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"I am very glad that uncle George invited me to go with him," said he.

"So am I," said his father.

"Because," added Rollo, "I expect to have a very pleasant time."

"True," replied his father; "but that is not the reason precisely why I am glad that he invited you."

"What is your reason, then?" asked Rollo.

"I am glad," replied Mr. Holiday, "because his asking you to go with him into Switzerland is a sign that you have been a good boy while under his care here in France. Boys that are selfish, troublesome, and disobedient, in one ride or journey, find usually that their company is not desired a second time. It is now two or three weeks since your uncle George invited you to come with him from London to Paris, and during all this time you have been mainly under his care; and now he invites you to go with him on a still more extended tour. I think you must have conducted yourself in a very considerate or gentlemanly manner, and proved yourself a pleasant travelling companion, or you would not have received this new invitation."

Rollo was very much gratified at hearing his father speak in this manner. So he shook hands with him, and bade him good by.