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Fouchet shook his head. "I spoke with Millet and Charbonneau. They asked around. Lucien was seen with Juvert."

"Who's Juvert?" Hawkwood asked.

"I know him," Lasseur said quickly. "Damned pederast! I caught him talking to Lucien on the first day. I warned him to leave the boy alone."

Hawkwood's mind went back to the prisoner he'd seen crouched beside the boy, slender fingers caressing Lucien's back. "He's a Roman?"

"He's one of Matisse's acolytes," Fouchet said.


"A vile creature; calls himself king of the Romans. He rules the lower levels. A Corsican, too, if you can believe that," the teacher added sourly.

"There's a leader?" Lasseur couldn't hide his disbelief.

"What about the guards?" Hawkwood asked, wondering why Matisse had adopted the title of king. The Romans of old had been ruled by an emperor, hadn't they? Though on second thoughts, one Corsican emperor at a time was probably enough.

His mind went back to the comment he'd overheard between the two militia men when he'd arrived on board:

Wait till His Majesty gets a look at that!

A sick feeling began to worm its way into Hawkwood's stomach.

Fouchet shook his head. "They'll do nothing. No crime has been committed. In any case, they won't dare to venture that far below deck."

Hawkwood stared hard at the teacher. "It's a British ship! You're telling me the British Navy has no rights on one of its own vessels?"

Fouchet spread his hands. "It has the right. It's the will that's lacking, especially where the Romans are concerned. If you want the truth, I think the commander and his men are more wary of Matisse and his courtiers than we are."

"But the British are armed. They have guns!" Lasseur protested.

"True, but you saw for yourselves the other day: they'll not use them unless one of their own is threatened."

Lasseur gazed at the teacher in horror. Fouchet wilted under the scrutiny.

"This is what you meant, wasn't it?" Lasseur said finally. "This is why you told me to watch him. Matisse has done this before. He's taken other boys. My God, what sort of place is this?"

"If I told you the half of it," Fouchet replied softly, "you'd say I was mad."

"What about the tribunal? Doesn't that have influence?"

Fouchet shook his head. "Not over Matisse, it doesn't. Besides, tribunal is just another word for committee. When was the last time a committee did anything constructive? And by the time the tribunal's convened it would be too late. We have to do something now!"

Dear God! Hawkwood thought wildly. "All right, Charbonneau told us anything that happens below deck stays below deck. We'll take care of it ourselves."

"How?" Fouchet's head jerked up. "Wait, you're going down there?" "Unless you can think of another way," Hawkwood said. He waited for an answer.

Fouchet looked at them helplessly.

"This Matisse, can you take us to him?" Lasseur asked.

Fouchet paled. He took a step back, nearly overbalancing in the process.

Anger flared briefly in Lasseur's eyes and his expression hardened. But as he stared at Fouchet, he saw the fear in the teacher's face.

"We're wasting time," Hawkwood said.

"I'm so sorry," Fouchet whispered. His face sagged. He looked suddenly very old and very frail.

Lasseur gave the teacher a reassuring smile. "We'll get him back, Sebastien, I give you my word." He turned to Hawkwood. "Perhaps we should be armed?"

Hawkwood looked at Fouchet. "Will they have weapons down there?"

Fouchet gave an unhappy nod. "It's possible."

"Wonderful," Lasseur said. "What should we do about that?"

"I can't see Hellard giving us the key to the armoury," Hawkwood said drily. "And we don't have time to go searching. We'll just have to improvise." He turned to Fouchet. "Where's Juvert? Have you seen him since the boy went missing?"

A spark of hope brightened the teacher's eyes. He nodded and pointed.

Claude Juvert was savouring the moment. He was on the beak deck, in the forward heads, enjoying a piss. There was a splendid view of the river from the pissdales, if you kept your eyes front and ignored the unsightly sterns of the prison ships moored over the bow. There was the gross stench, of course, but it was impossible to avoid that, even with the deck exposed to the elements. There were only six seats of ease on the hulk and with over eight hundred prisoners on board it was rare not to find most of them occupied at any one time. Four prisoners were seated behind Juvert, trousers bunched around their ankles, contemplating their future. Conversation was desultory.

Had Rapacious been at sea and under sail, the smell would have been barely noticeable. The constant deluge of salt and spray cascading over the forward netting would have ensured that the deck received a regular sluicing. The shit and piss stains that accumulated around the holes in the gratings would have been washed away without any bother. With the ship moored in the middle of a river in almost flat calm water with only an occasional choppiness to break the monotony, the sanitary arrangements weren't anywhere near as effective. It was decidedly moist and treacherous underfoot.

Juvert shook himself dry, buttoned his trousers and wiped his hands on his jacket. Emitting a small sigh of satisfaction, he turned to go.

The blow from Lasseur's boot took Juvert in the small of the back, propelling him head first against the netting stanchion. There was a dull crunch as Juvert's thin nose took the brunt of the impact. He let out a yelp. Blood spurted. Lasseur stepped in, took Juvert by the throat and squeezed. Blood from Juvert's broken nose dripped over the privateer's wrist.

"Remember me?" Lasseur said. His eyes burned with rage.

Juvert's eyes opened wide, first with shock and then in fear. He moaned and tried to jerk free, but Lasseur's grip held him fast.

Hawkwood took Juvert's left arm. Lasseur took the right. They hauled him to his feet.

"Any trouble," Lasseur hissed, "and it won't be just your nose - I'll break your neck."

Hawkwood smiled grimly at the row of squatting, slack- jawed prisoners who didn't know whether to remain where they were or try to make a strategic and ungainly withdrawal. "As you were, gentlemen. We're just leaving."

They left the heads, escorting the whimpering Juvert between them. Their emergence drew curious looks. A few frowned at the froth of blood on Juvert's face as he was bundled unceremoniously along the deck, but one look at Lasseur's steely grimace was enough to warn them it would be a mistake to interfere.

Lasseur placed his lips close to Juvert's ear. "Did I or did I not warn you to stay away from the boy?"

"W-what boy?" Juvert spluttered. The collision with the post had split his lip and loosened what remained of his yellowing front teeth.

It was the wrong answer. Lasseur spun Juvert round and slammed him against the curved bulkhead. Then he slapped Juvert sharply across the face. "Don't play games with me! I'm not in the mood."

"What have I done?" The words emerged weakly from between Juvert's bloodied lips.

Lasseur hit him again, harder and very fast.

Juvert let go another high-pitched squawk. Blood dripped from his nose and down his chin.

"You took the boy, Lucien, didn't you?" Lasseur pressed.

Hand over his nose, Juvert mumbled something unintelligible. Tears of pain misted his eyes.

"What?" Lasseur cupped a palm to his ear. "Speak up. We can't hear you."

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