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“No wonder all the history I see replaying here is of the gruesome variety.”

“But the Portuguese are mostly friendly folks. They’re the sort of people who fix broken dolls for kids and make pencils that smell like orange blossoms and sing sad songs about loss and yearning in tiny bars on the beach where the liquor will kick your legs out from under you. At the same time, some believe there’s a ‘Sleeping King’ who’ll come back to make things right some day, and old women crawl a tenth of a mile on their knees to reach the shrine of Our Lady of Fátima. They’re an odd mix, modern and medieval and generous and sad.”

“I wonder what your father has in mind for them.”

“He may not have much in mind at all aside from snatching Soraia. I haven’t been able to figure out his larger plan beyond ‘sow chaos and reap destruction.’ I haven’t seen much sign of the paranormal, even though I know it’s a big part of whatever he’s up to. I think we may have destroyed a lot of his progress in that respect back in Seattle, but he’s been successful with the ghost boxes at least enough to plant one in most of his units. The way he manages to get information and set people up is uncanny, and I can’t think of any other way he could be doing it.”

“You mean like the box that Sergeyev was stored in—imprisoned ghosts who act as spies and agitators?”

“Yeah. But I can’t see ghosts like you can and it’s one of the things I need you for.” He seemed frustrated at acknowledging that he needed anything, and furious with himself. “I’m missing something—missing too much, obviously, if I missed his taking Soraia.”

I was on the point of telling him to stop blaming himself when he turned to me sharply and started for the train station, saying, “We need the train to Cascais.”

“We do?”

“We won’t be going that far. Sam lives in Carcavelos. It’s on the coast before you get all the way out to the famous parts around Estoril—that area is full of fancy resorts for the wealthy for the most part and always has been. Carcavelos is more famous for its surf. The Tagus River still has an effect at that location, so the waves are a lot more defined. And it used to be a British communication depot, so there are still a lot more English speakers there than in most small towns in Portugal. Come on,” he added, urging me into the building.

The station was sleek and modern inside, all cement and steel, but there were still bits of art here and there, like a row of giant anthropomorphized rabbits in blue suits rushing across the platform walls from the metro to the train station. It took a while to figure out which train we needed since there were several types of service. Quinton found a clerk who spoke excellent English and who explained the various trains running on the Cascais line and which one would get us to Carcavelos quickest. Then we had to purchase passes from a vending machine and go through various turnstiles and validate the pass, find our track . . . and miss our train by seconds. The next would leave in twenty minutes.

We doubled back to a small food vendor selling a sort of spicy pork sandwich called a bifana. The smell reminded me that I hadn’t eaten since Seattle. I didn’t appear to be the only one who was ravenous: The area was busy and we were jostled by hurrying commuters and hungry customers. Several men with ominous clouds of Grey energy around them passed as well. I tried to watch them and figure out what they were up to or who they were, but I couldn’t guess. We received our sandwiches wrapped to go—which had caused some sighing as if there was no understanding the silly ideas of tourists—and I asked Quinton what he thought of one of the men and if any were familiar.

“Haven’t seen them before specifically,” he said, “but they remind me of the guys from one of the units I didn’t work with at a certain agency. Mostly young agents from the KGB and Stasi, who suddenly didn’t have a job when the wall came down in Berlin. They were at loose ends, not particularly idealistic, but well trained and resentful of being unemployed. Most of them were willing to work for the highest bidder or the government most likely to let them emigrate. By the time I met any, they were middle-aged, cynical, and mean as snakes.”

“Sounds familiar.”

“If you mean they remind you of my dad, I’d say these guys were less charming and had limits even they wouldn’t exceed—which is not something I can say about Dad anymore. Not after this business. Who kidnaps his own granddaughter . . . ?”

I had worked on parental kidnapping cases and I knew that there were plenty of people in the world who didn’t find the idea of snatching their own child, grandchild, niece, or nephew to be out of the question. Some did it for what they thought were altruistic reasons, like getting a child out of a bad situation when the law hadn’t. But most did it for selfish and often crazy reasons, like getting back at an ex-spouse, or believing that their methods or motives for raising the child would be better. Some of their reasons were less sane and far more terrible—which I hoped wasn’t going to be the case with Papa Purlis.

“So, what would men like that be doing here?”

“Europe’s in upheaval—at least partly thanks to Dad, but also just the circumstances he’s taking advantage of. Most of it seems fairly normal most of the time, but it’s a complex problem that’s widespread. There’ve been a lot of economic problems and those have bred a lot of social and political unrest—not just things like Ukraine, but smaller and surprisingly vicious. Guys like that always show up where the opportunity for violence or political or economic advantage is high. Right now, there are a lot of those opportunities. The Portuguese people haven’t been pleased with their government’s austerity measures—which seem to hit the taxpayers a lot harder than the politicians and government bureaucrats. They almost broke out in riots near the first of the year. That was avoided, but there’s still a lot of discomfort about the situation and that means there are people who are ready to use that turmoil and discomfort to their advantage—people who’d pay to have others make the situation worse in strategic ways. That’s what those guys are—the hired guns.”

“Do you think any of them work for your father?”

“Probably, but they don’t know who we are. At least not yet. There’s no way of knowing which of these guys, if any, are in Dad’s employ, though, so we need to avoid them if we can. Just play tourist for now. They aren’t looking for a nice couple on their way to the beach.”

I frowned, thinking as I ate my bifana. As a fanatic—and he was—James Purlis was willing to do whatever he thought necessary to achieve his goals. He hadn’t caviled at trying to trap and manipulate Quinton, nor had he been unwilling to harm—or possibly kill—his son when Quinton had refused to play along. Quinton had been monkey-wrenching his plans for a while and it sounded as if he might have managed to stop a few of Papa Purlis’s attempts at economic and social disruption. That would make Quinton a thorn in his side worth plucking out, but whatever Purlis was planning to do with Soraia was probably a lot bigger and more horrible than just using his grandchild as short-term leverage against his son.

The sandwich stuck in my throat and I felt a lump of fear harden in my chest. It weighed on me for the entire trip, making it hard to appreciate the beauty of much of our route along the riverbank and out to the edge of the sea.

The rails wove in and out of the riverside fringes of Lisbon, past developments dated by their architecture, including an area of swooping cement buildings that looked a little like leftovers from a world’s fair. We passed a stretch of churning water where the river clearly met the surging sea, creating a choppy band of waves even in the mild weather. A square tower of the same butter-colored stone as the castle above Alfama stuck out of the sea nearby. Our yellow-faced train rushed on, clacking and spitting sparks from the overhead wires.