now he sighed and swallowed the last of his drink.

"Those spoiled brats," he said, "they think they can have anything they want. But I'm going to teach them different. You go pack your bags, Dora. I'll take care of everything."

Dora couldn't imagine how he did it, but by the time she came downstairs with her luggage, a substitute governess had arrived – a stern, husky, middle-aged woman with a face like a bulldog. She looked like she could handle a dozen Taylor brothers with no sweat at all. Donny, Teddy and Bobby were lined up in front of her, looking sheepish and sobered. When they saw Dora, they hung their heads. Dick was there, too, looking at the boys sternly.

"All right, boys," he said, "you go with Miss Stone and do exactly as she says."

"Yes, SIR," the boys chorused.

Grim-looking Miss Stone snapped her fingers and marched the boys out of the room. Dick grinned at Dora. "They won't bother you again," he said. "That was a lot of bull they gave you about telling their parents. If they admitted to something like that, they'd be packed off to military school in a second – and they don't want that…"

"Oh thank God," Dora sighed.

"I'm taking you to my hotel where you can relax and decide what to do next," Dick said.

He gathered up her luggage, and Dora eagerly followed him out of the house. She'd been so afraid he'd just shake her hand and say goodbye forever, and she was delighted that they'd be spending more time together. She was even more delighted that he didn't seem disgusted with her behavior, but she couldn't figure out why he was being so tolerant. As he drove the rental car, she spoke to him shyly.

"Dick," she said, "I just don't understand how you can be so kind to me. I mean, after the terrible things I did, I don't know how you can even speak to me." She looked at him nervously, but he only smiled gently.

"You're not the only person in the world who ever made a mistake, Dora," he said, "and I certainly understand where you were coming from. If we bottle up our needs, they can get out of hand. I know that from personal experience. So let's just forget the past, okay?"