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She turned to face him fully. “I know, it’s unusual, but I figured I started this relationship way back when, but when we slowed down last December…”

Her voice trailed off, her smile getting bigger by the minute.

“Say it again.” Daniel cupped her chin in hand, letting the joy inside him bubble up. “I want to hear it again.”

Beth sparkled. There was no other word for it. “I love you, Daniel Coleman. Every bit of you, from that long hard body that makes me shake with pleasure to the tender things you say and do. I want you to be my husband. To share my life with me. To be far, far more than just a good time.”

Daniel laughed and picked her up in his arms, squeezing her tight as he kissed her silly. When they finally let each other go, there was still a question on her face. “What? You need me to say it?”

“Oh, yes.”

He shook his head. “You realize that’s why I brought you out here today? Not only to show you the bench but to propose.”

Beth covered her mouth with her fingers. “Oh dear, I didn’t mean to ruin your surprise.”

“Ruin it? Hell, you couldn’t possibly ruin anything.” Daniel held her chin, unable to stop from dropping another kiss on her lips. “Miss Beth? I would love to marry you. You’re exactly what I want in my life, and in my bed. And yes, we are far more than just a good time together.”

They were both grinning like fools. He brushed the remainder of a tear from her cheek, amazed to be so full inside. Happiness he’d never imagined was his.

“So…you want to go house hunting?” Daniel was ready to drag her into town this minute.


His excitement poured out. “Well, I’ve already been looking at a few places, just in case you were silly enough to say yes.”

Beth squeezed his fingers. “Good. Then you’ll be happy to know I’ve been looking at places as well.”


“Really. In case you were silly enough to accept my proposal.”

Daniel brought her to her feet and headed them toward the horses. “I love I get to brag that you asked.”

She shook her head in disbelief. “You’re going to brag about that?”

“Damn right, I am.”

He helped her up on Ruffles. She frowned for a moment. “You serious? About looking at houses right now?”

“Why not?” He wanted to shout to the world that she was his, but they’d have to take it quieter for the boys’ sake. The house was a logical first step.

Beth considered. “Fine, but I need to stop by your place first.”

The ride back to where he’d put his trailer went quick enough. Daniel tethered the horses before letting her in, slapping her on the butt as she snuck past him. “Don’t take too long.”

She stuck out her tongue then sashayed toward the bathroom. He wandered into the kitchen and poured a glass of water, chugging it back as he waited. They could find a place, maybe even get moved in this summer. August wedding before school started…

“Daniel, I need a hand.”

He headed down the hall to rescue her. “You can’t be lost. And it’s too small a bathroom to—holy fuck.”

Marriage proposals were not supposed to be commemorated by house hunting. Or least, not in her opinion. Beth had learned a lot of lessons from Daniel over the past year, and this was the time for making a memory, all right. Something other than driving the streets of Rocky Mountain House, no matter how excited that thought made her.

There were other ways to celebrate.

Beth stripped as fast as she could before moving to stand stark-naked in the middle of his bedroom doorway and calling for him. She had her back turned, glancing over her shoulder in what she hoped was a sultry come-hither way.

From the expression on his face when he rounded the corner? All thoughts of houses had vanished.

“We should take advantage of the fact the kids are busy. We can take them house hunting with us later.”

Daniel’s feet were already moving, his T-shirt on the floor and his belt unbuckled. “Damn right. You’re more than a pretty face, ain’t you, darling?”

“Damn right,” she echoed back. Then she was headed toward his bed, crowded by his hard body and his heated grasp. He turned her, arms cradling her, his jeans falling to the floor as he kicked his feet free and joined her on the mattress, naked flesh to naked flesh.

She’d gotten over her aversion to sex on her back because with Daniel, none of it was boring. Actually, none of it was less than spectacular. All those firm muscles over her, leaning in close, pinning her to sheets as he took her mouth in a kiss that promised an exceptionally wild session.

Bring it on.

Her head was spinning by the time Daniel let her breathe, only to have gasp after gasp escape as he worked his way down her body, sucking her nipples, biting the sides of her breasts. His hands teased and tormented, slipping over her belly, parting her curls and stirring the passion in her core before he’d even slipped a finger in.

He stroked with deceiving indolence, leaning on one elbow to stare into her face as his fingers pierced her, the heel of his hand rubbing so perfectly the orgasm building didn’t have time to hover, or hesitate, or any of those things. Her body jolted, arching involuntarily as he maintained the pace and added a nip to her breast.

“God, so good.”

“Just the beginning,” he whispered back.

The beginning of forever. Beth allowed the first flush of tension to fade because she knew more was coming. One roll brought her on top, happy that the muscles in her hip accepted the stretch as she straddled him.

“Yeah, I like a little cowgirl in the bedroom as well as outside.”

Daniel cupped her breasts as she slowly rocked, finding a comfortable position, or as comfortable as she could get with him encouraging her along with more sexy words, more tugs on her body that made breathing difficult. His shaft lay in the valley between her legs, each pass rubbing his heat over her clit and sending her higher.

“That’s it, darling. Put your hands on me and touch me.”

Beth obeyed, reaching down to surround his cock and caress it. Rub the sticky seed escaping from the head and press her fingers like a sheath to enfold him tightly. Daniel groaned with pleasure, his head falling back, hands dropping to her hips. She was tempted to slide back even more and cover him with her mouth. Suck him deep and let him enjoy her that way.

She wanted it all, wanted to give him everything. When he adjusted her, one hand grabbing his cock and directing the head into her, it was too soon and yet…

“Oh God, yes.”

One slow slide together. Her moving down, him lifting up. An incredible sense of fullness struck as they briefly rested together.

Her body, her heart. Her soul—all of her loved and cherished like she’d never experienced before.

Daniel smiled, cupping her cheek and drawing her closer to join their lips as he took control of the tempo. Thrusting lazily, an intriguingly lovely twist to his hips that ensured she felt the motion to the tips of her toes. His tongue stroked her teeth, brushed her lips, his kisses flitted across her cheek until he’d buried his face against her neck and bit lightly. He slipped his hands lower, caressing her hips, grip possessive over her ass.

The rhythm never faltered. Made her hotter, made her crazy. Again and again he drove them together. She buried her hands in his hair and squeezed everything she had inside.

Daniel gasped against her skin. She smiled and did it again, and this time the extra pressure set them both off, his hips jerking under her as he strove to get deeper. Clutching her ass as if he were melding them into one. Her body luxuriated in the bliss soaking her limbs. There was nowhere to go but straight down into a puddle of muscleless satisfaction as she lay draped over him.