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Malpurgo's smile was meagre and not intended to reassure.

"I have improved you beyond measure my prince," the mocking voice was thin, yet cracked with the power of breaking river ice, "I have made you stronger, fiercer, more cunning and," he grinned lewdly, "infinitely more virile."

Once again, Vulkan looked down, twitching in sudden alarm as the wizard reached between his spread thighs and hefted the heavy genitals into view. His penis was hugely increased in length and girth, with a tangled pattern of blue green veins raised all around the shaft. The testes had also become massively enlarged and now lay squirming slowly together in the wizard's skeletal palm. Vulkan groaned in humiliation as the brief handling stimulated the monstrous sex, which now began to rise. The bulbous, dark purple glans swelled to shrug off the thickened prepuce, at the same time expelling a single, large bead of seminal fluid from the pouting slit.

"Why have you done this to me," Vulkan stammered, "you have turned me into a freak!" The youth's quaking voice threatened to turn into a scream as he fought to control his rapidly burgeoning panic.

Malpurgo released the turgid genitalia, nodding in clinical satisfaction as the monstrous shaft continued to stand straight up against Vulkan's flat belly.

"I have re-fashioned you," he said, pride evident in his crackling voice, "transmogrified you, in the way of the ancient necromancers."

"W-why?" hissed Vulkan desperately, "in God's name why would you do such a thing to me – to what dreadful end?"

Malpurgo smiled showing two rows of sharp, predatory teeth.

"Hardly in His name," sniggered the wizard, "the spell is running its course, you are now entering the final, irreversible stages of satyriasis. In only a few hours the process will be complete and you will become a fully developed satyr and, as such, you will serve me as all of my familiars serve me; with total, unstinting obedience, even unto death."

"Never!… I will never serve the one who has done this evil thing to me," Vulkan rasped, his expression bitter and wretched as he looked down with revulsion at the dark, crinkled pelt that now sprouted over much of his chest and belly.

The Lord of Gliss tossed his head back and laughed aloud. A terrible, demonic sound that made the youth's blood chill in his veins.

"Oh yes you will my prince, you will indeed serve me, or else I will put you to sleep again and when you awake you will find yourself neutered, shrunken and shambling about with the rest of my trusty grulls."

Malpurgo clucked his tongue over his shoulder and the ever-present grull hopped once more into view on its bandy legs, the stupid, faithful face upturned and eager to please its master.

Vulkan stared down in disbelieving horror at the misshapen midget.

"Do you mean to say that thing was once a man?" asked the youth, his tone and expression askance.

"Once, a long time ago," conceded the wizard, this grull came to my demesne as a brash young man with a handful of others of similar ilk. All of them intent upon chastising me for a trifling prank I had played upon their Lord. I declined to be tied to the public post and beaten as they had intended and now all serve me in various, menial ways."

Vulkan closed his eyes and tried to calm his galloping terror and worse, far worse, this new nightmare of going to sleep and waking up an idiotic gargoyle.


The grulls wheeled the large table on which the prince lay into an adjoining chamber and positioned it in a deep alcove where he could see the room, but remained discreetly hidden within the inky shadows.

A short time later the grulls returned, dragging with them the reluctant, whimpering figure of a busty serving wench, whom they shackled by the wrists to the room's only fixture, a tall wooden post set into the centre of the slab floor. The chamber was dimly lit by a single shaft of wan sunlight that entered through a circular aperture in the domed ceiling and which now fell directly on to the woman. The light illuminated the full curves of her voluptuous, peasant body as she stood peering uncertainly into the surrounding gloom.

The tightly bound Vulkan moaned softly, the quaking sound resonating in the depths of his belly. His quiescent prick immediately began to rise as he feasted his eyes upon the naked female standing only feet away. As Vulkan's newly augmented libido asserted itself he quickly became aware of a number of subtle changes in his faculties. His eyesight seemed far more acute, easily able to pick out the crop of tiny goose bumps speckling the woman's broad pink aureoles as she stood shivering in the cold, damp air. His sense of smell had also become heightened with the fecund odours of her crotch and armpits suddenly sharp in his flaring nostrils. And the soft sounds of her feet, shifting nervously on the granite slabs, came easily to his ears, as did her gentle, fearful mewing. A delicious sound that filled him with an unspeakable volume of raw sexual hunger.

Vulkan began to pant rapidly, perspiration springing out onto his quivering body as he began to twist and strain against his bonds.

Slowly, the wench became aware of the presence of another in the room and twisted toward the darkened alcove in alarm, her chains rattling dully as she raised her hands to her face.

"Who's there?" She called in a small, shaking voice.

By way of answer, Vulkan simply groaned more loudly. His shaft was now standing straight up from his groin and his heavily dependent balls throbbed with an over abundance of turgid spunk.

The woman called out again, at the same time straining her eyes in a vain attempt to penetrate the shadowy alcove.

"W-who's there? p-please, show yourself, please, you're frightening me."

Vulkan grinned behind the darkness, his head swimming with lust as he pulled impatiently against the straps holding him.

"Bitch! Whore! Slut!" he hissed at her out of the shadows, "I want to fuck your hairy peasant cunt until you piss yourself!"

The woman shrank back against the post, a strangled cry escaping from her horrified lips as Vulkan began to grunt and spit at her. His need for sex was now so strong that he had difficulty concentrating and was only dimly aware of the grulls appearing at his sides to unfasten his bonds.

When the final restraining band fell away from his waist, Vulkan bounded from the table to land directly in front of the cowering creature. Immediately she clapped eyes on him she began to shriek with horror, her knees giving way as the plunging sunlight illuminated his massive, demonic form.

The satyr, for that what he was now truly becoming, reached out and clapped his palms around the frozen face, drawing it toward the monstrous cock swaying and bouncing in front the blubbering mouth now opening wide to scream again. But before the terrified female could give voice to her fright, Vulkan shot his hips forward, impaling her face upon his iron hard shaft. He groaned ecstatically as the bulging, purple glans filled up the woman's soft mouth, spreading her tongue flat with his enormous bulk as he began to rock slowly back and forth, working the great cock-head into the top of her throat.

Vulkan dragged her whole body toward him by the head, continuing to pull as the chains attached to her wrists drew bar-tight, twisting her shoulders, extending her neck out to breaking point so that he could ram himself straight down into her gullet. The woman thrashed about in acute distress as her gag reflex overwhelmed her. Her full breasts heaved, the big brown nipples hard with fear as Vulkan began to stroke in and out, heedless of her agony. His only concern to assuage his overpowering need for release, which, to the floundering woman's immense relief he quickly attained.

The prince's entire body stiffened and shook as his orgasm overtook him, with slug after slug after slug of boiling hot semen rushing up the length of his shaft to roar down her gullet. As he reamed her bulging throat, the excess fluid spewed out of the corners of her mouth and nostrils to run down over her chin. The thick liquid foaming as she spluttered and coughed around his monstrous girth, unable as she was to swallow the totality of the seemingly endless load of thickened spume.