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Robert took some aspirin and washed them down with the last of his bottled water. God was he thirsty. He’d already guzzled two liter-sized bottles and needed to stop for more. Although he didn’t feel hungry, he knew he should eat. He was going to need the energy. His family was still alive. One way or another, he was going to bring them home.

The man who called him this morning had handed Peggy the phone to prove to Robert that she was still alive. Her spirit hadn’t been shattered, but he’d sensed right away that she was worried about Connor. He’d had a flash-vision of himself waiting in a teller line at a bank. An icy sweat was trickling down his back. In his hand was a note demanding money. And tucked in his waist band was a gun…

“I promise you I’m going to get you out of this no matter what it takes. How’s Connor holding up?”

There was a long pause in which he only heard the blare of the television in the background. Then Peggy started crying.

“He’s not doing very well… I’m afraid Robert.”

“Did they hurt him?”

“No. It’s just…. He won’t open his eyes… I’ve never seen him like this before. He was so scared when they came into his room last night. It’s like he’s blocking everything out right now, going through some kind of shock. I don’t know what to do other than hold him.”

Robert felt a murderous rage begin to fill him, familiar black waters.

“Listen. You’ve got to keep talking to him, try to get him to open up… Tell him his daddy is coming to get you both back.”

“I’ll try…”

“I love you Peg…”

“I love you Rob…”

“I think that’s enough for today,” interrupted the kidnapper’s cheerful drawl. “We’ve got some business to discuss now Mr. Crain.”

Robert was dizzy with violent thoughts as the man talked. The kidnapper acted so nonchalant that he might as well have been instructing Robert on how to baste ribs over a barbeque.

Had he heard the man correctly? It was all so unreal. So fucking insane…


Several hours later the drug was just a distant bass-beat in his head. He had one hell of a headache, but at least he had some control over his flurry of thoughts. He was still tormented by the idea that the morning’s conversation had been a hallucination. The feeling had remained lodged in the back of his mind like a painful splinter.

At midnight tonight he was to go to the upper Mt. Tabor reservoir, located in a city park less than twenty minutes from where he lived. A place where he and his family took Nugget for long walks. There he’d meet his first opponent, a man wearing a bright orange hunter’s cap. If he succeeded in eliminating his opponent, he and his family would be spared another day.

“Excuse me? What do you mean when you say eliminated?”

“Killed, if you need me to be more precise.”

“Listen asshole. You’re out of your fucking mind. If you think…”

“Call me Walker. Please. There are three rules, Mr. Crain. No cops and no weapons, except those which you can improvise from the pre-arranged location.”

“How will you know I’m not bringing anything with me?”

“You will be frisked.”

“And the third rule?”

“You must fight to the death.”

Robert began to tremble. If he’d still smoked cigarettes he’d have finished a whole pack by now. No, two packs at least. Unfiltered.

“You’re full of shit. You know either way I’m dead.”

Walker puffed his cigar and groaned. “Come on Mr. Crain, don’t go underestimating yourself.”

Robert had fallen silent. He knew he’d have to agree to the rules. But it didn’t mean he had to follow them. There had to be a way to play this, some way he could turn things around and still manage to get his family back alive. He had to believe it…

“If I’m the one who gets killed, then what happens to my family?”

“That’s entirely up to the mercy of the winner. The decision will rest with him.”

“And if I survive, I get my family back alive?”

“Not right away. You will still have one more opponent to face. Once you have successfully eliminated him, your family will be returned.”

“What about the cops? You don’t think they’ll be interested when bodies start turning up all over town?”

“My people will take care of things, Mr. Crain. The police won’t find any traces to begin with.”

“What’s this really about? Are you too cheap to pay somebody to kill people you don’t want around? Or are you doing some new variation of a snuff film? Is this what kind of sick fuck you really are?”

Walker let out an impatient sigh. “No sir, this isn’t that kind of thing.”

“Then why? Does this have anything to do with Barney or my father?”

“I can assure you we are not trying to deliver retribution on you in any way, Mr. Crain. We too are simply following instructions.”

“Instructions from whom?”

“This isn’t the appropriate time to explain. You should be getting yourself prepared now, just as your opponent is doing at this very moment. I promise you, he will be very driven to kill you—has been for several days now.”

“Do I know him?”

“No, Mr. Crain. I can assure you you’re complete strangers. He’s just another good man like you who wants to take care of his family.”

Robert had stood up and stared out the kitchen window. Connor’s bicycle lay on the porch, its front tire turning in the wind, spokes clacking against a playing card clipped to the frame. An image of the Joker bent forward and back, as if possessed by a bout of riotous laughter. Robert looked away.

“So how do I know you aren’t just setting me up?”


“How do I know you won’t be waiting at the park to gun me down?”

“Gun you down. What for?”

“Hell if I know. Maybe you’re a serial killer who gets his kicks that way. Maybe you like to take out the husband before you do the rest of the family.”

Walker gasped like a shocked old woman, mocking Robert’s suggestion.

“Goodness, it’s not like that at all. I realize it’s impossible for me to prove my sincerity to you, but you will soon see I’m a man of my word. By the way, too bad about your shoulder. However, we do have a tight schedule and can’t allow you any time to get better. I’m sorry Mr. Crain, but I must go now.”


“Goodbye, Mr. Crain. Good luck.”

And then the man hung up.

It had all happened so fast. And now Robert’s mind was spinning in too many directions at once. What am I going to do? How long do I have to find them?

He’d checked the caller id and wasn’t surprised by what he saw. The number was blocked.

I can’t believe this is happening…

The past was repeating itself in the worst of all possible ways. Like a tropical storm it had blown out to sea and let him be. Now it was returning for round two, and this time there was even more at stake than his crazy father…

Seven years ago he’d met Peggy and Connor and turned his life around. They’d built a wonderful home together. And although Connor missed his real dad at first, he’d bonded with Robert more quickly than they’d expected. Now the two of them were practically inseparable.

As much as he wanted to, Robert couldn’t go to the cops. It wasn’t worth the risk. These guys were psychos, he thought. They’re highly unpredictable.

He realized he’d have to take care of this on his own, his own way. Even if it meant taking another life.

Something he swore he’d never do again…

But you’ve already forgotten how lucky you were the first time. The devil isn’t going to repeat his mistakes.