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Matt stared at her a moment. He had been out of action since being wounded and was now being considered by the president to serve as a special assistant to the CIA director. He figured Houghton would never say no to the president or vice president after his recent confirmation as Lantini’s replacement at CIA. Matt was on a leave of absence from his position with his unit and figured Houghton thought this might be the best way to ease him back into the fight. But Matt was part mercenary and part intelligence analyst and had never participated in a special task force — other than raiding some dirtbag’s hideout to kill him.

“And he wants me to ask you about your work on the Predator project,” she mentioned, almost as an afterthought.

Matt calmly looked to his left and then his right, and then turned his head toward her and leveled his eyes on hers.

“Predators? What are those?” Matt asked.

She stepped toward him.

“Everyone knows about the former administration’s technology transfers to China, Mr. Garrett. What I’m telling you is that we may have some new information, and we don’t have much time to sort it out. We’re five miles from civilization, and if it will make you feel better, we can whisper, but we really need to know what you saw in China.”

Matt had spent two months touring China as a photojournalist, trying to find eighteen AWOL unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that were not so much missed for their aerodynamics as they were for their payload capabilities. The leads had taken him to the Philippines, where he got caught up in the insurgency that had wounded him and killed his brother.

“Sounds like you should speak to somebody who knows what you’re talking about. Maybe the Rolling Stones? You a groupie?” Those bastards. “This is a dead end.” Literally, it was for Zachary, he thought with a wince.

She stared at him with piercing eyes. She was a cross between Julianne Moore and a Fox News anchorwoman whose name he had forgotten. She crossed her arms and looked away, thinking. Matt saw her eyes fixate on the batting cage then return to his abdominal scar. Then she looked at him with a satisfied countenance, appearing to have figured something out.

“Well, the vice president thinks you know something you’re not telling us,” she said.

“You’re right.” Matt considered her comment. “The Predators are a hockey team in Nashville, right?” He placed the towel on the deck, stood and walked over to the railing of the deck and leaned back, towering over her by at least eight inches.

She pursed her lips and said, “Funny.” She showed him her National Security Agency badge again, which he agreed looked authentic enough. Then she pulled out her Top Secret White House Basement Operations Center pass.


“Need my shoe size?” she asked.

Matt smirked. “Screw the vice president.” Then, “Sorry, if that’s in your job description, you know.”

Peyton stared at him and smiled. “They told me you could be an ass. I just didn’t expect it to surface so quickly.”

Matt considered her a moment. He figured her mental calculations had been to determine which course to choose: sympathetic to his loss and injuries or hard-nosed negotiator completing an assigned task? Her selection of the firm approach caused him to gain a measure of respect for her. He didn’t want her sympathy.

“Who cares? I put everything in the report, and nobody believed it. We couldn’t get jack past the political appointees. If you’re truly working with Hellerman, then you know the Stones conspiracy set us back light years.”

“I know that was a difficult time for you—”

“Difficult?” Matt asked, incredulous. “You have no idea what you’re talking about, lady.”

Matt picked up his baseball bat and tossed it from hand to hand, working off his anger and frustration. Who was this person interrupting his sanctuary, his ritual?

Peyton eyed the bat. He figured that she had read his dossier and knew about his mandatory shrink visits. The psychiatrist said he had a hair-trigger temper. Good, make her think, Matt thought.

“This is important, Matt. You know my credentials,” Peyton said, keeping an eye on the bat.

“So we discuss top secret, compartmented information on my back deck? Here’s a clue. Check out a warehouse in Mindanao in the Philippines. I went there, got shot, and then came home. You know the rest.”

“Well, actually, I knew what you just said, but something doesn’t add up.”

“What’s that?” He was mildly interested but tiring quickly. He had baseballs to hit. With another month of convalescent leave on his docket before his return to Langley, he needed to sort out a few more things. Unscrew his head. On that note, he flipped the bat against the deck railing, walked into the house and grabbed two Budweisers from the refrigerator. He handed one to Peyton by the top. She knew the trick and turned the bottle while he held his vice grip on the cap. With a slight sound of gas escaping they opened the bottle, and she took a sip. He popped his open with the same hand and drank half the beer in one tilt.

“Let’s just say we’re concerned about the location of those Predators, based upon some intercepts we’ve received.” She looked away as she spoke, holding her amber bottle chest high.

“Oh, I get it. I share top secret information with you, and you share bullshit with me. Seems fair,” he fumed, his temper edging to the surface. He took another long pull on the Bud.

“Listen, we’ve got traffic that says the Chinese might try to use those Predators against Taiwan, but it’s not clear yet.”

“Okay. But I’ve told you everything I know. I tracked them to China and Mindanao by studying shipping logs, going to the ports, bribing dirt poor dockworkers, and even shooting a couple of people. I suggest you do the same,” he said.

“Did you ever see any of the Predators?” she asked, ignoring his rebuff.

“It’s all in the report, Peyton.”

“If it was all in the report, Matt, I wouldn’t be here.”

They held their beer bottles in front of themselves as if they were ready to fence, Matt’s tilting toward her, hers toward him.

They exchanged long, hard stares. The obnoxious ringing of Peyton’s cell phone interrupted the painful silence. She answered it, “Peyton,” and listened a moment before handing it to Matt.

“Matt, this is the vice president. I need you to meet me at Dulles Airport in an hour. VIP gate. Bring a suitcase. Tell Peyton to come along too. I’ll be waiting.” Then the line went dead.

“What’s this all about?” he asked, handing the phone back to her.

“Beats me, but we should probably get moving.”

The cool spring breeze snapped past them both. Truthfully, today he could not care less what the man wanted.

“Whatever. I’ll see you there,” he said as Peyton bounced down the steps. He casually followed her, a guard ushering an unwanted visitor to the exit. He stopped at the corner of his brick rambler and watched as she mounted a Ducati Street Fighter.

“Don’t be late, Matt Garrett.”

She shook her hair, donned the helmet, and turned the ignition. The bike roared to life. She punched the gear box and rolled away.

“Bizarre,” Matt muttered and then strolled inside his house.


Dulles Airport, Northern Virginia

Matt yanked his “go-bag” from beneath his bed, which he always kept ready and within arm’s reach as he slept. He checked the Baby Glock and ensured he had four magazines of 9mm ammunition, two with full-metal-jacket rounds and two with hollow point. He opened his Duane Dieter Spec Ops knife with a quick flip of his wrist, then pressed the detent button to collapse the blade. Handling his weapons made him wonder just where the hell Lantini might be…