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The queen nodded far more bravely than she felt to the knight and Branco once more began to crank the mechanism. Hesitantly at first as the twin cocks rose up to force their insidious lengths into Amariza's twin holes, making her squeeze her eyes tight shut against the pain as the spikes simultaneously slid into her slack sex and torn anus.

Vulkan gave the spigot another turn and the water level began to rise quickly in the tub. The groaning Branco cranked harder, once again, the mechanism began to revolve smoothly, the twin cocks thrusting in and out of Amariza's belly, making her grunt volubly at each plunging stroke.

"Uhnn!… Arghh!… Uhnn!… Arghh!… Uhnn!… Arghh!"

Vulkan snatched the multi-tailed scourge from the countess and began to flay it across Amariza's shoulders, making her arch her long white back as the leather falls bit into her peerless flesh. The prince's huge arm rose and fell in perfect time to the rise and fall of the bobbing cocks so that Amariza received the maximum possible stimulation.

Slowly at first and almost beyond the unseen borders of her senses, the noblewoman began to feel a strange, forbidden excitement awakening deep within her core. Coupled with this unfamiliar feeling was a leaden cramp that settled into her pudendum and which soon spread out to envelope her whole body. Too incredible for her tortured, confused mind to understand, she could only gasp as her nipples bloomed and hardened at each scorching stroke of the lash.

Amariza barely felt the odious Gargo dip his fat fingers into her sex, nor heard his lascivious cackle as he held up the slick digits.

"I told you it was always the frosty bitches who liquored-up under the lash!" he shouted exultantly.

Vulkan nodded his grin manic as he bent into the blistering next stroke.

"Open the spigot right up," he snapped, "lets see how fast Branco can go."

Gargo leapt to comply.

The unfortunate knight was now as aware as anyone of Amariza's burgeoning excitement. Her anguished face was only inches away from his as she stared down at him. The deep blue eyes were beginning to bulge and the flushed complexion sweated and glowed. Her wide, luscious mouth fell open, gasping hoarsely as the plunging cocks reamed her crotch.

The preternatural philtres the satyr's semen had deposited within her were beginning to do their work and soon her tongue was swirling around her lips as she began to urge Branco on, her words shameful and faltering.

"Oh God!… yes… yes… like that… don't stop… Ooooo…"

However, the horrified knight was incapable of stopping as the water level was now rising faster than he could pump it out. He craned his neck as far back as he could to keep the water out of his nose, his big shoulders pumping with all of his considerable strength in a fruitless bid to stay the rising water level.

Vulkan began to wallop the scourge into Amariza's perfect arse, hooting with approval as she cried out, not in pain any longer, but in sweet agony. The shapely cheeks jiggling as the cocks boomed in and out of her body – driven at top speed by the madly pumping Branco – who was even now disappearing under the foaming surface.

Amariza threw back her head and howled at the ceiling as her first ever orgasm smashed through her belly. Vulkan continued to flog at her, determined to wring every last bit of pleasure out of her vibrating frame as she rode the remarkable loving-tub.

The mechanism began to slow as Branco drowned and so, heedless of the champion's plight, Vulkan unhitched the still shaking Amariza and threw her on to the floor, diving on her, cramming his rock hard sex into her to feel the remnants of her titanic orgasm. The satyr prince roared, his body arched into a tight rictus of pleasure as his seed boiled up the length of his shaft to flood into her once again. The bruised and congested vagina clutched and sucked at him as Amariza gobbled up his surging fluids until she could hold no more and the excess splashed out on to the grey stones beneath her glowing arse cheeks.

At the tub, a reluctant Gargo and the little grull were baling out the water as fast as they could as the determined countess held her hands under Branco's chin in an effort to keep his nose above the surface.

Jessica had had her libidinous eye on the king's champion for many a long year and now that he was finally a captive in the dungeon, there was just no way she was going to let him escape her tender mercies if she could help it.


An hour or so later, a bathed, changed and much reinvigorated Prince Vulkan sauntered through the keep toward the throne room. He was curious to see the veneficious results of Malpurgo's potion, which the countess had administered to the king and his council in the early hours.

Vulkan was met at the great double doors to the throne room by a group of highly agitated footmen. Hopping from foot-to-foot the servants explained that the king and the seneschal had been playing sword fights and the king appeared to have cut off the seneschal's head.

Vulkan clamped his lips together to smother his smile and opened the door a crack. The king was sitting at the foot of the dais absently rolling the seneschal's glowering head between his feet. In the corner, one of the old dukes had his robes up around his pasty white arse and was having a crap while the other old codger looked on blankly.

Vulkan closed the door. It was time to take charge.

"Find a way to lock this door and any other entrances to the throne room," he said sonorously, "the king and his council have clearly been possessed."

Only too pleased to have a noble lord to obey ay last, the footmen scurried off to do his bidding.

Vulkan allowed himself a small smile of self-congratulation.

'Time to find Princess Flamia' he told himself.