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Bob grunted. He had wandered over and lowered his skinny ass to the ground beside Betsy. The slim blond lay frozen with horror and slowly unbuttoned her shirt. His blunt prick stuck straight out from his groin, level with the forest floor.

Overhead a jay squawked raucously. Jake glanced up, then back at Jack Mason. "You oughtn't jump on people from behind, Son. It's bad manners. As a responsible adult, I think it's my bound duty to teach you better."

Jack snarled at him. "Go ahead, you son of a bitch! Do anything you want to me. See what good it does you."

Jake shook his head. "I'll do whatever I want, all right," the said. "But not to you. You're a strong buck, and if I wasn't older and smarter than you, you might just've had me. No… you, I'll leave alone. But you can watch what Bob and I do to these hot little sisters of yours as a lesson in not getting in the way of your betters."

Roaring with rage, Jack threw himself forward. The belt held – he all but dislocated his shoulders in his furious attempt to get free. The boughs of the tree rattled impressively, but it was all too clear he had no chance of preventing these evil men from having their way with his captive sisters.

Bob had unbuttoned Betsy's flannel shirt and smoothed it open. Her tits rose like scoops of vanilla ice cream, snow-white. Her pure white bra seemed barely enough to contain them.

The girl lay perfectly still. Her ass-channel still pulsed with pain. To have her hopes raised by Jack's sudden appearance and then just as suddenly dashed had numbed her to the point where she could do nothing.

There was nothing to do, anyway. Her hands were tied. All she could do was lie there and hope her tormentors weren't too harsh with her.

"You really have a beautiful little body," Bob said. He ran his forefingers up under the twin cups of her bra.

Betsy sucked in her breath as his fingers rubbed the bare skin of her jugs. Slowly he pulled upwards. She gasped as she felt the bra straps straining, cutting into her back. They snapped.

Her tits were bared to the redheaded man's lustful gaze. "Oh, yeah," he said, grin broadening. "Nice tits."

They were nice tits. Each was round and perfect, white-tinged with a hint of healthy pink, shiny-skinned and taut. Her nipples were pale confections, slim nubbins inflated and quivering with fearful anticipation.

Betsy closed her eyes as he ran his hands over her tits. His palms rubbed her taut nipples.

"Ahh," she said. Despite herself, she enjoyed the touch. Unlike the searing, ramrodding rape of her ass by Jake's long cock, Bob's hands felt exquisitely good on her tits. It was something she'd never experienced before.

Coe Mason sat with her back to the tree. Her wrists were fled together behind the trunk. Her head was slumped to one side. Her jugs bobbled to the tempo of her sobbing. She was miserable. Her world had abruptly come crashing down in ruin, starting when the two unkempt strangers had burst from the brush and dragged her off her horse as she rode, peaceful and unsuspecting, along a familiar forest trail. She had gotten her poor innocent sister embroiled in the nightmare, and now her brother, strong and brave, was trapped as inextricably as they.

There was no more hope. All that remained was despair.

But there was something more, as well. Her only warning was an angry bee-buzz. Then Jake's heavy belt caught her full across the tits, and she realized what else remained to her and her hostage family – pain.

It was a pain like none she'd ever experienced. Her mouth flew open, but for a handful of thudding heartbeats no sound came out. The sudden flare of hideous agony in her delicate, nerve-filled tits had robbed her of her voice.

Her boobs seemed to inflate with agony. Finally, the scream came, building low in her throat and rising to shake the birds from the treetops: "Uhhhhaaa!"

Betsy snapped out of her fog. She tried to wriggle her tits out of Bob's increasingly frenzied grip. "What's happening? What're you doing to my sister?"

Her brother, sitting and facing his twin, knew exactly what had been done to her. His heart broke as he looked at the flawless fruit of her jugs going puffy and discolored from the crushing impact of the belt.

"You bastards!" he screamed. "You filthy, shit eating bastards! I'll pay you back if it's the last thing I do!"

Jake looked at the boy. He sighed wearily. "Son, you just don't learn. There's none so blind as them that will not see." He hefted the belt. The tip dangled in front of Coe's eyes and she stared at it as if hypnotized. "Didn't I tell you to watch your manners? And didn't I tell you what would happen if you didn't?"

The belt lashed out. It landed flat on Colleen's left jug, digging deep into resilient titflesh. Her head snapped back and thudded against the tree trunk.

Betsy was thrashing almost as frantically as when Jake's prick had been rampaging in her butthole. Concern for her sister made her forget her own predicament. "Leave her alone! Don't hurt Coe!"

Bob shook her head. "I'm not doing a thing to your sister," he said. "It's that brother of yours. If he'd just settle clown, Jake wouldn't have to keep whipping off her."

The blonde heard the meaty thunk of the belt slapping a tender tit. Coe's answering shriek was piercing. Betsy moaned, feeling her sister's agony as her own.

A shadow fell across her face. Something rubbery and moist prodded her lips. An almost unbelievably rank aroma assailed her nostrils. She opened her eyes.

Bob had swung himself so that he was sitting astride her naked body, his ass hovering above her tits. He was trying to stick his half-erect prick into her mouth.

She clamped her lips and turned her face aside.

Bob grabbed her chin. "C'mon, baby, suck on my old dick awhile," he begged. "Your nasty sister got it all gooey. Why don't you lick it clean?"

Horrified, the girl shot a sidelong glance at his prick. It was shiny and redolent with the oils of her sister's cunt, smeared with drops of congealing come. The skinny man rubbed the rounded head against her cheek. She could feel his pulse through his slimy cock.

Jake stood watching as Bob tried to get the girl to open her mouth for his prick. "You want me to touch her up some, Bob?"

"Oh no, don't do that." From the tone of his voice it sounded as if he didn't approve his friend's penchant for cruelty. But he kept trying to thrust his cock between Betsy's reluctant lips, just the same.

Coe opened her eyes and saw what was happening. Despite the agony that burned in her tits she felt a surge of indignation. "Stop that! Leave my sister alone!"

The bearded man looked back at her. Her tits were crisscrossed with wide red welts. He snapped his wrist. His belt snaked forward and its very tip flicked the nipple of Coe's left boob like a whip cracking.

The leather cut her nipple like a knife. Coe screamed: "Oh, God!"

Betsy's mouth flew open in horror. Bob shoved forward with his hips. The head of his cock invaded the blonde girl's mouth.

"Mmmmph!" she exclaimed, her voice muffled by the huge cock plugged into her face. Then the favor of cock, come, and pussy oil hit her at once.

She squirmed, trying to twist her raw-rubbed wrists free of the rope that held them. Her tongue pushed fruitlessly against the gooey tip of Bob's prick, trying to force it from her mouth.

"Oh, yeah!" Bob cried happily. "That's it, sweetheart! Tongue my cock good!" He grabbed a handful of blonde hair and began to drive his prick into her mouth with deliberate slowness, savoring the way her wet, if unwilling, mouth took in his rock-hard cock.

The underside of his cock rasped over Betsy's tongue. The taste of his prick was unbearable. The idea of having a man's cock in her mouth, especially that of someone who'd helped tie her to a tree and was forcibly raping her mouth, was horrible enough. But to have to accept a cock smeared with jism and the juice of her own sister's pussy – it was unthinkable!