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Jake went wild, swinging the whip at random into the struggling, shrieking pile of naked bodies. The three women writhed in the throes of desperate agony as the merciless lash drew thin red stripes on their bodies. The whip ceaselessly sought the swelling of an asscheek, a fine ripe jug, the tender pink gash of a pussy-stinging like a scorpion wherever it landed.

Frantic with pain, one or the other of his victims would try to crawl off, only to find the whip-blows raining savagely on her ass until she collapsed to the ground and was whipped back into the press of warm girl-flesh. All grief for Jack was forgotten; the three even forgot their loving concern for one another, squirming to get someone else's tender naked flesh between them and the cutting, cruel whip. Nipples stood out, humming with, agony, from puffy whip-reddened jugs. Asses were crisscrossed into a pink plaid of pain by the lash. As Jeanette lay kicking and howling atop her nude daughters, the whip scored a hit on her cunt and then almost immediately fucked her asshole. It was like being touched with a hot iron.

The older woman burrowed herself under Coe, bringing the older girl to the top. A singing whip stroke cut deep into the softness of her right tit.

"Yeeeuuuuhhh!" she screamed.

The whip whistled by and landed right along the humid crevice between the cheeks of Betsy's well beaten ass.

Not all blows hit their targets. Coe's belly was streaked with a network of welts from whip-cuts that had missed her tits or cunt. A long angry welt slanted down Betsy's cheek. Jeanette's exquisite legs looked as if someone had been drawing hash marks on them with lipstick.

At last Jake tired. He let his arm droop, and he stood, panting. Sweat stood out on his face and body. His cock stood up like a flagpole once more.

There was nothing in the world that turned him on so much as torturing lovely naked women. Now he had three of them groveling and whining in agony before him on the ground.

"All right," he puffed, "you cunts want the whipping to stop?" For emphasis he slashed Jeanette across the asscheeks, tearing a squeal from her. "Do you?"

"Yes! Yes! Oh, don't do it any more!" All three clamored at once. They had no pride, no shame. All that mattered was that the hideous onslaught against the tenderest parts of their luscious bodies should stop.

"All right," he shouted, "then eat each other! A three-way pussy-lap… and make it good, or I'll really make you wish you'd never been born!"

A three-way pussy-lap – he was suggesting that they eat each other's cunts. That wasn't just incest – that was lesbianism! Coe spoke for all when she screamed, "No! I won't!"

She should have known better. The whip-crack felt as if it had laid her left tit open. She howled and fell back, trying to roll onto her belly and shield her abused boobs. The whips slashed viciously at her ass. Betsy screamed in her ear as the whip landed on her tits, too.

"All right!" Coe wailed.

The whip came down, drew a shriek from Jeanette, and then Coe felt her asshole explode into incandescent agony. She inhaled sobbingly, too tortured even to scream. There was only one way to stop this awful anguish.

She wiggled forward, on her belly like a snake. Betsy lay on her side, gasping with pain. Her scrumptious adolescent tits wre cherry-red from the whip. Coe flopped onto her side and laid her cheek on Betsy's thigh. Betsy lifted her other leg. Coe slid her face forward, to her surprise enjoying the satiny smoothness of her baby sister's thigh. The smell of Betsy's cunt was rank, sharpened by the acrid tang of Jack's come. At the thought of Jack, fresh tears welled up in Colleen's eyes, but she shut them tightly and pressed her lips into the waiting slippery wetness of her sister's cunt.

"Ooooooh!" Betsy gasped as Coe kissed her pussy.

The touch of her sister's mouth on her cunt wasn't just as good as that of Jake's or he brother's – it was better! Perhaps the fact that Coe was a woman, too, and one who knew what it felt like to have her cunt well-devoured, meant that she knew better how to pleasure another's pussy with her lips and tongue. Or maybe it was the very forbiddenness of incestuous lesbianism that turned the blonde girl on. Whatever the reason, as Coe began to lick her swamped cunt, she felt the pain that enveloped her body being rapidly replaced by desire.

Jeanette lay on her belly. Her ass was as red as her younger daughter's tits. Coe's tongue flicked the tip of Betsy's swollen clit. The blonde inhaled sharply as hot delight sizzled up her pussy tunnel. A vast warm love for her mother overpowered her. She hitched her body forward along the ground till her cheek was pressed against the pink-glowing cheek of Jeanette's ass. Then she began to lave her mother's whipped butt with her tongue.

Jeanette sighed. Her daughter's tongue felt so good in her abused ass – so moist and soft and soothing. But there was more than that. As Betsy's tongue roved over the once-white flesh of Jeanette's ass, leaving a shiny saliva-trail as it went, she too felt forbidden passion begin to grow in her pussy.

The smell of her mother's sun-warmed flesh blended with the smell of cunt in Betsy's nostrils. She put her face hesitantly to the crack between the cheeks of her mother's ass.

Do I dare to do it? she asked herself, imagining the oily, rubbery feel of her mother's pussy-lips in her mouth. The smell of cunt was already all but overpowering. Did she want to stick her face into the midst of that reeking cunt?

She would rather have done anything than feel the bite of Jake's whip again, she knew. And Coe's tongue was licking steadily and with increasing passion at her own freely flowing pussy-slit. She pressed her face between the ripe folds of Jeanette's ass. Her tongue flicked out, touched the rumpled skin between asshole and pussy. It explored, feeling the rough curly hair of her mother's pussy. The cunthair was soaked in pussy-oil.

The first taste of cunt made the girl's tongue recoil.

Coe fastened her lips on Betsy's clit and sucked. "Uhhhhh!" Betsy moaned, and she stuck her tongue into her mother's waiting cunt.

Jeanette sighed as her daughter's tongue entered her pussy. She felt her cunt juice beginning to flow to meet the lovely girl's tongue. She felt a stab of remorse. She'd meant to hold back, not give her captors – the murderers of her son – the satisfaction of seeing her become aroused. But she couldn't help it. Inexpert and hesitant as the blonde adolescent was, her tongue was sheer delight in her mother's pussy.

Jeanette pressed her own face forward. Coe's legs parted easily to allow her mother's head to slip between. When Jeanette brushed the girl's pussyslit reluctantly with her lips, a stream of hot cunt oil gushed out to spill into her mouth.

Coe was getting turned on devouring her baby sister's cunt. At the same time, that same baby sister was burrowing her face further between the cheeks of her mother's ass and fucking her tongue into the depths of the very cunt that had given her birth.

Jeanette felt horniness growing in her like a tide. She extended her tongue stiffly, to touch the tiny pink button of Coe's clit, protruding slightly from the pink V of flesh at the upper edge of her cunt slash. Coe's magnificent body tensed when her mother's tongue came in contact with her clit. It was like having pure pleasure flow through her pussy.

She shivered with delight. After a few stomach turning moments of nausea at the strength and concentration of the smell and taste of her sister's cunt, Coe had begun to realize that Betsy's pussy didn't taste so bad, after all. And the pliant pussylips beneath her stroking tongue didn't feel as slimy and loathsome as she'd expected. In fact, her baby sister had a lovely cunt. In fact, she wanted nothing more than to eat that cunt till Betsy screamed.

Perhaps it was just the threat of pain which Jake held over them that made them fall so rapidly into a single-minded orgy of cunt-eating. Or maybe each of the three naked lovely women had deep down inside a repressed hunger for carnal games with another of her same sex. Or maybe it was the intense and overpowering love the three felt for one another, deepened by the raw tragedy of Jack's death, that made them dig into each other's sopping cunts as if eating pussy was their sole joy in life.