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I walked up the steps to the stoned wall where there was a large archway. Men in black and white suits with black capes and porcelain white masks stood guard at the entrance of the archway. They said nothing to me, but instead extended out a white-gloved hand, almost like a mime would do. I was unsure what to do at first and then remembered I had an invitation for this party. I reached into my velvet-pouched purse and pulled out a white card. The masked man looked it over and then they both stepped aside to let me in. That was interesting I thought to myself.

I walked down the long corridor and the sounds of a party echoed off the walls. At the end of the corridor I stepped into a vibrant garden teaming with people in costume. I almost laughed out loud at the other-worldliness of it all.

There was a seated string quartet in the far corner of the garden and plush furniture set up in various spots. Large banquet tables were decorated with flowers and adorned with enormous amounts of food and drink. I looked up to see hanging baskets of flowers and plants. Indeed it was a garden fit for a king. I walked around taking it all in. The guests were nice and the added mystery of the masks made everyone feel safe enough to have open conversation. It was a very festive atmosphere.

I sampled the rich foods and met with the caterer. I was pleased with his work and relieved that I wouldn’t have to find another on such short notice. Now I could just enjoy the party. I walked through the garden paths and got the feeling I was being followed. I looked over my shoulder briefly but didn’t stop walking. I turned down a corner path. A part of me wanted it to be Clay. I wanted him to find me and surprise me. I wanted the romantic story of him telling me he left his girlfriend and only wants to be with me. My imagination was running wild.

“For you,” A low sultry voice said from behind me. It had a thick Italian accent, so I knew instantly it was not Clay.

I turned around. Before me stood a tall man in a black cape, a black vest over a white shirt, and tight black trousers with mid-calf high boots.

He wore a white mask that covered almost his entire face. Dark black curls were hidden under a black felt hat. I looked at his white-gloved hand, which held a small red rosebud.

“For me?”

“Yes, bella. The red flower of amore.”

I reached out to grab it, and he took my hand in his and kissed the top of it as he bowed. He looked up at me. I could see his piercing green eyes and full soft lips, but that was all as the mask concealed the rest. This was too good to be true. It was like a fairy tale.

He turned and walked away. I stood there mesmerized. Did that just happen?

I really was in Venice, the perfect location for romance and mystery.


After the party I made my way home. I walked into the palazzo in a daze. I still held the red flower in my hand as I daydreamed about the mysterious stranger. There was no chance I would ever see him again, or know who he was.

“Where did you get that?” Sofia asked. She interrupted my thoughts and it took me a few seconds to realize she was asking about the flower.

“Oh, this? A man gave it to me at the party. I don’t know who he was.”

Sofia smiled a bright smile and giggled. “It is a mark.”

“A mark?” I asked.

“Yes, you pin it to your dress tonight. So that the man can try to find you again.”

“Really?” The very idea thrilled me.


“Your dress that you wear tonight. Pin it here.” Sofia motioned to the area of my chest that I should pin the flower. It was adorable to see her so involved in the romance of it all. I laughed and agreed to do it. Even if it was silly, it was still fun.

After that, I retired to my room and did a few hours of work. I refined the catering menu after having sampled the chef’s specialties as well as worked on furniture deliveries and more.

A few hours passed and I did all I could do for the day. I checked my itinerary and was excited to see that I would be going to the Carnivale opening night ball.

I picked a soft mint green ball gown for the evening with the same white-laced mask I used earlier in the day. If my mysterious stranger was looking for me tonight, it would be helpful to wear the same mask. I loved the game of hiding my identity with subtle hints. I took a long hot bath and had a light snack of breads and cheese that Sofia brought to my room.

Later she helped me into my corset and ball gown that was heavy with drapes of fabric. I decided to leave my long hair down in thick curls and placed a large rectangular emerald pendant around my neck. The bodice of the dress was a slightly darker shade of green and it laced up the back. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a different person. Like a mysterious princess. Sofia put on the finishing touch by pinning the single red bud onto the dress.

I laughed at the absurdity of it, although, it was fun in the sense of it just being a silly game. I was feeling giddy off the notion of perhaps seeing the mysterious man again when my phone rang. It was Max, Clay’s assistant calling to tell me that Clay was indeed coming to Venice. That was it. The phone call was short and he said he didn’t have any details yet. I didn’t know what this meant. Would he be staying here in the house? Would the girlfriend be with him? It was too much to think about. I rushed downstairs. I needed a drink.

I sat in the courtyard of the palazzo with my nervous thoughts and a jug of wine. I was beyond anxious to the point of shaking. It was a feeling that the wine soon numbed for me, and I chose not to let it ruin my night. Ernetto was waiting for me in the gondola. I did not realize how tipsy I had become until I tried to get into the gondola. I didn’t care.

I arrived and walked into a vast ballroom with gorgeous crystal chandeliers that twinkled in the dim light. Everything was white. The walls hung with shimmering white fabrics. White linens covered the tables and all the furniture was white. There were all kinds of white flowers in white vases and even all the food and drink served were white. It was beautiful. I had to hand it to the event organizer. I made a note to remind myself to meet them when I was not so inebriated.

A loud tapping interrupted the low murmur of conversations. Everyone’s attention went to the balcony that overlooked the ballroom floor. There tapping on a violin the way someone would tap on a wine glass before a speech, was a man dressed in a white wig and an all white traditional costume.

Once everyone was quite he said something in Italian. By the movement of the crowd I think he said it was time for the first dance. Everywhere people took to the ballroom floor. The man started playing a waltz.

It was so beautiful I was almost in tears of joy. I made my way to the side of the ballroom and stood there, but not for long. A tall man in full costume and mask grabbed my hand and whisked me away to the dance floor. I did not protest.

This was what the rest of my night was like. Dancing the night away with one stranger after another. I drank delicious wines and ate decadent foods and then danced more and more. I was in absolute heaven.

After a few hours I needed to rest. I found a small niche with a plush chaise lounge and white fabrics flowing from the walls giving it a bit of privacy.

Suddenly there was a man sitting next to me. His earthy scent was intoxicating and yet familiar. I looked at him waiting for him to say something. He was sitting so close that it was obvious he was here to talk or to ask me to dance.

His mask was white lion and his dark curls were pulled into a loose ribbon at the back of his head. Messy tendrils fell over his face and mask giving him a very sexy look, even though I couldn’t see his face. His tight costume let me know that he was strong and fit.