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310 Riverside Drive, New York City, U. S. A.

Extract from a letter to the Roerich Museum by Secretary Davis of the Department of Labor:

«In whatever direction your endeavors reach out I wish you a great and ever-growing success through the years. After all, while this is a time of danger to things of the spirit, the time has also a propitious aspect. Civilization attains its highest peaks only after it has amassed the material means with which to recompense the artist and the thinker. These ample means we have. The need is only for leaders to call forth this wealth and see that it is expended in cultural advancement. You and your associates arc such leaders. May you build not only this building but a great new movement among us toward a love of the beautiful, and may both endure to serve our people and bring more light into their lives.

Most cordially yours,

James J. Davis».

America honours Roerich

A special cable from New York states that the world-famous Artist, Explorer and Thinker, Professor Nicholas Roerich Orientalist, arrived in New York on June 21, 1929 and were received by the Mayor’s Committee on behalf of New York’s seven million people and conducted through the city by a special escort. In the City Hall the Professor was accorded a hearty welcome by the Mayor who dwelt at length on the great achievement of Roerich in the fields of art and culture. A very successful reception was also given him at the Master Building. In honouring Professor Roerich American people appreciated the grand efforts of the philosopher-artist whose wonderful paintings breathe new life and joy. It would be interesting for our readers to know that the painter of the «Buddha the Conqueror» is also recommended for the Noble prize for peace by the International Committee. We heartily congratulate Professor Roerich for the grand success he has so far achieved in creating a real interest in international peace and good will.

Envoy of peace

by James Johnstone.

One of them and perhaps one of the very few is of ancient Viking blood – a Master of color and creative thought – Nicholas Roerich is the Master’s name. But throughout the East the Master has another name, and that is America’s Envoy of Peace. It is not accidental that the Master’s family root should be traced back as far as to the ancient heroes by the name of Rourik. The spirit of his ancestors’ fearless heroism lives in Nicholas Roerich. And then America acclaimed Roerich her own. The Master went from coast to coast and everywhere he found the deepest understanding of his Art and ideals, which are so akin to the vital and youthful spirit of the Americans. The Master gave his best to this country. He founded a number of cultural Institutions, which shall be one of the cornerstones of the great American culture to come. After a few years’ stay here Roerich went to the East where he spread, during these last five years throughout the Orient, the seeds of love and respect for this country. From Ceylon through entire India into Tibet the Master went speaking of American Democracy, which enables people of all nations from all countries to live in harmony and peace. Then the Master penetrated through Chinese Turkestan into a wilderness of Altai and Oyrot countries, practically unknown to men where Old Believers are scattered in virgin forests. I hese people of pure Christian faith, were persecuted for centuries for their belief. And there before the bearded patriarchs Roerich pictured America in all her spiritual glory. And there is America beloved and respected as a country blessed by the Lord. And America’s progress is not jealously commented upon but on the contrary, spoken of as a just reward for America’s good will towards men.

From there the Master went to Mongolia, a country, which is being moulded now just as ours was in 1776 into a free republic for free people. And there again Roerich spoke in such glowing terms of America that a new understanding of our country has been brought home to the hearts of these people. There too America is beloved and respected and looked upon as a country to model from. And so through the deserts and cities of yurtas over vast steppes and highest mountain passes Master Roerich carries the message of love and unswerving devotion to America. A message which kindled many hearts of many tribes and nations with the same love and devotion the Master has towards this country. This is the reason why the wise East calls Roerich «America’s Envoy of Peace».

The following quotation from a Hindoo Philosophical Magazine «The Maha-Bodhi» so vividly expressed the Chinese, Mongolian and Japanese opinion of Professor Roerich’s art and ideals: –

«We have heard that the National Historical Museum in Peking has recently sent an address to Prof. Roerich, worded as follows:

„We have ordinarily looked up to you, Sir, on account of your Occidental and Oriental learning, your reputation being exalted with the T’aishan, and the Constellation of the Great Bear. In speaking of antiquities you have much knowledge, and your eyes can cover a period of five thousand years. You have visited the most remote places, your travels covering ninety thousand li. Among connoisseurs you are a most renowned artist, having the ability to depict sounds and shadows and are reputed to possess much ability and skill. Although the objects of antiquity in quantity arc comparable to the sea, you. Sir, are among the initiate, and know and appreciate them all“.

The best scientist of Mongolia speaks of Professor Roerich in the following terms:

‘Such great universal personalities as Roerich are walking the path of the Bodhisattvas of the highest order as absolute lights of the century. In this age, the age of egoism, their great deeds will bring limitless results to those countries through which these lofty personages have passed. Therefore our country considers the visit of Prof. Roerich as a great honor and joy.»

And Japan’s best writers, Itsuzo Takeuchi, who recently has written and issued the second book about Professor Roerich, thus writes of him:

«Reaching such heights, the creation of Roerich’s genius is incessantly growing. Inspired by an inner striving which impels him onwards, he searches new heights and conquers seemingly impassable barriers. Nothing impedes his striving to carry the message of the broadest pan-human communion. His latest message coming from the heart of Azia, synthesizes the spirit of his works and confirms the new Reality. This is seen in the last paintings of the great Teachers of all ages, in whose works he sees indications of the world unity. Roerich – artist, writer, thinker, leader – sees us approaching the day of his New Reality, when the most idealistic is transmuted into the most practical, when brotherhood as the result of the united creation in the life will proclaim: ‘Love, Beauty, and Action’, which are the shields of Roerich and in the name of which he has attained his highest victories».

The West expresses its opinion in a vast literature on Roerich. The Center Bulletin speaks of the Master as follows:

«Roerich is to Art what Einstein is to Science and Ford to Industry. He establishes unities not hitherto realized. He links Art to Science, Beauty to Use, East to West, Form to Life and Man to Cosmos».

Из второй беседы с Н. К. Рерихом

Приехавший на короткое время в Америку в 1924 г. из далекой Индии Николай Константинович Рерих поделился своими впечатлениями от этой своей интересной и богатой по добытым материалам поездки. Мало изменился – утомления от далекого пути не заметно на энергичном лице художника. Также глядят бодрые, северные глаза; Кипит планами. – «Ехал по 10 различным странам и все они тянутся к России». Н. К. Рерих – подчеркнул, что сейчас существуют два явления в мире – наиболее значительные – они, несомненно, – Россия и Америка.