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Mrs. Big Bad Wolf turned to Karen. “Please Doctor, please…” She swung around toward Jordan, “Jordan, you’re a good girl, you can’t-”

“No I’m not,” Jordan furiously interrupted her. “Maybe I was once, but I’m not anymore. And I can.” It was obvious what can implied at that precise moment. Jordan gripped her knife more tightly.

“Wait,” Karen said. The other two Reds looked at her. “We don’t know enough yet.”

Red Two and Red Three stared at her quizzically.

“Before we kill them, I need to know everything,” she said. She felt an ice within her. It was as if for the first time since she’d received the Wolf’s letter, her life was coming into focus. Clarity had finally bubbled up close to the surface, where she might just be able to seize it. She bent down, lowering her face close to the Big Bad Wolf’s, so that her breath washed over him.

“My oh my, what big eyes you’ve got, Grandmother.” She smiled with a harshness that she did not know she possessed.

“You remember that, don’t you? And where it comes from? A fairy tale. Can you believe it? A goddamn fairy tale that none of us have read since we were kids. Anyway, the proper response is: ‘All the better to see you with, my dear.’”

She was nearly whispering. “Can you say that?”

The Wolf did not reply.

“I think you can,” Karen said.

Duct tape is remarkable stuff, Karen thought as she taped Mrs. Big Bad Wolf’s hands and feet together. Better than a rope and knots. Sticky and convenient. I bet real criminals happily use it all the time.

The two wolves were side by side on the living room couch, immobilized by the wrappings of gray tape. They looked a little like awkward teenagers on a first date-not quite touching, slightly ridiculous. Mrs. Big Bad Wolf was having trouble controlling her emotions. They seemed to careen around within her willy-nilly. Her husband, on the other hand, had descended into a sullen anger. He wasn’t saying much, but his eyes tracked each of the Reds.

“All right,” Karen said, stepping back and admiring her handiwork.

Red Two and Red Three were a few paces behind her. Each still wielded her weapon. “What now?” Jordan asked.

None of the three Reds was aware of the tidal change that had taken place in the small house. The Big Bad Wolf was completely alert to the difference. It was well within his area of expertise.

He laughed, just slightly. “You’ve made a mistake,” he said. He held up his taped wrists. “Big goddamn mistake.”

“What mistake?” Jordan blurted out.

The Wolf smiled.

“You know nothing about killing, do you?”

The three Reds did not answer this. He didn’t expect them to. “In a fight, in self-defense,” the Wolf lectured softly, keeping his voice low and even, which only seemed to underscore his knowledge, “you can do almost anything. Remarkable things. It just depends on how desperate you are. Stab someone with a knife. Pull the trigger on your big hand-cannon. Beat in somebody’s brains. It’s a very simple thing to defend yourself in battle. Anyone can find the strength to win and do whatever it takes in all that heat and blood and struggling.”

He leaned back a little in his seat. “But now we’re not fighting. The battle is over. You’ve won. But you haven’t, really, because now you will have to kill. In cold blood. It’s a bit of a cliché, isn’t it? But you can all feel it, can’t you? Any of you think you have that particular kind of strength? A fight is one thing. Murder is something very different.”

The three Reds were quiet.

The Wolf didn’t seem frightened or even all that put out by the situation. “A mother, she could heartlessly kill to defend her children. A man might without thinking if he was defending his home and family. A soldier will to protect his comrades-doesn’t even need a command. But that’s not what we have here tonight, is it? Which one of you thinks she can be a killer? Who is going to be first?” He started to laugh.

Karen was taken aback, almost as if the psychology of the moment had slapped her across the face. Jordan realized she was suddenly hot. But we won!

At that moment, Sarah pushed past the other two Reds with a slippery burst of energy. “You think we can’t kill you?” she shouted. She stepped quickly across the room and thrust the gun barrel up against the Big Bad Wolf’s forehead. His wife whimpered, but he merely grinned.

“Prove me wrong,” he challenged. He kept his gaze directly in Red Two’s eyes, belying the gamble he was taking.

Sarah thumbed back the hammer. Her finger tightened on the trigger. She let loose with a long, angry groan.

And then she stepped back.

“Not so easy, is it?” the Big Bad Wolf said.

She immediately thrust the pistol back against his forehead. “I can do it,” she said fiercely.

“If you could, you already would have,” he calmly replied.

Red Two and the Wolf quivered slightly. Karen and Jordan were sure she was going to pull the trigger. And they were both sure she would not.

Karen spoke first. “Sarah, step back.”

A second passed, then another, and finally Sarah lowered the hammer on her pistol and moved away from the Wolf.

“You see, you think you’ve accomplished something here tonight,” he said, almost gloating. “But you haven’t. You know nothing about killing and I know everything. You know nothing about me, and I know everything about you. And that will mean you will always lose and I will always win.” He smiled again. “You want to know something that’s obvious to anyone who really knows murder?”

The three Reds didn’t respond, but the Big Bad Wolf continued anyway. “There’s no strong woodsman coming through the door with his trusty axe. There’s no loving grandmother safe and hidden in the closet ready to emerge and embrace Little Red Riding Hood. There’s only one real ending to the story, and it’s the only ending that was ever possible. The first ending.”

They were all silent.

“You could never save yourselves. Not once I started.” He grinned. “You are all smart,” he continued. His voice was almost friendly. It had a kind of familiarity that suggested the banter between old friends meeting in an unexpected manner. “That’s why I picked you in the first place. And you are all clever enough to see there is absolutely no way out for you tonight. You should never have come here. You should have let me do whatever I was going to do. Or maybe you should have killed us both upstairs. Maybe you could have done that. And maybe even, like Red Two says, you can kill me now. Maybe, just maybe, you are that angry and scared. But are you also capable of killing her?” He nodded his head toward his wife. “Because she’s completely innocent,” he lied easily. “She hasn’t done anything.”

The Wolf shrugged his shoulders. “Now, that takes a special kind of evil. Killing someone just because they are in the right place at the wrong time. Or maybe the wrong place at the right time. That’s hard, even for an experienced professional. You think you have that strength? Can you be that evil?”

He smiled again. “One, two, three,” he said. “Three little psychopaths. Or, perhaps not.”

Karen’s head spun. It was as if someone had loosed some scent in the room that was causing her to be unable to think clearly. She imagined that everything the Wolf was saying was true. They would never be free. Kill the man, and I’m no different from him. Maybe. Let the man live, and always wonder if he’s stalking me again. Maybe. Kill the woman, and live forever with guilt. Maybe. She felt nauseous.

At her side, Sarah’s hand shook. The gun suddenly felt incredibly heavy, and she was unsure whether she had the strength to continue to hold it. She wasn’t even certain she had the physical ability to pull the trigger. It was as if all the energy had been drained from her muscles. Beside her, Jordan slumped back against the wall with a groan.