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He whispered words of love, erotic, titillating words, but the haze of passion was so thick, so consuming, that she couldn't concentrate on anything but the building fire.

His hands stroked her back, kindling the flame of desire, and then he was caressing the very core of her and she heard herself cry out in agony and building ecstasy. "Jered!" It was a demand.

Bradford thrust into her, again and again. Caroline arched against him, tightening her hold, and welcomed their shared release.

She collapsed against his chest, exhausted from the pleasure of his impatient lovemaking, her impatient response.

Bradford's heart sounded as if it was about to explode, and Caroline waited until the pace had slowed before she moved.

"I had forgotten that we were in a tub," she whispered with a shaky laugh. She sighed, cuddling her head against the side of his neck, and closed her eyes. "I love you, Bradford."

"I'll never tire of hearing you say it," Bradford whispered.

Caroline nodded, her only reaction to his words. And then she started to cry, and heaven help her, she was as loud as Charity.

Bradford let her sob against his chest, tenderly stroking her shoulders, and when she had slowed down and could hear him, he said, "Caroline, listen to me."

"No," Caroline said. "You must listen to me first. I understand you can't love me yet. I've been too impatient and demanding," she continued with another loud sob. "You haven't allowed yourself time to know decent women and I've placed demands on you that you can't possibly meet. I'm going to put up with you and accept you as you are."

If she believed that her fervent speech would soothe her husband, she was mistaken. Bradford frowned. "That's noble of you, wife. Are you giving up then?"

Caroline glanced up and saw the amusement in his eyes. "What? No, I'm only accepting, Bradford," she replied.

"And just how long do you plan to be patient, love?" he asked, smiling.

"You're confusing me, Bradford," Caroline remarked. "I thought you'd be moved by my decision and instead find that you think it's amusing. And just what am I to think about that?" she asked herself more than her husband.

She stood up and used his stomach as her stepping-stone to get out of the tub, satisfied when she heard his loud groan of protest.

"Serves you right for being so arrogant," Caroline announced. "Milford told you I wanted to come home, didn't he? That's why you're so happy, isn't it?" Caroline said with growing exasperation.

"I'm happy because I've just made love to my obedient wife," Bradford returned, grinning.

"There isn't an obedient bone in my body," Caroline contradicted. She knelt down beside the tub, fished the soap from the water, and began to scrub her husband. "Unless I give my word, of course. Then, I guess you could say I'm obedient about keeping it." She signed and added, "You think you've won, don't you?"

Bradford wasn't sure she even realized what she was doing. She looked like she was getting as worked up as the lather she was building on his right leg and he started laughing again.

"I think you've taken the skin off," Bradford remarked. "Don't look so perplexed, love. Are you finished with your apology or is there more?" he asked with lazy interest.

"I didn't apologize, but I'm not going to argue about it."

"Then I believe it's my turn," Bradford announced. "I'm sorry, Caroline. I know it hasn't been easy, loving me, and I've caused you a lot of distress. My only excuse is that I love you so much that I've behaved like a fool. I-"

Caroline had dropped the soap and stood up during his speech. "Don't you dare tease me, Bradford." Tears coursed down her cheeks and she brushed them away with the back of her hand. "Are you telling me the truth? You really love me?"

Bradford was out of the tub and holding Caroline in his arms before she could move. "Have I done that to you?" he asked, his voice filled with pain. "God, Caroline, I love you! I think I always have. And now that I'm finally about to say the words, you cry! I've never lied to you, Caroline. Never!" His voice was so fierce and Caroline could hear the agony.

She cried into his chest and Bradford stood there, feeling completely helpless. He dripped water all over the floor while she dripped hot tears all over him.

"You can't take it back."

Caroline's voice was muffled and he had to ask her to repeat what she had just said. She was sniffling and hiccupping but she finally got the words out. "I said you can't take it back."

Bradford started to laugh, and surely that was the reason for the tears in his own eyes. He dragged his trembling wife to the bed and hugged her under the covers. He kissed her, a long, satisfying kiss, and then told her again and again how much he loved her, until he was certain that she believed him.

"I'm waiting to hear the rest," Caroline told him. She drummed her fingers against his chest for a full minute before she realized that Bradford wasn't going to say anything else. And then she started to laugh. "God, but you're a stubborn man! Of course you love me. I've known it for the longest time," she lied brazenly. "Now admit that you'll trust me, no matter what the circumstances."

"Outline all of them before I commit myself," Bradford returned, grinning. He pushed her head down beneath his chin and inhaled her special fragrance. "You smell of roses," he whispered.

"And so do you," Caroline told him. "We used my soap. It's scented."

Bradford grumbled to himself.

"At least you don't smell like your horse anymore," Caroline volunteered with a chuckle. "You know, Bradford, the name of your horse was a definite clue and I'm only now realizing it."

"What are you talking about?" Bradford asked, confused.

"Reliance! It was a key to what you value, what was missing from your life," Caroline explained.

"I do trust you, Caroline," Bradford admitted. "But as for the jealousy, I can't promise. I'll try," he vowed. He told her he loved her again, finding a freedom and joy he didn't know possible with just the simple acknowledgment, and made love to her, slowly this time. He built the fires with calculating accuracy, knowing exactly where to touch, how to give her the pleasure he had fantasized about all the nights he was apart from her.

He loved her with an intensity that caused her to weep again.

"I love you, Caroline," Bradford said, squeezing her against him.

"I'll never tire of hearing it."

It took a moment for Bradford to remember that those were the exact words he had used with her. He smiled, appreciating her humor.

"Bradford? When did you know? When did you realize that you loved me?"

"It wasn't a bolt of lightning," Bradford told her. Caroline was stretched out on her back and Bradford propped himself on one elbow to look at her.

He grinned over her disappointed look and was forced to kiss the frown away before he continued. "You were like a splinter under my skin," Bradford told her, "A constant bother."

Caroline laughed. "You are so romantic!"

"As romantic as you are. I seem to remember you telling me that loving me was like having a stomach ache."

"Bradford, I was irritated then," Caroline confessed.

"I was immediately drawn to you," Bradford continued. "I would have taken you for my mistress and damned the consequences if you'd only been agreeable," he admitted.

"I knew it."

"But you weren't like any other woman at all. The night we went to Aimsmond's affair, you didn't wear any jewels."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Caroline asked.

"They weren't important to you," Bradford explained. He laughed, thinking of his stupidity, and confessed, "I did try to buy your affection with the gifts, didn't I?"

"You did," Caroline told him, pleased that he recognized it. "And you've been perfectly horrid to me as well. Did you know the state of this place when you sent me here?"