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“I can't really blame Charles for that,” Blake said fairly. “What about you? Are you getting cold feet yet?” He was teasing her, and she shoved him, like two kids in the sandbox.

“Oh, shut up. I'm just pissed off. I don't have cold feet.”

“You should!” Daphne threw over her shoulder as she walked by.

“You stop that!” Maxine called after her, and then shook her head. “Bratty kid. Have you told them about your plans for the orphanage yet?” she asked Blake.

“I was planning to tonight. I hope they think it's cool and they don't get upset. They seem to have a lot of their own opinions these days. Jack just told me that my pants are too short, my hair is too long, and I'm out of shape. He could be right, but it's a little tough to hear.” He was smiling as Sam wandered in and looked him over.

“You look good to me, Dad,” he said with approval.

“Thanks, Sam.” Blake hugged him, and Sam beamed.

“Do you want to come out for pizza with us tonight?” he asked Maxine.

“Sure. I'd love it.” She had nothing else to do. She loved the way everyone came and went in the Southampton house and wandered around, and she liked Blake hanging out too. It was a shame that Charles couldn't relax and enjoy it. But he had said when he left that it was too much confusion for him. He called it the three-ring circus, and it didn't sound like a compliment when he did. There were times when she wanted to strangle him, like now, before the wedding. All the pre-wedding excitement and details were bringing out the worst in both of them. She wasn't as patient as usual, and she thought he was being a poor sport, stomping off to Vermont in a huff the moment Blake appeared. And Blake had been nothing but nice to him. It was obvious to Maxine that Charles had an inferiority complex about him. She hoped he'd get over it soon.

Blake picked her and the kids up for dinner that night, and as he had planned, he told them about his Moroccan orphanage as they ate. They looked a little stunned for a minute, and then realized what a wonderful thing he was organizing. They all told him how proud they were of him. And Maxine was proud of them for appreciating what their father was doing.

“Can we go to visit, Dad?” Sam asked with interest.

“Sure. Sometime we can all go to Marrakech together. The construction isn't finished yet, but when it is, I'll take all three of you over with me.” He thought that they should see it. It was a far cry from their safe, happy little world, and he felt it would do them good.

Blake told them then how terrific their mom had been when she came to Morocco to help him. He explained about what they did, and what they'd seen, and the children listened with interest. And then, out of the blue, Daphne asked him what had happened to Arabella.

“I fired her,” he said simply. They didn't need to know the rest.

“Just like that?” Jack asked, and Blake nodded and snapped his fingers.

“Just like that. I said, Out with you, Evil Spot! And off she went. Like magic. She disappeared.” He looked mysterious about it, and they all laughed, including Blake. Maxine could tell he was feeling better about it. He had recovered quickly. He always did. His feelings for the women in his life never ran too deep, although Maxine knew they had run deeper for Arabella than for most. But it had been a pretty nasty ending, given the scene he had described in his bed. She knew he wouldn't tell the children about it, nor should he. She approved of how he had handled it with them.

“I'm glad,” Daphne said with conviction.

“I'll bet you are,” her father said. “You were a little monster to her in Aspen.”

“No, I wasn't,” Daphne defended herself hotly.

“Yes, you were,” Sam, Jack, and Blake said in unison, and everyone at the table laughed, including Daphne.

“Maybe I was, but I didn't like her.”

“I don't know why,” Blake commented. “She was nice to you.”

“It was fake. Just like when Charles is nice to us. He doesn't mean it.” Maxine looked shocked at her comment.

“How can you say a thing like that, Daffy? He's not fake, he's reserved,” she protested.

“He's fake. He hates us. He wants to be alone with you.”

“Well, that's reasonable,” Blake stepped in. “He's in love with your mother. He doesn't always want you kids around.”

“He never wants us around,” Daphne said glumly. “You can tell.”

Maxine couldn't help thinking about his comments in praise of boarding school. It was amazing the instincts kids had, and she didn't comment further. “Arabella didn't want us around either. I don't know why you and Mom don't just get married again. You're both nicer than anyone you go out with. You go out with such yick people, both of you.”

“Thank you, Daphne,” Blake answered for both of them with a grin. “I happen to go out with some very nice people.”

“No, you don't. They're all bimbos,” Daphne announced, and they all laughed again. “And Mom goes out with these boring, uptight, stuffy guys.”

“That's a reaction to me,” Blake volunteered with glee. “She didn't think I was grown-up enough, so she goes out with very grown-up men, who are nothing like me. Right, Max?” She looked embarrassed by what he said, and didn't comment. “Besides, your mom and I like it like this. We're good friends now. We don't fight. We can hang out with all of you. And I have my bimbos and she has her stuffed shirts. What could be better?”

“You two married again,” Daphne answered.

“That's not going to happen,” her mother said quietly. “I'm marrying Charles next week.”

“And I'm giving the rehearsal dinner,” Blake added, to change the subject. The conversation was getting a little heavy for them, although Maxine knew it was normal for children to want their parents to get back together, and marrying someone else would end that hope forever. “The rehearsal dinner should be a lot of fun,” Blake went on, to cover the awkward silence after Daphne's comments and Maxine's response. “I have a surprise planned for that evening.”

“You're going to jump out of a cake naked?” Sam asked with delight, and everyone lightened up immediately as they squealed with laughter.

“Charles would really love that!” Maxine said, holding her stomach as she laughed.

“It really is a thought. I hadn't considered it,” Blake said with a grin, and then suggested they go over to his rented house and swim after dinner. It sounded like a great idea to all of them. They picked up their bathing suits at Maxine's, and then they went to swim at his. They had a great time, and the kids decided to spend the night with him. He invited Maxine to stay too.

“I would,” Maxine said honestly, “but if Charles found out, he'd kill me. I'd better go home.” So she drove the short distance to her house, and left the children with Blake. It had been a lovely evening, and his announcement about his orphans had gone very well. Maxine was looking forward to meeting them, and checking them for the effects of the trauma they'd endured.

Blake came and went back and forth to her house for the rest of the week. And Maxine realized it was easier not having Charles there. He hardly called her all week from Vermont, and she didn't call him. She figured it was best to let him cool down, and he'd show up again sooner or later. The wedding was only days away.

The day of the rehearsal dinner, Charles returned. He just walked in, as though he'd gone to the store for a loaf of bread. He kissed Maxine, walked into their room, and put down his things. And when he saw Blake at the house that afternoon, he was actually civil, much to Maxine's surprise and relief. Charles was much more relaxed than when he left. As Daphne put it very elegantly to her father in a whispered aside, Charles looked like he'd gotten the broomstick out of his butt. Blake looked at her in astonishment and suggested she might not want to say that to her mother. Blake laughed to himself about it as he drove to the club to check on the details for the rehearsal dinner that night. What Daphne said was true. Charles did look a lot better. All Blake could hope was that Maxine would be happy with Charles. He wished her well.